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I think this thread has been made a good couple of years ago but I have to bring this topic back because they're starting to piss me off royally. If I want to go into a pub or something, they're outside the doorway smoking their heads off and I'm choking from it and they're like "What else can I do? It's the smoking ban!" and I'm like "I know, don't do it at all would be a good idea or if you have to, stand away from the damn door!"


I find it such an inconvenience because they couldn't care who has to walk in or out of the doorway or anything. Like in a chippy the other day, there were smokers outside the door and when I came out with my bag of chips, I inhaled their smoke and that was all I could taste for a while. I also hate it when they have a lovely meal and then they go outside to smoke a horrible fag. Why on earth would you want to do that?! It's insane!


But the question I find myself asking smokers all the time is: Why on earth did you start in the first place? It smells disgusting so no doubt it'd taste disgusting! Why would you be curious about trying something that smells so horrible? I don't get it at all!

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It's more than that, like when you ask/or someone asks to borrow a lighter/paper/roach. It's a great conversation starter. Also, the whole thing becomes a thing that you do.


Most of my memories from work were the cigarette breaks. It was just banter.

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But the question I find myself asking smokers all the time is: Why on earth did you start in the first place? It smells disgusting so no doubt it'd taste disgusting! Why would you be curious about trying something that smells so horrible? I don't get it at all!


Exactly, it's an utterly crazy thing to start doing in this day and age. Never mind the smell, what about the health effects? I can't see how it's worth it in the slightest.

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Non smokers are now worse than smokers. Whiney, authoritarian and petulant, they never seem to stop with their tirade of complaints. People like Dazz irritate me. Is it not enough the smokers are now outside of the building? Do they also have to stand outside a 10ft radius of any building just incase someone should dare smell it on their way in? I don't even smoke, some people should really just get a grip.



Also, Daft is right, it can be very sociable and gives a nice break to dancing or w/e in clubs.

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I don't get it either personally. I don't believe peer pressure is a valid excuse either.


But then I put a similar question to beer drinkers. I don't like the stuff but people say you have to "get used to it". Most of the people who I ask didn't like it in the first place but they "trained" themselves to like it. Maybe it's not too a dissimilar mentality - doesn't mean I get it though.


Just the faintest whiff of smoke used to be enough to turn my stomach but my tolerance has increased slightly due to more exposure in recent years - still makes me feel queasy mind.

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Smoking is such an odd thing. I still find it confusing as to how people manage to get addicted to it. But then, it did nothing for me when I tried it. I have a few friends who are absolutely reliant on them. One of my good Brighton friends was crying outside a pub when the smoking ban came in, because she couldn't go inside and smoke. How do people get to that point?


Apart from that, it doesn't bother me if somebody does smoke. It's their decision and choice. However, it does annoy me when people blow it directly into my face. As in, you're standing at a rock gig, and somebody next to you is somebody and the smoke constantly finds its way into your face. Sometimes the wind has a factor to play in this, but yeah, the smell isn't great. Especially if the smoke gets into your eyes. :heh:


Saying that, I used to stand outside with my mates whenever they used to go out for a cigarette, so we could carry on talking. It was never usually a problem.

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They should let people have a smoker's corner inside pubs - having people smoking at the entrance is miles worse. I have having to suffer a coughing fir every time I walk in/out of a pub.


I agree with this...



I do very much dislike people being disrespectful in terms of smoking. Yes its annoying when they do it in the doorway, or in your face. But its just as bad when people disrespect smokers... its a choice.. maybe a stupid one. But as long as they aren't forcing you to be near them then there's no reason why one should criticize.

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But as long as they aren't forcing you to be near them then there's no reason why one should criticize.


If they are standing at the entrance to a pub or a shop and you want to go in, then you have to go past them to get into that place.


So, they kinda are forcing you to be near them, in that respect. :heh:


Basically, smoking gardens are the way. I like them.

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If they are standing at the entrance to a pub or a shop and you want to go in, then you have to go past them to get into that place.


So, they kinda are forcing you to be near them, in that respect. :heh:


I agree with this...



I do very much dislike people being disrespectful in terms of smoking. Yes its annoying when they do it in the doorway, or in your face. But its just as bad when people disrespect smokers... its a choice.. maybe a stupid one. But as long as they aren't forcing you to be near them then there's no reason why one should criticize.


can you not reaaad jeeem? :heh:

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can you not reaaad jeeem? :heh:


I know you said that. But, you then said:


But as long as they aren't forcing you to be near them then there's no reason why one should criticize.


