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Mario Kart 7


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Personally, I think it's good that they keep the graphics simple in order for it to run well. I saw a Mario Kart DS demo in HMV the other day and I was impressed with how smooth and solid it looked compared to other DS games. I would rather everything was kept sharp, smooth and solid than have complex visuals.

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Nt convinced by the hang Oder automatically coming out, especially on just high jumps, should be. A choice, do I float down, or do I just jump all the way down? The floating will just slow it down!


And 8 players I'm not TOO fussed about, though a bit weird after the wiis 12!

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Nt convinced by the hang Oder automatically coming out, especially on just high jumps, should be. A choice, do I float down, or do I just jump all the way down? The floating will just slow it down!


And 8 players I'm not TOO fussed about, though a bit weird after the wiis 12!


Well, now the choice is: Do I dive right down with my glider to in order to drive again, or do I stay in the air as long as possible.


It's cool, man: peace: You can fly!

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My 5 requests for this game:


1. The feather

2. Simple battle mode tracks (ie. SNES style)

3. Faster red and green shells (again, SNES style)

4. No blue shells

5. RARE lightning bolts (ie. not 3 times every race)


(None of the above will happen of course)

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1. What is peoples obsession ith th feather? It must be nostalgia. What use is it in these environments? They worked on the snes because you could jump the one block Walls. I guess jumping over a weapon and it moving to the next player woud be decent (though a ghost and turning invisible woud be best for this). If they designed the courses to have short cuts that needed the feather to get across... But maybe FLUD and hovering woud be fun for that


2. Completely agree. Loved the snes battle mode, not had the same affection since


3. Not bothered


4. Tricky one. Infuriating but hilarious in multiplayer. The option to turn off specific weapons woud be good


5. Yeah they're pretty frequent. I'm sure balancing was something they said they would spend a lot of time working on


I'd like to se some new twists and smash brothers-esque customsing, modes and extras. I'd like a mode for example, whe everyone has one of every power up, and you can use them and how and when you want. Would be a nice strategic mode!

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4. Tricky one. Infuriating but hilarious in multiplayer. The option to turn off specific weapons woud be good



This is my number one request. Apart from a fully fledged single player mode with tons of depth, similar to Smash Bros Melee/Brawl. Lots of stuff to unlock.


In Smash Bros, you have the option to turn certain weapons off or to turn them all off. It would just be nice to have the option. Or, to be able to customise how often you'd be getting certain weapons. It could be percentage based, so if you're in last place, then 20% of the time you'll get the bullet bill or something. It might be more complicated to do that. But, something to be able to actually tweak certain things.

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1. What is peoples obsession ith th feather? It must be nostalgia. What use is it in these environments? They worked on the snes because you could jump the one block Walls.


The feather creates cheating shortcuts though. I've noticed that ever since the DS mario kart, nintendo has been trying to get rid of anything that could resemble a shortcut. I mean REAL shortcuts like the koopa beach ramp in n64. It kind of alienates new players.


I kinda agree in a way though. So I say NO to the feather and shortcuts in general.


4. No blue shells


For me I agree. I am a person who takes gaming seriously. When I lose, I want it to be fair otherwise I'll get frustrated. I think Mario kart is a party racer but that doesn't mean it has to be unfair.


The lightning bolt I don't have a problem with. It seems more fair..

My requests for mario kart:


1: The ability to turn on and off items. For the wii version I enjoyed the "basic","itermediate" and "frantic" items settings. My friends and I always chose basic. Best weapon you could get was the red shell. If Smash bros can do it, I see NO reason why mario kart shouldn't.


2: A decent single player. I argued this before, although if there is a PROPER on-line I could forgive this. I'm talking about a story mode... Something like what F-zero gx had or Diddy kong racing or Crash team racing. Mission mode was a start on mario kart DS.

I'll be damned if I have to do a 50CC in super slow speeds JUST to unlock more tracks and cars.


3: I'll consider this a long-term goal, but a track editor wouldn't kill them. They ability to share your tracks would be amazing too.


4: A WAYYYYY better battle mode. The best I've ever played was the SNES version. It's actually been going downhill since.


5: If retro is doing the tracks then Samus Aran as a playable character :D :D

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1. What is peoples obsession ith th feather? It must be nostalgia. What use is it in these environments? They worked on the snes because you could jump the one block Walls. I guess jumping over a weapon and it moving to the next player woud be decent (though a ghost and turning invisible woud be best for this). If they designed the courses to have short cuts that needed the feather to get across... But maybe FLUD and hovering woud be fun for that


The feather in combination with simpler SNES-style battle mode tracks would be excellent. It could basically save you from a red shell. Precise reflexes and timing (coupled with point 3, FAST red and green shells) made for some intense battle mode moments.


And as for the Grand prix mode, forget massive course halving shortcuts, I'm talking about using the feather to shave off a few seconds off your lap time. Storing it until you happen to be heading straight for an inverted ? box, where again, reflexes come into it.


It would make a good addition and players who could use it properly would be rewarded. Certainly more useful and tactical than a stupid squid thing.


Bring back the feather I say.

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Mario Kart is online 8 players as far as I understand, and possibly joining in via friend list online. They never really detail things like multiplayer at E3.


I'll actually be really glad if it has all been cut to 8 players as I found 12 to be too many in Mario Kart Wii. There was just too much mayhem that it became a frustrating experience :hmm:


I have really high hopes for Mario Kart 3DS, though, and am delighted not to have seen any bikes shown at E3 :grin:

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am delighted not to have seen any bikes shown at E3 :grin:
Same here. :grin:

Loving the kart customisation too, hope they expand on that even more!


Gliding and underwater racing also look like great additions. icon14.gif


And coins are back!! :yay:


But I'm still struggling to accept the musical style they appear to have gone with. The music in MK has always been fantastic, but this new rock style just doesn't fit the franchise at all. :shakehead

It seems to be there on every track too, regardless of setting. :blank: I mean it's fine for a Bowser track, in fact it's essential. But it will not work well on a beach themed track, or many others.

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What worries me is that they say their goal is to have 8 people online via wifi. That doesn't sound like a full on confirmation that we'll get it.


I don't care about 8 player Local Multiplayer!!


If we get just 4 players online via Wi Fi... I won't be happy. If anything, I'll buy it, finish everything on the single player then sell it and go back online with Mario Kart Wii.

Edited by lostmario
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I don't really like Kart customisation, that was the only thing I didn't like about Mario Kart Wii the fact there was so many karts/bikes to choose from. I liked the karts being even for everyone like it was in MK64.


And now the fact there's be different karts, plus people strapping on Off Road tyres etc... mxing things up even further, I don't really like that aspect.

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Surely it'll be 8 player online. SURELY? Mario Kart DS had 4 player (gimped though) online, this will have 8 player on line and it'll be incredible :) (if worst thing happened and it was 4, I bet you still love it :) )


PS At least the league will be easy to get the numbers!

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