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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Why are the best girls always taken? Was dancing with a girl all night tonight and she was clearly into me (like the first time this has ever happened lol so I definitely know the difference) :( why did she have to have a boyfriend? Stuff would've SO happened if she didn't!


Still, a good night. Did wonders for my self esteem if nothing else haha.

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You should have gone after her anyway. You're clearly the better choice, and I say that without knowing anything about the other guy.


She probably sucked, anyway.


It's that mentality I hate (I'm sure you mean it in jest) but there are guys out there who do have that. I know my girlfriend gets a lot of attention and guys sure do try things like that as part of their chat up routine. LIKE FUUUUUUUUCCCCK YOU!

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Why are the best girls always taken? Was dancing with a girl all night tonight and she was clearly into me (like the first time this has ever happened lol so I definitely know the difference) :( why did she have to have a boyfriend? Stuff would've SO happened if she didn't!


Still, a good night. Did wonders for my self esteem if nothing else haha.


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had a little check on facebook the day after and her boyfriend looks like a total gimp with a mohawk haircut. Talks like a wierdo too judging by what I saw.

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Why are the best girls always taken? Was dancing with a girl all night tonight and she was clearly into me (like the first time this has ever happened lol so I definitely know the difference) :( why did she have to have a boyfriend? Stuff would've SO happened if she didn't!


Still, a good night. Did wonders for my self esteem if nothing else haha.

That is the story of my life, my friend :/ Know exactly how you feel

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Why are the best girls always taken? Was dancing with a girl all night tonight and she was clearly into me (like the first time this has ever happened lol so I definitely know the difference) :( why did she have to have a boyfriend? Stuff would've SO happened if she didn't!


Still, a good night. Did wonders for my self esteem if nothing else haha.


Did you make a move? If she was into you she wouldn't have pulled away....

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I made a couple of attempts to kiss her and she shied away but kept close and kept dancing with me. Being optimistic, I think she just didn't want to kiss someone she'd only met that night - even though we had an instant rapport. I've added her on facebook and hopefully we can go from there... looking now and it doesn't actually say she has a boyfriend so maybe it's nothing serious or I just heard her wrong lol.

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Who's drunk? Daaaaaaaaan"! No backpace right? Awesome.


so yeah was ot tongight with my buddy to see War on Drugsd. The bamd, not teh prolonged conflict against a noun. Really good - kind of early Springsteen with garage rock and a bit of folk prog. Check em out. Anyway, mey his boss there who offered me paid work reviewibg gigs and bought me beer. She's cool. I owe her a drink though. Also, her friend was marreied with a kid but was still kind of pretty hot. Not that it matters because I have an awesome girlfriend, but like...props for staying hot, you knoe?


night foryum!

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It's that mentality I hate (I'm sure you mean it in jest) but there are guys out there who do have that. I know my girlfriend gets a lot of attention and guys sure do try things like that as part of their chat up routine. LIKE FUUUUUUUUCCCCK YOU!


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had a little check on facebook the day after and her boyfriend looks like a total gimp with a mohawk haircut. Talks like a wierdo too judging by what I saw.



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My dad and my dad's girlfriend were going on about how my dad's girlfriend's friend wanted to get with me. So I went for it and got nowhere, so I went for it harder and got plentywhere, which is great. And there's a guy in my dad's nightclub and we totally exchanged numbers too, so I'm getting places. Holidays are awesome. And fuck me am I drunk. And yes I did backspace.

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My dad and my dad's girlfriend were going on about how my dad's girlfriend's friend wanted to get with me. So I went for it and got nowhere, so I went for it harder and got plentywhere, which is great. And there's a guy in my dad's nightclub and we totally exchanged numbers too, so I'm getting places. Holidays are awesome. And fuck me am I drunk. And yes I did backspace.


Genuinely tempted to ban you from the thread, fyi. #powerabuse

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So I was out until 5am last night, and now I'm supposed to be going to training (so bouncing on a trampoline at a dangerous height) in the next hour. Trying to decide if I should go, I genuinely think I'm still too drunk to do it...


There's no such thing aas 'too drunk to do it'. Go to training" i! It can only work out well for you, you'l be steaming and everything one else will be sober which means youre chat will work well and everyone else will be stiting aroun d waiting tobe talked to bu freshers.


Thasts whay I love freshers week. All the guys are too scared to talk to the girls so I need to go in nd mop up the leftovers@! Tonight was a standard night athe The Garage @Gizmo. Tomorrow night is the anual Freshers Beach party at the Union which I've been to 4 eears in a row now and will make it a 5th tomorrow as my dtudent card is still in date!

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There's no such thing aas 'too drunk to do it'. Go to training" i! It can only work out well for you, you'l be steaming and everything one else will be sober which means youre chat will work well and everyone else will be stiting aroun d waiting tobe talked to bu freshers.


Thasts whay I love freshers week. All the guys are too scared to talk to the girls so I need to go in nd mop up the leftovers@! Tonight was a standard night athe The Garage @Gizmo. Tomorrow night is the anual Freshers Beach party at the Union which I've been to 4 eears in a row now and will make it a 5th tomorrow as my dtudent card is still in date!


God dammit sounds awesome. fuck grown up life and being sensible!

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So this morning I seem to have a weird kind of hangover. You know normally you typically feel the same kind of way (particularly as I was only drinking red, which I drink often)? It's completely different from that. While brushing my teeth this morning I suddenly needed a glass of water so I went into the kitchen and poured one. Then felt really hot so went to go outside but went temporarily blind. Once I got outside it returned but that was worrying.


And I didn't even drink that much. Weird.

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Dehydration is the water one, the food one is starvation.


Liquid diet darling.


Thought I'd just point out, there is a definite thing as "too drunk to do it".


Trust me :weep:, although maybe it isn't too drunk but too much alcohol in my blood stream?


That's what I thought Charlie was talking about at first too!

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i was drunk the weekend before last.... decided it was a good idea to go out on an empty stomach... hahahahah.


went to my sisters boy's house before we went out.... did some shots...... without even starting on weaker alcohol...


went out and got pitchers of alcohol rather than glasses so i was mentally wasted...plus killer hangover which last all weekend.. I wouldn't normally be a hug sufferer or hangovers cause i normally eat and yano... pace myself.


All I remember from being out was a flooded toilet, and some boy saying my gappy teeth were really cute and the whitest he's seen... lol

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Thought I'd just point out, there is a definite thing as "too drunk to do it".


Trust me :weep:, although maybe it isn't too drunk but too much alcohol in my blood stream?


Yeah I think I need to rephrase my previous statement as I know exacty what you mean and have been there before!

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