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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Usually when you hold a bottle upside-down it kind of glugs(not sure of the word, you know when the drink stops pouring) because of the vacuum made at the bottom of the bottle when the drink leaves. With a straw in it the vacuum sucks in air instead of the drink and the drink just falls out very quickly. Never knew it was called a strawpedo though.

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I havent been hi drunk in mlnths!!!!!!


omg i lov

pub Gof ow I csnt fel my fingers i feeel shitty


ARGH went to the toilet n the pub, assuming id be sick, but wasnted. HMMM






I wish i were ded/ i promised id write a friemd script tonight/ill do it tomorrow mprnng whlst hungover




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Hellllllllllllllloooooo alcohol thread.

Time to make a fooool of myself.


Last night drunk loads of beer and margaritassss.

Tonight got even more drunk.

Went to a b-day party where I knew lots of people but my friends didnt.

So they wanted to leave but i didnt but i went with them toooo early because i neeeded someone to get me home and i didnt want them raped.

Rum and pineapple juice and coke and lemonade and vodka and appple sourz yummmmmmmmm.


Roast potatoes taste amazing at this time in the morning.



That's in UKRAINE.

I was called a genius.

I feel amazing.




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Firsy time ve actually touched alcohol in any mildly meaningful way in a fair fair while. Didnt get AS drunk as rexpected (typos are due to phone and lack of arsedness to correct ratjer than drunk) also fear of running out of signal.




Wemt to a maze pub...the...port...head....house? Near Leicester Square. god. hope i feel okay tomorrow. greatt flapjack though. srsly rly good. BK was fucking glosed though - see facebook. xx


sent from my iPhone using ImafuckingAppledouche.

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Well, damn, couldn't type anything yesterday, despite getting fairly drunk.


(it wasn't a case of "being too drunk to type", just couldn't get to the computer last night)


I'm still abiding by hthe "no backspace" rule, and I see I only got one typo. Hooray!

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There's only one reason I'm not hungover to fuck right now... Because I'm still steaming! Wayyy!


Last night, both of us seriously drunk in Kushion, bottle of buck, loads of tripples cos my mate was working behind the bar and he gave us extra meausres. Think I mah have pulled some girl but Ic an't really remember. Went to the wee 24hr shop at the botto of my steetm, loads of space raiders in the cupboard and a big match can of Irn Bru! Booyah!


Uni at 10 is going to be interesting....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bursting for a piss, but for some reason can't make myself get up and go to the bathroom, and writing this makes more sense. Yeah, continuing from the +ve thread, I feel like I've had an elightenment [i'm no fucking buddhist, bear in mind] [Oh there I go again, excluding people by making obscure references]. Its like my life has mapped itself out infront of me /notreally. I feel like D'anna, having seen the Final 5. "You're So Beautiful."


I need boxed or something. Need to regain ignorance. In need of bliss.



Feel like I've gone too far. Become too brooding. Too much of a cunt. Because, when you realise that everything in your life is a pointless exercise, and normality is arbitrary, you become a cunt. I need to meet someone who grounds me. But then these ones are so hard to meet. Especially when you only have time for people who stunyoufirstimpressions, who surround you with their halo.


-- But then, this whole masturbatory post just highlights my whole cunty bag. Why should I hogg space talking about myself? I should just go and masturbate propelry.


(Which reminds me, should probably go piss...)

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