To which I said that you have to get past them if you are going into a place. So, yes, they should be criticised for that. They are forcing you to be near them because unless the pub or shop has two entrances or whatever, you have to go through them to get in.


And then I mentioned smoking gardens, which would pretty much solve the problem, no? Rather than standing at the entrance of the pub, you just go into the smoking problem. Also, it's sociable as you can meet other people there, fellow smokers, maybe non-smokers who are with their smoking friends. Then, you also wouldn't be in the doorway.


Problem solved.

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I'm with Daft/iPaul. It's a very "handy" or whatever social thing, and It does feel like you're almost left out if you don't (even if you aren't at all). (And it doesn't really affect most people..the recounting of "coughing fits" sounds like a joke, but I'm probs immune due to being in a smoking household or whatever. )


But then it would be so silly for me to smoke, like turning up to see my friends randomly with a cigarette. I would feel ridiculous. And of course it's bad for you lulz. But my parents smoke, so I deal.

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(And it doesn't really affect most people..the recounting of "coughing fits" sounds like a joke, but I'm probs immune due to being in a smoking household or whatever. )


Apart from all the cancer. :p



The only reason I can think of people starting it is to look "cool" in school. I'd be interested to hear from people who took it up, but not to look cool ? (This is a question to the smokers)

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You do, shame work wouldn't let me go on a "music break" to appease my addiction/calm me. Actually McDonalds wasn't too bad because people had to clock out to go have a fag (except management of course) but in other places it annoys me that people get more breaks simply because they smoke.

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Never understood the want or desire to smoke but definitely see the social side to it. While I've never smoked, I have gone and stood outside with friends who were smoking when on a night out as most of the time, it's the only time you can get a word in that can be heard. I think growing up with grandparents who are heavy smokers has sort of made me open to the social side of it more.


I do agree with the dislike of smokers standing/often huddling around the doorways or stores or pubs to have a cigarette. I'm not against them smoking (it's their life and they can do whatever they want so long as it doesn't affect me) but standing right at the door and doing it really is ignorant. It's as if they're saying, "Well we can't smoke inside anymore so we'll stand right here and make sure everyone gets a taste before they go in." I'm sure there are some smokers who follow that line of thinking but the vast majority don't. I guess it just comes down to the social aspect again and if someone is near to the door outside having a smoke, others when they go out for a cig will generally gravitate to those already there because of the already mentioned social aspect of smoking.


Thing is, regardless of where they stand, you're going to have to walk passed smokers so you're almost always going to get the second hand smoke effect so essentially, you either need to put the issue behind you or steer clear as best you can.

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Apart from all the cancer. :p


I meant other non-smokers, sorry. Obviously it's bad for a smokers health, and as a non-smoker, it's best to avoid it, but walking through it at a pub doorway really won't cause long-term harm to most people *guessing*.

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Non smokers are now worse than smokers. Whiney, authoritarian and petulant, they never seem to stop with their tirade of complaints. People like Dazz irritate me. Is it not enough the smokers are now outside of the building? Do they also have to stand outside a 10ft radius of any building just incase someone should dare smell it on their way in? I don't even smoke, some people should really just get a grip.



Also, Daft is right, it can be very sociable and gives a nice break to dancing or w/e in clubs.

Yes, they should stand 10 feet away from the door. Because it's vile, and I don't want to breathe that shit. I was waiting in a long queue to get my dissertation soft-bound the other day (turned out to be 5 hours long in the end, insane) and someone in the queue (this was while we were still outside the building) started smoking. After about a minute of this person blowing smoke into the crowd and people understandably being unhappy, I said audibly "oh fucking great, some selfish person blowing smoke into people's faces". They soon stopped.


And yes, non-smokers do have the right to say this. I will pass judgement on smokers for making a terribly stupid life choice, just like how the majority of us pass judgement on people every day for doing stupid things that endanger themselves or others. I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for being addicted to cigarettes; you're never addicted before you had your first one.


Smoking will be banned eventually. Mark my words. (Slight anger in this post was brought to you by person grieving over pet that was put down due to tumour - smoking unrelated :( ).

Edited by Sheikah
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