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Only bad people don't have MSN


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I don't use facebook chat anymore, I don't tend to use msn that much and if I do it's only to speak to somebody if it's important.


Mostly I used skype, I find it easier to talk rather than type and it's only with people I know in person so it's good when I'm back home and can't reach people and saves me money on the mobile.


He sounds like a child, having a strop just because you won't use msn, what kind of bullshit is that?

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Wow Pancake. You must have quite a nice amount of money to spend if you're buying PS3's on a whim :p


Also, if you don't mind, how long have you known the guy? And do you meet up in person or anything like that or is it just restricted to MSN?


I'm just fascinated by the fact that he made you so upset.


I pay with my SOUL. I have lots of spending money, but only because i still live with my (sometimes crazy) mum.


I've known him for about a year. We know eachother through an online diary site. So he's read about my most private thoughts and experiences. And vice versa. He's always been lovely to me, and i felt we had a special connection. But he's decided not to write in his diary much anymore, so i'm gutted. He was an important source of support to me. :weep:


I don't use facebook chat anymore, I don't tend to use msn that much and if I do it's only to speak to somebody if it's important.


Mostly I used skype, I find it easier to talk rather than type and it's only with people I know in person so it's good when I'm back home and can't reach people and saves me money on the mobile.


He sounds like a child, having a strop just because you won't use msn, what kind of bullshit is that?


Don't know. He's always been very understanding with me before. I guess he was drunk, like he said.

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I have 52 friends on MSN! :grin:


none of them talk to me. I barely sign in anymore. :) Communicating with people is overrated.


Having said that Peggle online is a great experience. :yay:


I have about 2 people I "talk" to vaguely on facebook chat. My best friend, someone and then I use Email to communicate with my new University friend.

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I tend to be on MSN, or Windows Live Messenger as it is known as now most of the time. Have a few peeps i chat to, mainly N-E members and possibly a few others. I see it as a way to chat to people without going on the Internet properly as such.


Anyone wants to chat to me, look at my profile for my address. I'll accept those i've heard of.

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I like MSN. You can always appear offline or block people that you can't be arsed with anyway. I like being able to talk to friends easily on what must be the/one of the most widely used, and therefore most useful, instant messaging application(s).


Facebook chat is a bit crappy considering you need to stay on the page and the alerts aren't exactly stand-out. Seems to be quite buggy as well, and the people you talk to often don't notice you've even messaged them the few times I've used it (or they're ignoring me, wahey).

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I like MSN. You can always appear offline or block people that you can't be arsed with anyway. I like being able to talk to friends easily on what must be the/one of the most widely used, and therefore most useful, instant messaging application(s).


Facebook chat is a bit crappy considering you need to stay on the page and the alerts aren't exactly stand-out. Seems to be quite buggy as well, and the people you talk to often don't notice you've even messaged them the few times I've used it (or they're ignoring me, wahey).


Yes!! I used to used FB chat for people i didn't have on my msn... the alerts are totally not obvious... I end up unintentionally ignoring people >_<

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I'm constantly signed into MSN and have been for about the past 5 years or so. Everyone used to use it but it's gradually died out and everyone uses Facebook Chat instead. I can't stand FB Chat as its so buggy, half the time it doesn't work properly. It has got better in the past month or so though I think.


The only people I talk to these days on MSN are my siblings who have it on a lot too, one of my flatmates and one other mate. The 3 of us have realised that Facebook Chat is pish so stick with MSN as it's a lot easier.


I'm always signed onto Skype too, I'd prefer people to chat using that (voice or IM) but not many people have it.



Another thing that annoys me about Facebook Chat is that you can't decide if you're 'away', 'busy' whatever. You go idle after a while but you don't know how long, or how you stop yourself doing that etc.

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MSN does beat FB chat, which is one of the reasons i stopped using FB chat. Another reason is because it is so flippin buggy and slugs my system half the time, heck FB is all buggy. At this moment in time, i am un-able to post messages properly because half the buttons are missing

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If more people frequented the NE chat room we wouldn't have to use MSN or even the forum to commumummumumunicate.

Not the chats that Raining and I enjoy. Christ they are steamy.

I tend to be on MSN, or Windows Live Messenger as it is known as now most of the time. Have a few peeps i chat to, mainly N-E members and possibly a few others. I see it as a way to chat to people without going on the Internet properly as such.


Anyone wants to chat to me, look at my profile for my address. I'll accept those i've heard of.

And also we must all involve ourselves with more group chat harassments. My mate loved that night.

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I find it a bit awkward to communicate to someone over emails. It doesn't seem to flow as well, because you might send a long email with quite a few paragraphs addressing different things, and replying to those points can be quite tiring. Plus, you may have to wait hours, or even days for a reply.


MSN is simple, so I like it. You just sign on whenever you want, plus you're not obliged to send a reply straight away. It really depends who you're talking to. Some people may want a reply straight away, but with others you could talk to them whilst doing something else at the same time. Its a good communication tool, and I like it because it seems to run without many issues or problems.


Facebook chat on the other hand is complete arse. If somebody I have on MSN starts talking to me on Facebook, I'll tell them to switch over to the other one. Its glitchy, slow, annoying...I hate it.


There's not a law that you have to have MSN. Its just a nice way of keeping in contact with someone. I like it, although I pretty much only talk to a few people. Nowadays I'm usually doing something, like work, so its nice to have a window open with somebody keeping you company.

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*Hasn't read rest of thread*


MSN is very 2006.


Facebook is 100x more useful, seeing as it has MSN built in, effectively. Not used MSN in donkeys, and last few years only ever spoke to people on it by mistake, as it used to load automatically when I turned my mac on. Now that's stopped, I'm incommunicado.

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I used to IRC/MSN a fair bit, what, a decade ago? It phased out as I phased the cider in.


I don't have the attention for it anymore. The internet has made me ADHohlookarug! and I don't like initiating conversations because I quickly realise I have nothing to say and I'm all too aware of all teh times people just went "HI!" and then were unable to follow up with any reason to talk. It felt as if they wanted to talk to me because they wanted me to talk. While some people would enjoy the attention I just see it as if they think I'm a TV, or something.

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