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Starfox 64 3D


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That's really awesome Ville, nice one. Brings me back *sniff*


Thanks man :)


Hmm, seems like people are torn in regard to SF Assault. Been listening to the soundtrack and wow, that alone makes me wanna try it someday... :o


As much as I hate Slippy... it's kind of been built into us that way. Slippy was always getting himself into trouble as a way to make the game more exciting/fun/difficult.

It wouldn't be the same playing lylatwars and not having to save him every 5 minutes.


Indeed. It's actually a pretty well-balanced team in terms of different personalities, I mean you have the good guy, the cocky hot-head, the old and wise, and the weak but technically gifted. Would be totally boring to have them all be equally strong...

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Hmm, looking pretty good. Made me wonder what the controls are like...because a big part of why Star Fox Command sucked so bad were the messy controls. I mean this game puts you into such heated situations that nothing less than pinpoint accuracy from the controls will cut it. Furthermore, add constant use of the shoulder triggers, i.e. barrel-rolling, and shooting, bombing, making u-turns etc at the same time...yeah, now that's a handful of buttons right there!


The analogue stick / pad (?) should handle the precision, but just wondering how comfortable the end result will be, hammering both the fire and the shoulder button constantly...any other games on the (3)ds with a similar control scheme ?

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After playing Zelda and experiencing how surprisingly good the Gyro controls are I'm actually really looking forward to playing SF64 with gyro controls. Aiming with the bow and arrow and such in OOT is such a breeze that if they get the sensitivity right in Starfox it could be a real plus point :smile:

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Tbh I wasn't anywhere near as impressed by the 3D trailer as I thought I'd be.


Other than the cool looking text at the start of the trailer, the 3D didn't blow me away, which is kinda what I thought we'd been hearing?


Switching between 2D and 3D during the trailer didn't make a great deal of difference and the 3D kinda looked like multiple layers of 2D.


There were a few nice moments, but it's no longer a game I feel I need to buy, unless I hear it's absolutely AMAZING to play with the motion controls. I'll consider it when launch rolls around, but I'll likely save my money and wait for a price drop or something.

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Tbh I wasn't anywhere near as impressed by the 3D trailer as I thought I'd be.


Other than the cool looking text at the start of the trailer, the 3D didn't blow me away, which is kinda what I thought we'd been hearing?


As usual 150% agree with Retro to the extent that he has typed what I was thinking word for word.


I think it's an issue with the way they do their trailers rather than the in game 3D. The 3D effect on the OOT trailer was rubbish but in game it's great.


I hope you're right. The only worrying thing is that Super Mario looks amaaazzziiiinnngggg.

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I thought Star Fox looked great in the video. But yeat, it's definitely within the comrpession. Remember the green lantern trailer was equally as feeble. It being video they have to set what the 3D is, and because they don't want anyone spazzing out they set it VERY LOW, hence it appearing not much.


Don't worry, all these games will look amazing I'm sure!

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Just skimmed through a Japanese playthrough of the game on Youtube.


Looks like the conversion was handled by Q-Games which makes sense given that Cuthbert worked on the original, it's unreleased sequel and then Star Fox Command too.


I think this is the prettiest game out for the system right now from all the bits I've seen - it looks like more of an upgrade than OoT was. But yes, the new voice cast does put a bit of a dent in the otherwise glossy presentation. Also, the music... Whether it just be the YT or something to do with the 3DS audio chip, I'm not sure, but it doesn't sound quite like the original and that's not good.


I loved the theme from Venom (Easy) but it sounded pretty crappy when I heard it just.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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