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Going 'Commando'


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Scoop mentioned it in the Branded Clothing thread and it reminded me;


Went commando two days ago. Was good.


Last time was at school because I didn't take a change of pants to my mate's house when I stayed over and I wasn't a teenager yet so the thought of wearing the same underwear two days in a row was not as reasonable-sounding as it is now.


I don't really have any anecdotes to go with this.


I spent that day without socks too, for the most-part. Then my dad gave me some socks. Which was nice. I also go most days without a bra, because they're just so, like, restrictive? That was a lol. Sorry.


Would you rather go another day wearing the same underwear, or go commando? What'd be your limit for wearing pants?

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Would you rather go another day wearing the same underwear, or go commando?

Yes. I would.


I haven't got a problem with giving my underwear a 24 hour extended remix. Especially if after a nice night out you fall asleep fully clothed.

What'd be your limit for wearing pants?

When I reach it I'll let you know.

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I'm not one to go commando, so if the case comes to it i would wear the same boxers for a 2nd day. But that would be all. Wear them one way for a day, turn them inside-out and viola.


I find this far worse. Just the thought of the same underwear two days in a row disgusts me. In fact being an accidental dirty stop out is usually what leads to going commando in my case.

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I'm not one to go commando, so if the case comes to it i would wear the same boxers for a 2nd day. But that would be all. Wear them one way for a day, turn them inside-out and viola.






Never gone commando and don't really see the point in it either. Would just feel quite uncomfortable if I'm wearing jeans or something. And with a skirt/dress I would never even dare going commando. Too risky/chilly.

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Never. For some reason I imagine you'd end up getting more aroused due to rubbing against the material (in jeans anyway). And I have too many pairs of shorts that I'm convinced you can see too much in as is.


I've worn the same pair of pants if I stay over at someone's house/am lazy and laying around the house all day. If I were to go out during that day though, I'd change. Obviously.

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Ok, let's start with a story:


I used to have this awkward feeling in my stomach / lower abdomen, and was wondering where it came from...I was consulting my doctor, and then I remembered something from the army: suspenders. All the pants in there were baggy to say the least, so you had to use suspenders...Well I bought a pair and took off my belt, and surprise surprise...I felt much better. So suspenders: good...


At some point, I started experimenting with underwear as well. What I found out was that those rubberbands also constrict the body...thus going commando feels much better to me. So outside winter, I do it all the time...have been for at least a year now. Combined with baggy, non-restrictive pants...it's awesome.

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I once was going out to play football, changed into my shorts and for some reason I took the boxer shorts off, so just running around in my shorts with the old fella bobbing around, only realised when I fell over on the deck and the shorts slid down with my arse cheeks on show.


However I did find it quite liberating and also wafty.


But have not done it recently.

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Depends on the situation really. Around the house, because of some of the long shorts I have, going commando is really the only comfortable solution.


But its always pants on really when I go out, and most of the time at home. To my knowledge, I've never gone out commando. Even when I was young.

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I reckon thats one situation i'd definately want some support. you masochist :p


Trust me, running on a seriously hot day with boxers sticking to your skin because of being hot and sweaty is not good! lmao. I did it once and it felt like someone was squeezing them! Running (I say running but I was jogging) commando wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, haha. At least there's air getting in, haha.


Going commando always adds to the dreaded caught in the zip possibility so I wont do it


I would NEVER go commando in jeans or trousers with zips on the front purely because of that reason! You'd be mad to try it!

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"Remember when I told you I was wearing underwear, Sully?"


"That's right, Matrix. You said you were rocking Primark ten for five pounders down there."






Nah, I always wear underwear. I need something to absorb the pee from when I'm too lazy to properly shake off. Ladies, form an orderly queue.

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Was going to go for this option, since I'm running out of (clean) clothes [i'm on holiday in London atm], but yesterday I happened upon pants I actually like for cheap in Uniqlo. This is a rare occurance, because non-shite underwear is usually really expensive, for some reason.


Was also going to get briefs with a beat Prop 8 slogan on the ass from American Apparel, but the deal is already done and they were £12 needlessly. But that said, AA is my favourite shop.

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This is the third time in the last few days that this has come up. I've never tried it, but I have decided I can't knock it until I do. I've plenty times been in the situation of having to give my underwear more than a 24 hour wear, and I've always opted for that over being commando. Where the fuck do you carry them if you DON'T decide to wear them!?

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