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Status updates I hate


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shit like..


" going to spain in 2 weeks whoop"

" packing for spain in 2 days"

" its so hot here"

" spanish people are so funny"

" i miss spain :("


i know it's the summer and all but fuck sake like


Another style of status I hate is when someone posts either complaining or really upset about something, then when people ask what happened they either wont say or tell them to ring them. Im nosey dammit! I wanna know what happened as well!


Yep that really pisses me off too. Either tell us or fuck off!

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the worst one for me is a mate who constantly updates his status saying: "Who's up?"/"who's awake?" WTF? WHYYYY so fukin pointless.


The most annoying trend with statuses is those people that constantly update it with meaningless shit. As in their profile page is just full of status updates....most of the time, with no one caring/commenting on them.

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I used to hate the ones saying:


"OMG, people are such twats, why pick on me? No more Miss. Nice Girl, from now on, it's a new me!"


and then they'd post something similar next week. One of the times she did that, someone typed as a comment


"New you? So you're going to stop repeating yourself every week? YAY!" lmao

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The degrees of inanity created by Facebook and it's encouragement of a kind of social ocd are amazing.


However, it's basically up to you. People complain a lot by saying 'oh all people post is pointless shit and blah blah' - plenty of which is on show above. Thing is, your news feed is yours. It's a reflection of who you choose to associate yourself with and so on. Basically, nothing happens on Facebook without your say so.


Personally, I think my feed is pretty good. I don't tolerate fools often, only subscribe to genuinely interesting feeds and generally restrict access to people I want to hear from. The result is a much more restrained sample of articles, videos, comments and discussions that I genuinely want to see. People who complain about social networks should try putting in more effort to control and define them for their purposes before they write them off.

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The ones that annoy me somewhat are ones that post religious cack in it. Now, I'm tolerant of all religions, but one of my friends just recently moved but thanked god for placing people to help her move rather than thanking her friends. I mean what on Earth is that?

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Countdowns do my head in. 1 girl on my list...."2 Months until my 18th!", "1 Month until my 18th", "2 weeks until my 18th!"


One person who constantly bickers about how he hates football and doesn't care about it. Fair enough but it's annoying that he's constantly doing it to attract attention about it. Same person has also become one of those annoying people boasting about how they love their girlfriend. "Loves her very much", "I get to see you in 20 hours!" Ah well.

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Best status i read all night


Lil Fanny Ass Mother Fucker Thinks He Is Hard Pickin On My Cousin Well Guess Wat Mate If You Read This Your Fucked !!


I know the dude who wrote this, he's soft as darylee cheese.


Why is the guy only fucked if he actually reads it? :laughing: Will he be let off if he doesn't go on Facebook and read his updated status?

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I personally find the whole "at least we won the war" mentality incredibly disrespectful towards the people who actually fought (and died) in the war. Its not really comparable.


Plus it epitomises the fact we seem to rely on the past "oh we won the war" and "we won in 1966". Yes but today, in the here and now, we're piss poor.

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Why is the guy only fucked if he actually reads it? :laughing: Will he be let off if he doesn't go on Facebook and read his updated status?


Hopefully, wouldn't like to be him to be fair.


Some others i've found amusing


who evers ringin me ring me tmro plz


CANT FIND MY PHONE !.. (best one because he wrote this via his phone)


Had an amazing evening/night with my amazing boyfriend and his family x

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Thankfully only one of them is actually on my friends list, the first one and while its a stupid thing to say I dont think its bad enough to delete her.


I have deleted someone before though for idiotic, racist posts.


A friend of mine at uni deleted someone she knew after he posted his support for the EDF. Nice!

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