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Kirby's Epic Yarn


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Well with most Kirby games I try to get 100%, or as best I can do towards it. Not massively hard in many of them as I've done it for quite a few. It is true that despite the arguable ease of kirby, I do tend to still find it massively enjoyable, but I can't place why. However, I'm not a child anymore and my attention span, and possible appreciation, for games has shrunk rather a lot, so I'm reluctant on paying £40 for this and then killing it off in the space of a week or something.


How moreish does it seem? Do you just think about wanting to come home and play it some more? How challenging ARE all the extras? Crystal shards was never massively tricky, but I do remember a few shards being quite a bitch to get, shamefully that's the hardest thing I can think of when I think kirby(excepting game boy iterations).

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I've got the game, and I'm still on grass land. Whilst it looks great and plays well, it isn't grabbing me as much as DKCR.


See i'm the opposite, played through a decent bit of KEY and its been alot more gripping than DK. It just looks and sounds so different from anything else out there. It makes me feel HAPPY INSIDE.

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This game is stunning! :D I've only really just started playing and its aready had me in stiches more than a few times, some of the things Kirby does are hilarious. :laughing:


I'm currently trying to piece together a review as I play and it's coming along nicely, I won't rush it though as I believe this is game to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace but at the moment I'm just simply amazed by it all.


Kirby's Epic Yarn is the perfect reminder of just why I love Nintendo games. :)

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Absolutely loving this game. It's so damned cute and saccharine yet feels so fresh and engaging. Annoyed that it took NoE so long to bring it over here (although to be fair, NoA haven't put anything out in North America while we get this now, other than Mario Sports Mix) but the wait was so worth it.


It is rather easy (I've manaded to collect all the items and soundtrack pieces in each level up to where I am which is Water Land), but I'm just loving it.


Loved Melody Town. Yes, it's a level design which has been done before but it just played so well and with the new art style, it felt brand new.


Similarly, loved the first level of Water Land. What is it with Nintendo and being able to make fantastic water levels in their platformers? Some of my favourite levels in the Galaxy games are water levels (can't remember the name but the one in SMG2 where you drop into the underwater cavern and your down there until you swim out into a serene clearing), same with DKCR (Tidal Terror and the one(s) with the whale riding) and now this first level in Water Land gets added to the bunch as it was just brilliant.


So yes, really enjoying it. Can't see why someone wouldn't. Seriously, if you haven't bought it, go and buy it :D

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2 Player is nice. It neither adds nor detracts really but its fun to share the experience with a friend. Its a bit like a less dangerous version of DK (you can help each other out by 'joining' in difficult areas or annoy each other by...turning into cars). I've only played in on co-op so far (ignoring when I played it in July).

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Kirby's Epic Yarn... is AMAZING!!!!

Damn, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a game.

It's just beautiful, so creative and immensely well designed. I can't see a single negative aspect so far, even the mild difficulty level isn't an issue because of the awesome Bead Streak feature. Seriously, losing your beads is way more painful than losing a life would be. :heh:

It's a great system that makes the game as challenging or as easy as the player wants, it's genius. icon14.gif


I love how this (like previous Kirby games) merges cuteness with coolness so well, perfect example even on the first level, where one minute you're just hopping around collecting beads, the music is nice and relaxing... then you transform into a missile shooting Kirby tank and are blowing the crap out of everything! :o:cool:


The transformations I've seen so far have all been great, I especially love fire truck Kirby. Using the yarn water to extinguish fires is so much fun and it's so rewarding seeing the flames/enemies transform in to a shower of multicoloured beads!


Anyway, I could go on and on about even the tiniest little details of this game, but I'll leave it there.

I strongly recommend it though, I've already had more fun playing this than any of the other 2D platformers on Wii. So in my opinion, it was well and truly worth the long wait.


: peace:


its aready had me in stiches more than a few times, some of the things Kirby does are hilarious. :laughing:
I laughed so much when I saw the duck car rolling downhill on the first stage of Treat Land, it was going completely mental! "Squeakysqueakysqueakysqueakysqueakysqueaky!" :D

Whoever created that needs a raise. :bowdown:

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And finished :D!


A short but oh-so-sweet return for Kirby that will undoubtedly be remembered for some time, at least by me anyway.


Loved every second of it. Although I still stand by my love of the Water Land levels, particularly the first one, there are some crackers later on which show just how willing Nintendo are to experiment with Kirby and the gameplay in his games and they're so good. I won't spoil it so others can experience them and revel in their joy :wink:


I feel saddened that I've now finished the game and that's something I haven't felt after a game in a long time (Fragile Dreams hit me but there was more the story rather than the game whereas this is all of the game). Similarly, while it's great that there's another Kirby game on the way (which could be great), it just won't feel anywhere near as fresh as this and I do hope Nintendo come back to this style. Alas, I doubt they will and it'll be left in the archives alongside another Kirby game which should have been continued on, Power Paintbrush/Canvas Curse.


Still, Nintendo have provided 3 of the best platformers in the last year with SMG2, DKCR and this and I hope they can equally match the quality of those in the remainder of this year on the Wii. Doesn't have to be platformers, but if there's one thing Nintendo can do better than everyone else it's platformers.

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The music in this game is just sooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOD


It's easily on par with the greatness of Opoona's soundtrack :D


Broadcast Yourself
Yeah, it's superb. The whole thing is just magical. :love:

This is fast becoming one of my favourite Wii games. Seriously, I'm proper in love with it. :heh:


Think I'm on the last world now, really don't want it to end though. :(


I know, I know.


I am a disgrace to my avatar and sig for not yet snugglin' up with my Fused Queen and playing this game:nono:

Big style! :eek:

But don't worry, Kirby will forgive you. :laughing:

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