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How Can People Be So Mean?


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At work today on my first break and i'm getting a cup of tea with a colleague, usual banter.


He then tells me about his walk from the train station to a local shop. As he's walking past the shop he can hear really faint squeaks, like animal squeaks (his description)


so he followed the noise to a dumpster to the side of the shop and on the floor he came across a carrier bag with kittens and the mother of the kittens. the bag tied in a knot.


Apparantly the kittens couldnt of been very old at all (again according to his description)


they were all covererd in their own feces, just left there.


My friend took them home last night, washed them as best he could, fed the mother, admited he didnt know what to do with the kittens but left a saucer of milk out for them anyways. The RSPCA came and collected them this morning.


I just cant understand how someone could do that, it makes me sick. I've got my 2 cats at my parents house and couldnt ever think of anything that bad happening to them, I just dont know how anyone could do that... I mean kittens..


yeah... not alot of point to the thread, i guess i just wanted to let people know that as im sure everyone is aware of anyway there are some really horrible people in the world.

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Animal cruelty is one of the worst things ever. Honestly don't get how people can treat animals like that.


Two of our cats (now deceased sadly) were cats we picked up from the street. One was a kitten whose mother had been poisoned. My neighbours found the litter in the field behind their house, with three kittens I think. We took one in, as did some other neighbours.


Another cat was found by a woman who owned a videostore we used to go to. She couldn't take care of it so dad decided to bring the cat home. She was still very young, still pretty much a kitten. Very dirty and underfed, and very scared. But she turned into one of the best cats ever. =)


Then we found another kitten a few years ago, just wandering about on the street. It came running after us (my sister and I were cycling). Its eyes were all teary/clogged up, so we took it to the vet and then to the animal shelter (we already had four cats so couldn't keep it). Hope she found a nice home. =)


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There's a rabbit I'd love to adopt, unfortunately I can't because I live in rented. But her story.


''Well, where do I start?! Imagine the RSPCA TV programme cruelty cases and you will be able to picture where he came from. I met by a 75 year old man on the streets of Islington I followed him to this high-rised block of dirty looking flats as he took me through the front door we climbed 3 flights of stairs. Met by an iron gate door, he then opened his wooden front door and invited me in. Mess and chaos and dirt and awful odours met me as I squeezed in, met by hanging fly strips. Into the main living area I was invited, nowhere to sit or I really wanted to sit I was faced with giant fish in a dirty tank, cockatiels flying around my head and other smaller birds in cages and then out the corner of my eye I spotted a rabbit! He then pointed to a door which led onto narrow balcony. As I opened the door my mouth dropped to find rabbits hopping everywhere and poo and wee and mess and NO hay, as always mix scattered everywhere and dirty water bowls.”


She's a very pretty rabbit and apparently very nice to humans, it makes me so sad :(

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I heard this story recently, basically this hilarious woman was walking down a Coventry Road, and, well, essentially she got caught on camera doing something really awesome.


I won't spoil it but it was genius.


That story was blown way out of proportion, I mean, Top Cat lived in a bin for years and he turned out fine...

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Yeah animal cruelty is horrendous.


The daily mail reported on this today...


Someones pet Orangutan in Africa that weighed 15 1/2 stone!! from the owners feeding it burgers, jelly and sweets...

... it's now been rescued and being looked after at Monkey World in Dorset.



Aw man that is suuch a sin. Who on earth could do that :(


Monkey world, however is so freakin awesome. I was really sad when I heard that Jim (founder) had died from cancer :(



@eenuh - that kitteh was sooooo cute. I wanted to hug eeeet.



I hate animal cruelty :(

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I think its more 'mean' that your co-worker didn't talk about the homeless guy he walked by.


There are a lot of things wrong in this world and I'm not saying animal cruelty isn't awful but I find it ridiculous how its in the news and the public eye more often than the homeless or orphans etc. Though I guess cats with sad faces sells more than scary looking faces.

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I think its more 'mean' that your co-worker didn't talk about the homeless guy he walked by.


There are a lot of things wrong in this world and I'm not saying animal cruelty isn't awful but I find it ridiculous how its in the news and the public eye more often than the homeless or orphans etc. Though I guess cats with sad faces sells more than scary looking faces.

I'm pretty sure your average homeless person has a better stab at survival than a litter of kittens tied up in a plastic bag.


There's all kinds of support structures in place for the homeless: family, organisations and refuges. Obviously it's still a shitty situation to be in — no one will contest that — but humans are smart, adaptable. We can, for the most part, look after ourselves, and if not we know where to go to get help.


A homeless person represents a horrible turn of events, a victim of a bad situation or perhaps their own hubris. An animal not just abandoned but deliberately left to die by a supposed 'higher being', that's psychopathy, that's a member of our race showing what we fear are our true colours.


One is a shame, the other a reason to be ashamed.

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My rule is not to give too much of a crap about any animal that would eat me without a second thought if they were big enough to. This can be applied to almost all animals and insects, even the most beautiful.


And regarding being shocked by human behaviour like this, really? I'm more shocked by acts of kindness nowadays.

Edited by Guy
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