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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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It won't die! :'(


Oh man, it took me a couple of tries to finish off that bastard. I ended up throwing every thing I had at the fucker.


Also, does any one have any tips for dodging with the circle pad pro? I swear I cannot dodge for the life of me but I manage to do it when I don't intend to.

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Just played the demo... absolutely shat myself.


I can't wait until I get paid (also gives me time to finish Mario) so I can get this!


My 3DS is going to start getting some real loving now! :D


In that case I also recommend a few new pairs of pants when you buy the game too :D


Also sort out your internet/router so we can play Raid mode online with ya : peace:


It won't die! :'(


Haha, hard to see what you could be doing wrong without seeing, but I'll try give more tips.


Are you running out of ammo?


What guns are you using? I think I used Machine Gun, Shotgun and Handgun... though I could be wrong.... can't remember if there's a magnum at that point but if you have one use it.


I used the machine gun first then Shotgun. Don't think I needed the handgun?

If you ever see him dazed run in and use a fully charged melee to do damage without using ammo.


There are some ammo boxes scattered round that area so make sure to pick them up.


Don't try hold your ground, run away when he gets close, run to a different area and pick up ammo on the way, then regroup yourself while you wait for him to catch up with you.


I somehow managed to get the majority of the Ooze in the area to swarm on Parker (good thing you don't need to worry about his health), I did have to take on a few of them but I do remember after killing the big guy having to save Parkers ass from about 10 Ooze :heh:


So I guess that was helpfull in that I didn't have to worry about those while taking on the big guy.


Oh and DODGE :D



Oh man, it took me a couple of tries to finish off that bastard. I ended up throwing every thing I had at the fucker.


Also, does any one have any tips for dodging with the circle pad pro? I swear I cannot dodge for the life of me but I manage to do it when I don't intend to.


Don't use it :wink:


haha, I don't have the CCP but I had no issues dodging without... is it the same combination with it? CirclePad + B?


It is all about timing though, and I think the window for a dodge can be very small sometimes

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I cannot for the life of me beat the first boss
It won't die! :'(
Oh man, it took me a couple of tries to finish off that bastard. I ended up throwing every thing I had at the fucker.
:D Yep, he was responsible for a few deaths on my first playthrough too. :hmm:


BTW, you're just gonna love him on Raid Mode! :laughing:

How does taking on 4 at a time sound? Not to mention his high defence/speed variants.


Although the powerful weapons you can get on Raid Mode help a lot. ;)



I'm actually gonna start up the story mode on Hell mode now... wish me luck :heh:


I decided to do my second campaign play on Casual, just to see how quickly I can get through it and to make playing on Hell afterwards even more shockingly difficult. :grin:

I've also switched audio to the Spanish dub... It's pretty awful, but also highly entertaining. :hehe:

Edited by RedShell
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For the first boss what you need to do is shoot a gas canister then run up to the guy while he's stunned and HOLD DOWN the button to do a fully charged roundhouse kick to his face. Do this enough times and he'll be down for the count... Sadly when I got to him I didn't know you could charge melee attacks so I wasted every last bullet I had against him :D

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:D Yep, he was responsible for a few deaths on my first playthrough too. :hmm:


BTW, you're just gonna love him on Raid Mode! :laughing:

How does taking on 4 at a time sound? Not to mention his high defence/speed variants.


Although the powerful weapons you can get on Raid Mode help a lot. ;)


And I thought taking on 2 of them was bad :o



Anyway, the first part of chapter 6 was really good. Surprised I had enough ammo left, seriously thought I was going to run out.


And after all that they weren't even there! :mad:


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Haha, hard to see what you could be doing wrong without seeing, but I'll try give more tips.


Are you running out of ammo?


What guns are you using? I think I used Machine Gun, Shotgun and Handgun... though I could be wrong.... can't remember if there's a magnum at that point but if you have one use it.


I used the machine gun first then Shotgun. Don't think I needed the handgun?

If you ever see him dazed run in and use a fully charged melee to do damage without using ammo.


There are some ammo boxes scattered round that area so make sure to pick them up.


Don't try hold your ground, run away when he gets close, run to a different area and pick up ammo on the way, then regroup yourself while you wait for him to catch up with you.


I somehow managed to get the majority of the Ooze in the area to swarm on Parker (good thing you don't need to worry about his health), I did have to take on a few of them but I do remember after killing the big guy having to save Parkers ass from about 10 Ooze :heh:


So I guess that was helpfull in that I didn't have to worry about those while taking on the big guy.


