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PilotWings Resort


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IGN Review - 7.0




PilotWings Resort might seem like a restricted version of Wii Sports. That’s not really the case. There is much more to this game, and the variety of tasks and vehicles certainly adds enough spice to the mix that you won’t find yourself bored any time soon. It’s likely you’ll find yourself frustrated here and there though, and the inability to share the experience with other friends is a bit baffling. Still, for its effective use of 3D gameplay and its simple yet refined design, PilotWings deserves a good deal of credit.


But also... this is what really annoys me about Nintendo...


If there's one area PilotWings is sorely lacking, it's multiplayer. In this day and age, the inability to connect your 3DS to a friend's and soar over WuHu Island seems shockingly short-sighted. Oddly the game is also lacking any support for StreetPass, custom soundtracks or any number of built-in functions that come with the system. By no means are all of them necessary, but it's strange to me to see one of the key Nintendo launch titles not support any of these ideas. Multiplayer is a particularly huge omission.
They've been like this for WAY to long now... creating features/peripherals and then not even utilising/building upon them themselves and it's pissing me off! They should be driving these features forward, setting the example to other developers and showing customers exactly what's on offer with the new system.
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I can't see that Monster Games played a very large part in the development of this game. It's certainly has little in the way of showing their influence. Everything was already there for them from Wii Sports Resort and the fact it has Mii's in it. I'd imagine Nintendo were heavily involved with this game, with it probably just being outsourced to Monster Games due to time constraints, and Nintendo having very little ready for launch.

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I perfected the first batch of levels and it said congrats, you've got a perfect score; play again to get an even higher score. Originally I thought this was a sloppy error and a generic message after every go; but then I didn't get the message after not getting a perfect score. So can you get EVEN higher than perfect?

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I think perfect is what is required for 3 stars, and you can get higher than that.


No, you can get 3 stars without perfect. Perfect is the full score and you get red rings round your stars. The 'get a higher score' message only pops up when you get a PERFECT score. Which is weird. I replayed a mission and at the end it says 'extra time bonus' 0 points. So maybe if you do it lightning fast you get a higher score. Hope so, any encouragement to keep playing the game!!

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IGN Review says this


You're graded on a number of criteria. Though you might need to shoot targets or reach a destination, what you do on the way there, and how quickly you do it, will affect your score, which is ultimately what you have to be concerned about. In order to open new areas, you must complete all of the missions in a particular group, and then acquire a certain amount of stars, which are awarded based on points you earn. Up to three stars can be earned per level, meaning you have to perform fairly well across the entire spectrum of aircraft. The aforementioned merciless demands play in here. Getting stars grows increasingly difficult, to the point where near-perfect runs are required for even a passable 2-star reward.
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I played an hour of this last night, as my first 3DS game (and first Pilotwings, actually). To immerse myself as much as possible, I plugged in my headphones (which was a joy, because it has brilliant music) and started off with the 3D on full.


On the title screen, you are taken on a tour round Wuhu Island, which I watched in its entirety. Quite an experience. Immediately I loved the vibe, such is the brilliance of its colour palette. When I flew past the castle ruins, I couldn't stop thinking "Zelda".


I had a play around with the vehicles and then attempted the Novice missions. Now personally, I found them appropriately challenging. I still can't get a "Perfect" on the plane landing, so I do not believe I will find this game too short at all.


Overall I find Pilotwings an absolute joy. With the 3D on, it is incredibly immersive. With the 3D off, the graphics are lovely and crisp. To me, Wuhu Island looks much better than it ever did on my SDTV. I'm so pleased I bought a 3DS at launch, because if I had waited for Ocarina of Time, I probably wouldn't have played this gem.

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This game is incredible. And yes, you can get higher scores than PERFECT. Which is great as the game is looking pretty easy (I PERFECTED all the novice levels straight away!).


Absolutely loving it; wish it was fully featured, or even had the capacity for future DLC or updates. Oh well, fantastic!

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My favourite game so far! The 3D is a real stunner, and really enhanced the gameplay! It feels like flying around in your personal plane.


It's not superhard, and I still feel the Resort-setting is a bit too sterile for the likes of Pilotwings, but screeching around in a jetplane makes it all worthwhile. =p

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Pilotwings get! :D And it only cost me £24.99 :p


Went in to GAME to buy it, knew it'd be £39.99 so that's what I was ready to pay. Guy asks if I had bought my 3DS there yesterday, to which I said "Yes" and tells me that he can put it through the system for £24.99 if that's the case. So he finds my name and purchase and tries to put it through the till at that price but can't do it and goes off to talk to the manager. Comes back, laughs and says that he forgot Pilotwings isn't on the £24.99 deal but he'd sell it to me at that price anyway :yay: Sales errors, don't you just love 'em


Did/do feel slightly bad about taking it at that price but he said GAME wouldn't lose any money over it so I'm fine with that.

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Am I the only person who finds this game challenging? I've perfected the first eight missions and done some Free Flight, but that's all. Can't see me completing it anytime soon!


It's so brilliant, flying about watching the fireworks or finding secret tunnels (would make a good setting for a Zelda, with bits of Hyrule or Koholint popping up). I finally love Wuhu Island as much as I thought I would in the first place.

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Am I the only person who finds this game challenging? I've perfected the first eight missions and done some Free Flight, but that's all. Can't see me completing it anytime soon!


Same as me. I did the Novice and Bronze mission no problem, but Silver an up are not falling right into place just like those. I can see it taking me a while to get all 3 Stars then perfect it at all. Gonna love this game for a while.

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Am I the only person who finds this game challenging? I've perfected the first eight missions and done some Free Flight, but that's all. Can't see me completing it anytime soon!


It's so brilliant, flying about watching the fireworks or finding secret tunnels (would make a good setting for a Zelda, with bits of Hyrule or Koholint popping up). I finally love Wuhu Island as much as I thought I would in the first place.


I'm still having trouble landing properly when the Glider, just can't get it down right just yet.


Edit: Just played the


Squirrel Suit mission.





Edited by Ike
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I'm really enjoying this game so far, definitely glad I chose it as a launch title now. It was a very long time ago that I played Pilotwings 64, but from what I remember of it, this game lives up to it quite nicely.


If anyone else is interested in high scores, I got the game added on Cyberscore. After getting a max score on one of the silver levels some message popped up, but I pressed the button before getting a chance to read it properly. It said something like you can play again to get a better score, can anyone confirm if you can go over the default maximum or not?

Edited by Mandalore
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Neat little game this.


Played through all the missions usually getting 2 and 3 stars with a few 1 stars and one horrible 0 starred mission.

I hate the rocket belt suit as it is, let alone trying to hit moving balloons in midair!


Playing through the free flight mode now, addicted to trying to find everything. Definately an excellent launch title, although I must admit i'm not using the 3d as i don't find it to work so well on this game for some reason.

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Haven't played this all that much, (nintendogs + cats is consuming the majority of my 3DS time), but I do like what I've experienced so far.


Like how sounds/little tunes from PW64 come in every so often. :)


3D is strange on this game though, got to have it set quite low otherwise it's just way too OTT! :o

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3D is strange on this game though, got to have it set quite low otherwise it's just way too OTT! :o


Same here, I have to have it between halfway and off.


I think the 3D in this is great on full whack. Especially going really hight in the jet and going straight down.


The replays also look brilliant. Give it a go with a top-down view.


Agreed. Watching the replay and flicking between the camera angles in 3D was one of the things that made me think we're in a new era.

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