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Your Unlikely Likes


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I've lost so much face in this thread.


I've seen your face. You could do with losing some.


- The smell of red wine being cooked in something. Truly sensuous.


And talking of sandwiching food: Oreos. Tip - put them in the fridge for a while first as it makes separating them easier.

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I've been meaning to post in this, but been delaying it due to being lazy.


- I love the smell of petrol. Take me to a petrol station. Could spend all day there.


- Spending time in the shower, just letting the hot water fall onto my head or body. I sometimes spend lots of time thinking in there, its my comfort place. :heh:


- When I'm at the gym, and I feel "the burn" when I'm exercising. I feel pumped with energy, and it can feel quite euphoric.


- Drinking a nice cooold bottle of coke or a glass of cider.


- Cooking with Ine. Especially the anticipation if something is in the oven, or when we're whisking something and we take it in turns.


- Getting into bed and feeling tired. Feels very satisfying, as if you've worked hard or achieved something that day.

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- The feeling of starting an essay that: ''Yay now to continue and write 2000 more words

- Waiting around for a film to start in the cinema

- Going home, whether its from work/holiday etc I love coming home and that feeling of familiarity.

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- "Florida pangs" as my family call them. Usually a result of smell (being the strongest memory trigger or whatever). Just a really strong desire to be having fun in Florida rather than not, in Scotland.

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- I "love" intense smells. Wether it be petrol, terrible cheeses or rotting/decomposing flesh... it's not that I get pleasure from them, but they are just so indescribably alive. It's like snapping from a coma when exposed to those foul/strong odours!


- When I'm involved with someone, I've often discovered I like the taste of their sweat... so maybe I like the taste of sweat in general, I dunno. Sweaty sex ftw, anyway.

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- When I'm involved with someone, I've often discovered I like the taste of their sweat... so maybe I like the taste of sweat in general, I dunno. Sweaty sex ftw, anyway.


I really agree with this.


I'm so glad you exist. I thought I was the only one who liked this!

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- I "love" intense smells. Wether it be petrol, terrible cheeses or rotting/decomposing flesh... it's not that I get pleasure from them, but they are just so indescribably alive. It's like snapping from a coma when exposed to those foul/strong odours!


- When I'm involved with someone, I've often discovered I like the taste of their sweat... so maybe I like the taste of sweat in general, I dunno. Sweaty sex ftw, anyway.


I really agree with this.


I'm so glad you exist. I thought I was the only one who liked this!


That's just weird. So you take girls to a gym and then lick them afterwards? That's a weird fetish :p


As for Nightwolf's essay one, surely the feeling of finishing an essay is better, that sense of relief is great.

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That's just weird. So you take girls to a gym and then lick them afterwards? That's a weird fetish :p


As for Nightwolf's essay one, surely the feeling of finishing an essay is better, that sense of relief is great.


Don't be bitter. You just wish that you were that girl.


Well, you're not. ARRRRIGHT!


There's something nice about it, though. Not the sweat of eeeeeeeeveryone. But, the sweat of someone you're attracted to/with. Maybe its to do with pheromones. I don't think the same can be said for me. When I went to play squash with Ine a while back, my clothes smelled of Jim-sex afterwards.

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That's just weird. So you take girls to a gym and then lick them afterwards? That's a weird fetish :p


As for Nightwolf's essay one, surely the feeling of finishing an essay is better, that sense of relief is great.


Well the title is unlikely likes, so I assumed I could put some weird ones down, I always find starting an essay is the hardest thing to do, so starting it and getting a couple of lines down is a great feeling.

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I really agree with this.


I'm so glad you exist. I thought I was the only one who liked this!


Wait, what? Tasting someone's sweat? Are you secretly licking my armpits while I'm asleep? Or are you secretly licking other girls' armpits while I'm away? D:

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If we're going for the really weird likes, I have one. It probably sounds a bit gross, but now you can't say I didn't warn you.






Anyway, I like to peel off the rind (or whatever you call it) of a sore when it has healed completely. There's just something satisfying about removing it after it has itched for so long and revealing the soft, sensitive skin underneath. The same concept applies to removal of hard layers of skin on one's feet. Feels really good, but I have no idea why.

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Scab-picking was something I was going to mention earlier, but figured it was a universal thing.


Finding fluff in my belly button!


Also, and I think I'm alone in this; wriggling a finger in my ear. I'm pretty sure God put a clitoris in there.

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@Dannyboy: I probably enjoy that too much. I've reopened wounds a couple of times because of that.


-I enjoy cleaning my toes. As in, using my hands to take away any remnants of dust, dried skin, etc. I like doing this, though that probably has to do with my dislike of socks;


-Having a tiny, but bothersome piece of food between my teeth, and getting it out, after a grueling battle (using only my tongue and fingers). A meaningless sense of accomplishment, yes, but so satisfying.

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-Having a tiny, but bothersome piece of food between my teeth, and getting it out, after a grueling battle (using only my tongue and fingers). A meaningless sense of accomplishment, yes, but so satisfying.


Aha! I knew I couldn't be the only one, I have a titanium bar on both rows of my teeth (after having braces they put them on to stop my teeth from going back to their original positions, given my teeth were incredibly wonky after I fell as a child) and its incredibly difficult to get food that's stuck out when there's no toothbrush nearby!



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Aha! I knew I couldn't be the only one, I have a titanium bar on both rows of my teeth (after having braces they put them on to stop my teeth from going back to their original positions, given my teeth were incredibly wonky after I fell as a child) and its incredibly difficult to get food that's stuck out when there's no toothbrush nearby!



Sooo true. I find a toothpick to be the most effective tool for getting it out, though.

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-Having a tiny, but bothersome piece of food between my teeth, and getting it out, after a grueling battle (using only my tongue and fingers). A meaningless sense of accomplishment, yes, but so satisfying.


I sold the rights to the battle I had with a piece of raisin last week to Steven Spielberg.

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