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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Right, there's some sort of conspiracy going on and I know all you lot and all the videos I've seen on YouTube are all in on it too, so you might as well admit it. I've kept quiet about this for 13 years and now it's finally time to speak up about it.


The sinking lure does not exist. It is merely a clever ploy to get me to fuck around in the fishing pond for hours on end. It is not in the lilypads, the stream, the log or around the edges or anywhere else that I've read about. It did not exist in the N64 version and it sure as shit doesn't exist now. It is nowhere to be found.


Come on, admit that I've been lied to all these years.

Translation: I am shit and cannot find it to save my life even after hours of looking in both versions so please help me!!!


From what I heard it only appears after you have landed to big fish that nets you the Golden Scale as an adult or the Heart Piece when your a kid.


As for Dark Link, if you don't target him with Navi and he's a push over.

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From what I heard it only appears after you have landed the big fish that nets you the Golden Scale as an adult or the Heart Piece when your a kid.




10 lb fish as child

20 lb fish as adult


When those conditions have been met you'll have no problem finding the sinking lure but it doesn't appear until then.

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I found it on the log as Young Link having caught a 9 pound fish.


Up to Ganons Castle now... just seen the cutscene when you arrive there... looks stunning.


Found all Gold Skultula's other than the ones now in this area, and 2 heart pieces to go.


Stumbled upon the entrance to that cliffside cave that overlooks Jabu Jabu today, whilst looking for skulltula's, had forgotten about that!

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  • Aiming with 3DS is cool, but I tend to tilt it left automatically instead of turning so I lose the 3D

I hear you there. For some reasons during long battles where I strafe around alot I kept tilting it so had to turn the 3D off. Also on the Gerudo arrow game/Racing with Epona.

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...And finished. Ganon took me a bit longer than necessary (especially on the second phase as I had forgotten you could actually hit him with the necessary arrows at that point to stun him).


Finished minus 4 heart containers (so 16 heart pieces left uncollected) and 40 something skulltulas missed but last time around I didn't really bother collecting either of these things so I've done much more this time than I did previously. Also collected the Biggoron sword which is something I never bothered to do either.


So yeah, good times. Even though I was skeptical about it being as enjoyable this time around prior to getting the game, all that skepticism washed away quickly and I loved playing through it again. Riding Epona around Hyrule Field still manages to bring a smile to my face even today :D 26 hours well spent I'd say.


Only issue now is what the hell am I gonna play on my 3DS, as I'm not going stright into the Master Quest? Guess I could pick up where I left off with Ghost Recon but it's gonna be hard to pick up something after playing this fantastic game again.

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Deku Tree and Dodongo's Cavern are big offenders, usually.


Correct! Found one in Dodongo's Cavern that required the Scarecrow song and one in the Forest Temple that I missed. Now got 100 tokens, first time I've don't it as well (without using the glitch from the original anyway)!


Now I've got everything, time for the final battle. After my 3DS recharges.

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Is it just me or have they completely fucked up rotate-to-target animations. Sometimes link spins around 3 times while looking at the ceiling before settling on the opening door. Also Dodongos are supposed to spin to face you after you hit their tail, but now they over-spin and end up facing away from you again!


Who's paying these game testers??

Is it just me or did they make Ganon smaller in this game? I seem to recall him being enormous and towering over you.
Yes they had to make him smaller, to fit on the smaller screen ;)
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Is it just me or have they completely fucked up rotate-to-target animations. Sometimes link spins around 3 times while looking at the ceiling before settling on the opening door. Also Dodongos are supposed to spin to face you after you hit their tail, but now they over-spin and end up facing away from you again!


Who's paying these game testers??


Link spinning around looks bizarre yeah. I assumed they did it so that he's looking around the room at something about to happen, and just made it look terrible. But you're right, they must have gotten it wrong and he was just supposed to focus on the door like in the original.

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Just bought this game today. It was a bit expensive at 60€, but I couldn't get it anywhere else on Sunday. Anyway, the game is as great as I remember it, the new look is great, and 3D works well, too, as long as I keep the right angle on the screen.


Haven't ancountered any bugs or clitches so far, I only reached Castle Courtyard today, but ot feels great to play this classic again. I'm planning on 100%:ing this game, so it takes a while with Master Quest.

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Is it just me or have they completely fucked up rotate-to-target animations. Sometimes link spins around 3 times while looking at the ceiling before settling on the opening door. Also Dodongos are supposed to spin to face you after you hit their tail, but now they over-spin and end up facing away from you again!


Who's paying these game testers??

Yes they had to make him smaller, to fit on the smaller screen ;)


I think that' deliberate. It's one of the glitches they kept from the original.

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He didn't :heh: but even if he did (he didn't), the dodongos weren't broken. Am I the only one who spotted that?


You get one jump attack on the tail and they're supposed to snap round to face you, quickly, and do their fire attack immediately afterwards. That is their basic attack pattern. But because of the over-eagerness of the spinning, they go about 290 degrees instead of 180, and you can just attack again immediately without strafing.

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^ I noticed the above instantly but I try not to let it bother me too much considering the rest of the game has been remade so fantastically well...



... still it is kinda sad that they didn't see fit to fix these small things.

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He didn't :heh: but even if he did (he didn't), the dodongos weren't broken. Am I the only one who spotted that?


You get one jump attack on the tail and they're supposed to snap round to face you, quickly, and do their fire attack immediately afterwards. That is their basic attack pattern. But because of the over-eagerness of the spinning, they go about 290 degrees instead of 180, and you can just attack again immediately without strafing.


The increase in framerate from 20 to 30 sounds like it created all sorts of headaches in terms of timings and animation rejigs. In one of the ‘Iwata Asks’ they talk about how the original equations for everything in the game were really tight, maximising the 64 hardware. The Dodongo anomaly is one that slipped their notice (and it would make sense for it to be because of the increased frames). As for Link spinning like crazy, I found that odd too and it might be a similar case to the above. Has anyone noticed how some (but not all) of the music is significantly faster in tempo? The Lost Woods for example.


I know they wanted to preserve some of the original glitches, but it irks me to see that rain drops still hit thin air above the well and drained Lake Hylia. At least they got rid of all the flickering texture overlays!


Is it just me or did they make Ganon smaller in this game? I seem to recall him being enormous and towering over you.


I thought this too, but checking vids of the original I think it might be due to different camera angles and the fact that we actually see more on the 3ds screen - the impression is definitely less immense. Still, amazing final stretch and they really upped the ante on the graphics for the whole of Ganon’s Tower. The rainbow bridge is brilliantly refurbished! And batting back power orbs is what 3D was made for :cool:

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I know they wanted to preserve some of the original glitches, but it irks me to see that rain drops still hit thin air above the well and drained Lake Hylia.
Never noticed this before. Now never going to not notice it again :heh:
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Is it just me or did they make Ganon smaller in this game? I seem to recall him being enormous and towering over you.


I thought that too. I'm sure it used to be easy to roll between his legs, but I couldn't do it this time.


I also noticed the Dodongo issue and how you can't attack Dark Link with the Megaton Hammer any more.

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