Oh and DODGE :D



I... I don't have the machine gun... I must have missed it at some point :( I have a handgun which is powered up to be stronger than the shotgun, but I'm a crap shot. It's not so much that I'm running out of ammo. Also got a rifle, but that thing seems as weak as hell. Perhaps I should try rebalancing the strength of my guns...


And I didn't know you could 'charge' melee attacks, so more fool me! I shall try this tactic. My problem is I panic when it gets too close, and my sweaty thumb on the sweaty thumbstick makes it annoyingly difficult to run away. Before I know it, boom, one-hit kill.

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The only guns I had while fighting that boss were hand gun, shotgun and rifle. The rifle seems pretty useless in this game because it's hard to get enough distance from your enemies - as for the shotgun you should only use that when enemies are close to you and you need to create space. If you get any Daze custom parts you should equip them to your hand gun because it helps stun the enemies allowing you to finish them off with melee attacks instead of wasting ammo.

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Good game.


Kind of wasn't expecting the whole


super futuristic Atlantis world of wonder



aspect... but whatever.


I like having Conan O'Brien in a Resi game.


I just wish they had gotten Colm Meaney (Chief O'Brien from Star Trek) to do his voice, that would have been awesome

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So I just finished it! (Normal mode) and I'd say it's one of the better games in the series, even if it doesn't succeed in all respects.


The start of the game really nails that classic RE atmosphere. While it lacks the psychological scares that personify the series best (like Lisa Treavor, or the Ashfords), it nails that creepy atmosphere really well. What is somewhat disappointing is that they give up on that too early (around chapter 4-5) and move back towards action RE. While we do see a return to that creepy classic RE atmos later on, there's not enough of it IMO. A shame, because there's a lot of potential that went underutilised.


To match this sentiment is the structure of the boat itself, which promises a non linear metroidvania style experience (like classic RE), but instead ends up being surprisingly linear. It's more open than RE4 and (especially) RE5, but not as much as I had hoped for. The game also doesn't fearure many puzzles, a real shame - especially when you have that bottom touch screen setup!


What is back in full force though is the concept of ammo conservation. You WILL find yourself running out of ammo and the game rewards flight over fight :D


The TV style episodic structure works really well too! (and not at all cheap, go fuck yourselves reviewers! :mad:) A great way to juxtapose the two different play styles and add variety to the gameplay, while keeping the storytelling interesting. The story itself is nice and contrived in that most ridiculous of manners that the series is known for :laughing: Fun stuff! :D


The enemies are well designed, creative and creepy. The boss battles don't come close to RE4, but they're a million miles ahead of RE5!


As for production values, it's easily the best looking 3DS game and looks better than RE4 GCN in many respects, while impressively featuring (mostly) seamless environments that require no loading screens (a first for the series), but there are a few oddities that I'm suprised to see them skimp on fixing! The framerate isn't really stable (though not terrible) and does frequently stutter. There are also some really bad and very obvious loading stutters too! (that sometimes get so bad that the game freezes for a few seconds!); granted, it's streaming all of these large environments without loading screens but it needed more spit and polish in this respect. Also, there's no lip movement in game at all (only in the FMV cutscenes); it does feel a bit odd to not even have basic lip movement in game, especially when the game looks as good as it does otherwise! The music is easily some of the best in the series! Beautiful tunes that are a bit more melodic than in past entries and VERY atmospheric :)


All of the new stuff like swimming, dodging, the real time touch screen inventory (soooo much better than RE5's mess!), the item upgrading, gyro controls and the genesis scanner are all done well and all add something of value to the game. I do feel that the scanner could've played a bigger role though (why not have it do other things like activating switches or sound detection or recording?)


I haven't gotten that far in Raid Mode yet, but it's good fun. While it lacks the frantic action of Mercenaries, it is more deliberate and strategic in its pacing and shooting. I'm not sure if I prefer it to Mercenaries, but it's good fun and a welcome change of pace after having 3 Mercenaries games on the trot (and there's a metric ton of content too. More than the full price Mercenaries 3D release!)


Overall, it disappoints in that it's not quite as close to classic RE as I had hoped for, but it's great fun and shows that RE can still deliver true fear enduced scares when the staff want to. It doesn't match REmake's scares/non linearity, nor RE4's action and amazing set pieces, but it succeeds in making its own unique mark on the series by blending the best of both to make a unique experience that takes full advantage of the handheld format and feature set.


