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Why? I think I've missed something. :heh:


Because exactly what always happens with a topic like this happened. It's progressing exactly by the books. Steady flow of people come in and as expected, are anti-smoking. One person throws up a slightly favourable attitude towards smoking and the pack starts circling.


Also, I should probably throw up my views on the smoking debate.






...OR DON'T!


I don't smoke, I don't see why people do it but I don't have a problem with it.

Edited by Guy
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Because exactly what always happens with a topic like this happened. It's progressing exactly by the books.






As in:


I like smoking.

I hate smoking.

Agree to disagree.


Like that?


Edit: Just seen your edit. I understand what you mean now.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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As in:


I like smoking.

I hate smoking.

Agree to disagree.


Like that?


Sorry, I modded my post, since I realised I was just looking for an excuse to post the image and didn't include my views.


I used to be seriously anti-smoking, but now it doesn't bother me so much. I guess I grew out of letting it bother me and just accepted people will smoke and that's that. It's just another part of being in the outside world you have to learn to deal with.

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They should let people have a smoker's corner inside pubs - having people smoking at the entrance is miles worse. I have having to suffer a coughing fir every time I walk in/out of a pub.


That's just silly. I never got the whole smokers/non-smokers area.


It's not like smoke suddenly gets to the non-smokers areas and goes:




I like the way stuff is, I don't have to go to a pub to come back smelling of smoke but I do like the smokers areas outside, like corp has a brilliant covered large area outside where you can smoke but I can also go inside and not have to bother with it.


It's good, I just don't see why people have to complain about it being outside when we already booted smokers from inside from people complaining in the first place.

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Sorry, I modded my post, since I realised I was just looking for an excuse to post the image and didn't include my views.


I used to be seriously anti-smoking, but now it doesn't bother me so much. I guess I grew out of letting it bother me and just accepted people will smoke and that's that. It's just another part of being in the outside world you have to learn to deal with.


Haha, it's ok. I saw the edit and then editted my own post.


That's just silly. I never got the whole smokers/non-smokers area.


It's not like smoke suddenly gets to the non-smokers areas and goes:




I like the way stuff is, I don't have to go to a pub to come back smelling of smoke but I do like the smokers areas outside, like corp has a brilliant covered large area outside where you can smoke but I can also go inside and not have to bother with it.


It's good, I just don't see why people have to complain about it being outside when we already booted smokers from inside from people complaining in the first place.


The bolded bit is something I've always thought about. :heh:


Anyway...smoking garden, people. Jayseven will agree with me here. (The King and Queen in Brighton). Works like a charm.


Also, when I used to work in a call-centre whilst at Uni, there were designated smoking areas outside of the work place. Was very easy to get to, people knew exactly where they needed to go during breaks. Was all very sociable, nobody ever complained. There were never any complaints about second hand smoke or getting smoke in your eyes/face, etc.


So, I'm all for that.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Exactly, it doesn't just turn around march back just because someone put up a non-smoker sign, either you have the smoking inside or out.


Personally I say out, but not leaving anyone stood in the bloody rain, it's not fair just because of a habit, but then I would say it's not fair to force those sat inside to have to smell smoke as it's not exactly the best thing in the world.

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I have a terribly bad habit of editing every single post I make on here. I always think of something else to add.


Like this.


God damn it, I did it again!


Ninja edits, I think they're called. Stealth. Solid Snakee.


Exactly, it doesn't just turn around march back just because someone put up a non-smoker sign, either you have the smoking inside or out.


Personally I say out, but not leaving anyone stood in the bloody rain, it's not fair just because of a habit, but then I would say it's not fair to force those sat inside to have to smell smoke as it's not exactly the best thing in the world.


There's ways around that. For example, the King and Queen has an outdoor section of the garden, but then it also has a seated area with a roof over the top of it. Still outside, so you can smoke. And you don't get wet.


There's also another place that I've seen (a club) where they had an area that led out from the main club into this tent-like area. There were seats, so you could sit and smoke. Plus, the added bonus of having a roof meant that you didn't get cold or wet.


It really depends on what pubs and clubs have done since the ban. Some have done nothing and have just told people to go outside. Others have done something to accommodate the smokers. Because they do make up a large proportion of the crowd who go out to the pub, go clubbing, etc.


The downside of this is that it does cost the owners money. But, that's life.

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We need a new bish challenge. Been too long.




On topic: I hate smoking with a passion. Had to live with smoking parents for years and years, until they finally came to their senses and stopped. My mom even smoked through pregnancy, bleh.


I won't go and insult smokers or anything, and they can smoke if they want, as long as they don't bother me with it (as in, blowing it in my face etc.).

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Smoking. tried it once. Didn't like it. Even tried cigars to see if they were as refined. Didn't like them either [to be fair I couldn't taste them, but they didn't relieve stress or any of that bullshit] so haven't tried them again.

But the question I find myself asking smokers all the time is: Why on earth did you start in the first place? It smells disgusting so no doubt it'd taste disgusting! Why would you be curious about trying something that smells so horrible? I don't get it at all!

This is what bugs me. People who smoke always say "Yeah it tasted disgusting when I first tried it." Why fucking go back?

I agree with this...

