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The Avengers To Be Renamed Avengers Assemble In The UK


In the sixties, there was a British TV series that also aired in the US, called The Avengers. A tongue-in-cheek spy action adventure series starring a bowler hatted pinstripe suited dapper fellow and selected beauties in skintight leather as his foil.


They ever made a rather poor film of the series a few years ago. Everyone tried to forget it.


Nevertheless, that original Avengers show still has a certain following in the UK and, it seems, in an attempt to avoid confusion,the upcoming Marvel Studio film The Avengers is to be renamed Avengers Assemble for the UK market. And here’s the new poster as proof…




Notice, Black Widow is no longer doing the brokeback pose either. And they really want to show off Robert Downey Jr’s face.


A new US comic of the same title will be coming out at the same time. How fortuitous.



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"Avengers Assemble" is in some ways a much more stunning title. There's a sense of specificity to it, and it offers so much more than just "The Avengers", which is dull and to-the-point (in a non-interesting way). Offers more possibility for variance-within-conformity for sequels titles too.

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Ack, copyright. Seriously...


On another note, Dannyboy said what I was thinking about the poster. It looks unsanely unnatural even given the setting. It is very obviously photoshopped. It might be the light around Iron Man's head that makes it seem like it was cut into the picture somehow.

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Iron Man was the only decent Avengers lead up film... and by decent I mean fantastic! Thor was OK, Captain America left me cold... Incredible Hulk was... um... ok I suppose?


Anyway, they are smart to make Downey Jr the focus on the poster, since his Tony Stark is almost universally loved... even if the film is supposed to be focused mostly on Cap's perspective... *shudder*

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They should have just renamed it "Marvel's Justice League"


No, the title would be too long because it would have to be changed so people didn't confuse it with the Justice League:


"Marvel's Justice League Except It Isn't Really, Because Justice League Is Pants"


It may be accurate, but doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

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