Now to tackle Raid and Hell Mode! :bouncy: (BTW, Hell Mode doesn't just increase the difficulty, it's actually like a second quest in that it arranges the game differently, with item and enemy placements switched around!)

Edited by Dcubed
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I decided to do my second campaign play on Casual, just to see how quickly I can get through it and to make playing on Hell afterwards even more shockingly difficult. :grin:

I've also switched audio to the Spanish dub... It's pretty awful, but also highly entertaining. :hehe:


Haha, I thought about that too as I wanted to give that "complete without using herbs" mission a go... but figured best leave it till after Hell mode as kind of a soothing more relaxed playthrough that I will likely need when I get through Hell mode :heh:


Played up to the end of Episode 2 so far, can see a little jump in difficulty but so far I reckon what I have seen is just a teaser and it's only gonna get worse.... I'm just hoping I find some higher weapon upgrades soon just in case, haha.


Shame you can't bring your Raid mode weapons over :heh:



Oh yeah actually one small thing that did disappoint me...


Was very disappointed that the touch screen wasn't used as much for puzzle solving. When I played the demo I loved the screwdriver/wires puzzle and thought that was a teaser of what to expect in the full game.


Well I guess it was but not how I hoped as those kind of puzzles were all it was used for until the end of the game.


I hoped for other kinds of puzzles that would make use of it


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So excited about getting this, but still can't find it anywhere in China, have to wait until it's stupid released in stupid America because stupid Nintendo decided to stupid region lock the awesome 3DS.


EDIT: Wait! I just found it on Taobao! (that's sort of an eBay for Chinese people)


AND IT'S £55!


What a GREAT deal that IS!


Why don't you just sandpaper off my eyelids while you're at it?

Edited by Iun
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Loving this so far but my poxy ISP has broken my internet connection in upgrading my line.


Nearly finished the main campaign and level 6 in Raid Mode.


Just cannot use the CCP though so I've gone back to classic RE4 controls and it feels much better.

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hmm odd question but... you know the mission list, there's an option to delete the missions, which I assume is ok and it's just to 'tidy up' the menu for more that will be unlocked?


*Edit* reading the manual helps I suppose :indeed: I understand now... 'complete or delete' basically.

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Are game demo's available on the eShop indefinitely? I should check this one out at some point, just so I can say I've tried it. :heh:


Steve if you've not tried it yet download the demo... it's bloody free you have no excuse :heh:


And after you've played that....and changed your pants.... then go buy the actual game :D

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Help me out with something, here...


If I get the Circle Pad Pro is this compatible? And if so is aiming done on the right analog?


Aiming with the left one is crippling me... I use invert aiming, but somehow it doesn't feel right with the left thumb, and normal aiming feels even worse. Weird, I know... =/


Also, can you aim while you walk with the CPP?

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Yep when you play with the circle pad pro the right stick is 100% used for aiming and the left stick moves your character forwards and backwards and strafes left and right. You can walk while aiming too, I can't imagine playing the game without the CPP now. Before you buy it though you should try Type C controls where you use the ABXY buttons to aim, it might be good enough and save you £20

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I got the game yesterday but haven't had time to play it much. I'm also stuck on level 3.


Can someone tell me what to do after I'm trying to empty the pool? Do I need to go to a different floor after that? Thanks.

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If I get the Circle Pad Pro is this compatible? And if so is aiming done on the right analog?


Also, can you aim while you walk with the CPP?


Yes, yes and... *thinks* yes! :D


Quite honestly I was initially unconvinced by the Circle Pad Pro so much so that I played through the whole game without one and a good few hours of Raid Mode, then I decided to get one, played one game of Raid Mode, noticed that my accuracy had taken a huge dip and was ready to agree with Chris Redfield when he said 'We're done here!' at the end of the mission... :angry:



... then I discovered the calibration settings :blush: and now I won't play without it! :p



I got the game yesterday but haven't had time to play it much. I'm also stuck on level 3.


Can someone tell me what to do after I'm trying to empty the pool? Do I need to go to a different floor after that? Thanks.


Yeah you need to go some place else after that - can't remember where - but do come back to the pool later once its been purified because you'll get some ammo restocks, some custom parts and a document too I think, you get them all by diving underwater and surfacing at the various points of which there are three...


... and of course there are a few things to scan too. :)

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