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Paper Mario: Sticker Star


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I didn't get confirmation of my Layton Tag until the next Wednesday, so probably hear about the sticker book today/tomorrow. There was no mention of it when I registered Layton either.


Think I'm at the point the journalists got stuck since I can't seem to progress much at the moment. Got to 4-2 but hit a wall again.

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My copy just arrived in the post... is there any point in me trying to register the code now for the sticker book?


I'm not too fussed either way, just curious as really I'm more excited at the prospect of playing the game later today. :)


Btw, thanks for the excellent review @Cube I enjoyed reading it. :D

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On the questionnaire you fill in for the 50 extra stars, one of the questions asks you did the sticker book offer make you order this game quicker.


So who knows... ::shrug:


Yeah I wondered if that was a trick question, playing ignorant "Oh, a sticker book? Why I DIDN'T know about that no..." would stand me in good stead. However I stayed honest; yes I knew about it, yes it made me buy it on launch, and yes I would llike one please :)

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I didn't see a question about the sticker book!


Anyhoo, I've finally out of/finished with the dastardly and bastardly world 3. World 4 is a delightful return to awesome, and it's nice that it's stepping things up a bit stickerwise. Still loving it, DESPITE world 3 :P

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Hmmm, I got this latest questionaire you all speak off without even owning the game or having registered it...


What's even stranger is that the email I got it with made it seem as a general questionaire instead of one about Paper Mario: Sticker Star.


Have I perhaps bought this game in my sleep, registered the code and already finished it? :o

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Apparently I've been living in a dark cave as I've never heard of this game (at least, I can't remember hearing anything about it).


What's it like? Is it good? Worth the 40€ price tag?


You're a loser!


How much do you like mario and paper mario? This is kind of both, really.


Hmmm, I got this latest questionaire you all speak off without even owning the game or having registered it...


What's even stranger is that the email I got it with made it seem as a general questionaire instead of one about Paper Mario: Sticker Star.


Have I perhaps bought this game in my sleep, registered the code and already finished it? :o



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You're a loser!




I'm German, so I was actually born this way :p


How much do you like mario and paper mario? This is kind of both, really.


Generally I like Mario, only played Super Paper Mario. Found all the games I played pretty easy.


So, if this game isn't a challenge (which I assume it isn't, because it's...well...Mario) I don't think I'll pay the full price.

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Aww, I didn't really mean it!


I haven't played Super Paper Mario, so I can't compare it to that. I am liking it though. As regards to challenge...well, I suppose it's variant - there's an overworld map and sometimes in level secrets to be found; there's bosses that take a certain mostly untold knack to them; and there's world 3. I don't know if I'd call it a challenge or a chore, though.

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As regards to challenge...well, I suppose it's variant - there's an overworld map and sometimes in level secrets to be found; there's bosses that take a certain mostly untold knack to them; and there's world 3. I don't know if I'd call it a challenge or a chore, though.


Hm, it's not for me then, as were all of the latest installments in the series since Galaxy 2.


Germans are amongst my favourite people on the planet!


Really? :p Germans suck.

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YEAH! Got my sticker book! :D


BTW, I've been playing this on my daily commute and I'm really surprised at how portable friendly it is! Even when I've only had a short amount of time to play it, I've been thoroughly enjoyingy my time with the game :D


I'm up to World 2-2 and loving it so far. The save points are plentiful, but the enemies are tougher than past PM games, so it balances it out nicely. Not much in the way of story so far, which feels weird, but I love pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of the Toads :laughing:


The visual gags are also really well done. You can really tell that thu actually physically modelled each environment in real life before rendering them in 3D on the 3DS! Kersti is also a nice partner, knows when to keep her mouth shut (the game has very little in the way of handholding really) and delivers some good lines that fill the hole that Goombario and Goombella have left :)

Edited by Dcubed
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Nice, just claimed my sticker book. Thought I screwed myself over by downloading it at midnight and your supposed to only be eligible if you register after 8am. Guess that only applies to physical copies?


Nice one, congrats! Did you get an email, or notified when you logged in to club Nintendo?


Seems I may have missed out then, which actually doesn't bother me too much as the game itself is brilliant, really enjoying playing and, as I play it on my journey to work, the world map lay out works perfectly for me to play it in bite size chunks :)


Edit: ah and congrats to you @Dcubed as well! just on world 2-5 myself, similar to you am playing on the commute so really enjoying diving in to it on the tube!

Edited by Kaepora_Gaebora
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Nice one, congrats! Did you get an email, or notified when you logged in to club Nintendo?


Seems I may have missed out then, which actually doesn't bother me too much as the game itself is brilliant, really enjoying playing and, as I play it on my journey to work, the world map lay out works perfectly for me to play it in bite size chunks :)


Got an email around 11:15am. Might be doing it in waves so you might still get it or check spam folders. I did download it at midnight so I was probably one of the first few.

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YEAH! Got my sticker book! :D


BTW, I've been playing this on my daily commute and I'm really surprised at how portable friendly it is! Even when I've only had a short amount of time to play it, I've been thoroughly enjoyingy my time with the game :D


I'm up to World 2-2 and loving it so far. The save points are plentiful, but the enemies are tougher than past PM games, so it balances it out nicely. Not much in the way of story so far, which feels weird, but I love pretty much anything that comes out of the mouths of the Toads :laughing:


The visual gags are also really well done. You can really tell that thu actually physically modelled each environment in real life before rendering them in 3D on the 3DS! Kersti is also a nice partner, knows when to keep her mouth shut (the game has very little in the way of handholding really) and delivers some good lines that fill the hole that Goombario and Goombella have left :)


Just seen I have ab email for the sticker book, strange as it was there since ages go today, unjust hopefully, claimed mine!

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I haven't got my email yet either, I put my code in at 11am last Friday as soon as my copy arrived in the post. I doubt even now 10,000 people have registered it so why Nintendo Europe have messed things


up again I will never know.

I am actually getting the game for a Christmas present I would have not bothered get hold of a copy so soon . Seems like it was a waste of time thanks Nintendo

Edited by yesteryeargames
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