Skip to 6:13

I also resent this attitude, as if a few people smoking is hindering our progress as a civilisation. It's a 'lifestyle' choice. It's not backwards, nor forwards, it just is.

It sounded more like he was amazed by the sheer volumes. Like I am with pretty much every religion in the world.


What amazes me is my girlfriend's reaction when we kiss after she's had a cigarette, she knows I don't like the taste and puts on a full sad face. As if it's a new revelation. Sometimes I kiss her directly after eating chocolate to get revenge. Suddenly the tables are turned.

Haha, I know. We had to study the original image very, very carefully to make sure we got the poses right, the way our eyes were looking, etc.


It was very fun. :D

I agree. The look of you masturbating and Ine's suprise over your tiny wang must've taken ages :p

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I don't judge what sort of persons someone is because they smoke, but that's not to say I don't judge them for other things. In general, I don't care weather people smoke or not, but I do have a problem with it when I have no choice weather I breathe it in or not. People standing in front of shop doors smoking, or lighting up in the middle of a crowd is rude and inconsiderate. Also the fact that taxpayers end up having to pay for the treatment of those who end up with lung cancer (depending on what country you live in anyway). When people throw away their cigarettes just anywhere, especially if there's an ashtray nearby is ridiculous, I don't know how much of an issue this is in the UK or the rest of Europe, but its a problem here in Canada. You can't even walk down some streets without getting bits of them stuck to your shoe, and there have been tons of fires started from people not even bothering to put them out before getting rid of them. Although, the littering aspect is partially a different issue.

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I think it's pretty weird using the term smokers...


People get lumped into this category that has all kinds of assumptions just because of this one thing they do.


You always here people say shit like, "smokers don't care about their health", "they waste money on that crap" and all other kinds of bullcrap.


People are so quick to be all judgemental so they can feel better about themselves.


It's all bullshit.


But I think smoking is pretty weak.


When people smoke at uni. they're asked to move away from doors (which they don't).


Hence why this November you can't smoke within the uni at all and will have to stand on the public street like some sort of cretin.


EDIT: I only read the first post so sorry if the conversation has moved on or what have you.


I will read it later afteeeeer thisssss.

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I also resent this attitude, as if a few people smoking is hindering our progress as a civilisation. It's a 'lifestyle' choice. It's not backwards, nor forwards, it just is.


Also, Dazz, apologies for your cough. But you could be more grateful that smoke is not indoors anymore. I should think the cough on the way in is a small trade off.


Shiekah, smoking will not be banned.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm totally grateful that smoking isn't indoors anymore but I just hate it when I'm going into a place to eat or drink and I have the coughing thing and I can taste smoke in my mouth for like 30 minutes to an hour, therefore I wouldn't be able to enjoy my food or drink properly. I'm constantly holding my breath all the time as I enter doors and stuff and I shouldn't have to do it really. I just hate the fact that they're in the doorways, what's wrong with moving a few inches down so people can enter? I'm not saying totally move away from the building but it wouldn't hurt to move a few steps down. I just find it totally ignorant that some people do that.


I don't like it when me and my mate are having a conversation and then he suddenly says "I need a fag, you want to get some fresh air" (yeah, he says that) and I'm like "Why do you need a fag?" and his answer is "I don't know". How can you not know?! Do you feel like dying if you can actually go without a fag for a day? Surely smelling fresh air is better than smoking! Smoking masks everything, from taste to smell.


Also, I'm with Sheikah, the person was rude enough to smoke and it going in your face so you should be rude enough to ask them to put it out. While it's true that I probably wouldn't have done it the way he did it, I can see why he said it in that manner. There have been a few times were people were smoking in a queue and I've asked kindly not to smoke in front of me and I basically got told to piss off. I also can't see how smoking calms your nerves either...


I hate smokers. I hate non-smokers. I both cases I'm talking about the over-zealous kind who seem to represent the sides whenever there's a debate about it. Smokers act like martyrs, non-smokers act like they're holier than everyone else. Where did common courtesy go? What about peaceful coexistence? Live and let live, people.


I don't mind normal smokers who smoke in their own home or away from people but I hate selfish smokers (which is most smokers I've met in my life). I don't act holier than everyone else but I am respectful of others and I think about other people.

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*skips to the end of the thread*


Fuck you, non-smokers.


"oh but it smells so bad!" - So does your fart. Stop farting. Go to the farting area and fart. And cars. Cars! Cars are smelly. Stop them. And I don't like olives. Eat your olves over there! Did you ask me if it was ok to eat olives near me?!


Seriously; I'm one of the conscientous smokers, so I feel bad if I smoke near anyone ever. But FUCK YOU. I'm OUTSIDE. You will not get CANCER. I WAS HERE FIRST. Go stand over there. Don't stand next to me then complain.


If you ban smoking because it smells bad then you need to ban certain people because they're idiots and they're taking up my aural space with their stupid talks about big brother and football.


Just fuck off and be open minded. You're a tool if you are offended. OFFENDED! I didn't actually rape your wife, I just said the words. That offends you but doesn't actually cause your wife any vaginal bleeding. Get some perspective.




Just fuck off. There's far worse to complain about. Fuck off. I'm having a cigarette and it's outdoors and if it gets in your face then fuck off.

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