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3DS Console Discussion


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Yeah, I thought we would have gotten Star Fox or Zelda for launch. Star Fox seems to have gone pretty quiet recently. I understand why they aren't rushing Zelda out as well. I'm sure I remember Nintendo confirming Kid Icarus wouldn't be ready for launch shortly after E3.

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It's gonna make importing a bit of a bitch if it's true though.


I really don't want to be forced to buy a US 3DS.


Good point, region-control seems mean-spirited to me, as importing is honest and above board. We only want to play games that aren't released here, not steal them.


Well 3D is meant to show some depth , so I thought looking at the screen from a different angle would allow me to see the side of his nose or something. I wasn't impressed with the picture really so I thought there must be more to it. The AR thing was good, but doesn't use the 3D screen much. It's basically your first case in point.


That's what I meant. I'm not getting confused with holograms. If you look at say, a column, your left eye will see more of the left side and your right eye will see more of the right side.

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Well 3D is meant to show some depth , so I thought looking at the screen from a different angle would allow me to see the side of his nose or something. I wasn't impressed with the picture really so I thought there must be more to it. The AR thing was good, but doesn't use the 3D screen much. It's basically your first case in point.


I'd intuitively probably try to turn the device, too. But in the context of 3D photographs it's just not realistic. The images were taken from a static viewpoint and that's it. For 3D graphics rendered in realtime, it should theoretically be possible to add depth through dynamic perspective changes, based on the viewers location. This would require some kind of headtracking however. And in case of the display technology of the 3DS, it would not work due to the limited viewing angle.

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Surely Street Fighter 4 is more of a core game than Luigis Mansion was?!


I'm specifically talking about Nintendo developed titles.


I mean you have to be honest, most of the time gamers buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games, for the "big hitters", the Marios, Zeldas, Metroids, Mario Karts, etc.


You always kind of expect one major hardcore title to be available on launch. Or well at least a title that has major hardcore appeal.


Personally I think for the 3DS it should've been Mario Kart. It made the most sense because MKWii has been out for years and we feel about "due" another Mario Kart, plus it'd be a nice change to have it on launch.

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Oh hi, it's me again.


Soooo, seeing the release of the 3DS getting closer I was wondering which game besides Pokémon I should get.


On my list:


Chrono Trigger


Golden Sun

A Professor Layton Game (the first one preferably...no idea which one that is so help)




The 3DS games are shit. :p

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A Professor Layton Game (the first one preferably...no idea which one that is so help)

Curious Village.


Recommendations for DS games?


- All of the Ace Attorney games (if you want interesting and funny stories)

- Ghost Trick (for the same reason as above)

- 999 (you'll have to import it from the US, but the story is amazingly dark and twisted)

- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (if you think a mix between the 2D and 3D GTA is appealing)

- Elite Beat Agents (if you want a great music game)

- The Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! games (if you want Elite Beat Agents with J-pop)

- Henry Hatsworth (if you want a challenging and great-looking 2D platformer)

- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (if you want a more lightweight but no less awesome RPG)

- The World Ends with You (if you want an RPG set in present-day Japan with simultaneous fighting on both screens)

- Advance Wars (if you like turn-based strategy)

- Picross DS/Picross 3D (if you like puzzle games)

- Rhythm Paradise (if you want a WarioWare game based around music)

- Mario Kart (because Mario Kart is always fun)

- Both Zelda games (or else you will die)


Those should last you until they release a good 3DS game. ;)

Edited by Magnus
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I would recommend:


The Ace Attorney games (the first four anyway)

Etrian Odyssey (as you like RPGs)

Dragon Quest V (great music)

New Super Mario Bros

Both Zeldas (but especially Spirit Tracks)


And download Shantae from DSi Ware (3DS Ware?)

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What kind of games do you like? I'm going to guess from your list that you are not the new super mario bros or rhythm paradise kinda guy.


Rhythm Paradise sounds good. And my mother already has New Super Mario Bros.


I'm looking for a game to spend hours with and after I had read a bit through the DQ IX thread I thought that this is the perfect game to do that.


I'm open for almost every suggestion. Go for it :p

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I'm so bored with the 3DS! Seriously. It's cool having it there and showing it to customers but... it's just not that impressive. Even the 3D has lost its magic on me, as I find myself popping out of the sweet spot every time I play which really pulls you out of the experience. Colour me disappointed; with the stock software anyway. Face Raiders and AR is only fun for an hour or so. We need games!


And to think I'll still probably end up buying one on launch..

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Went into the store where I preordered mine to add a traded in DSLite and some games to my deposit to take advantage of an offer they had.


They had a 3DS in store, I didn't even see the sign saying they had one. When I handed over my trade-ins they just put a 3DS down in front of me. I was like "is this real?" haha.


They didn't have any games to play on it, just the AR cards. The 3D effect was awesome even just on the menu screens. I was expecting to have to fiddle with the slider for a bit but it was working fine as soon as I turned it on. Also I didn't have any issues moving it closer/further away from me it kept the effect (though I didn't go too far just within what I expected I'd move if I were playing something).


They gave me the coin block AR card to try. That was pretty cool. I had to keep looking at the counter to make sure nothing was actually there.


Didn't try messing with the camera or face raiders or anything else. Wanna save it for when I have my own one. Just 2 more weeks to wait now.

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Most places have just imported the games have they not? Only one i'm aware of that isn't an import was Eurogamers Pilotwings. Even though no other site seems to have a review for it...


I'm sure Edge put out reviews for 3 3DS titles, one of which was Pilotwings Resort. Think they gave it a 6.


Only two weeks to go! :D

*but still feeling a bit disappointed that I haven't received a review copy when other mags and sites have*


You're lucky you get review copies of games from Nintendo. In the two years I've written for a site, I've never had anything come through from Nintendo for review. Other publishers yes, but not Nintendo. But then, the games are sent to the editor first who then decides what to send on to me so who knows. Maybe there has been stuff sent just that I've not had it passed on.


Anyway, yes less than 2 weeks to go. Need to get things sorted out this week money wise so it's all nicely in my bank and then I can wait and hope for reviews to come in before I finally decide what games I'm picking up.

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Anyone else a little worried about the massive fluctuations in game prices between retailers? I spoke to a guy in HMV who said they're expecting £35, whilst the assistant manager in GAME suggested that they were going to sell them for £40. GAME's online prices are still pretty high, on a par with PS3/360 games and higher than Wii/DS games.


Where are the cheapest places to get the launch games? I don't fancy paying £40 each for them.

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Anyone else a little worried about the massive fluctuations in game prices between retailers? I spoke to a guy in HMV who said they're expecting £35, whilst the assistant manager in GAME suggested that they were going to sell them for £40. GAME's online prices are still pretty high, on a par with PS3/360 games and higher than Wii/DS games.


Where are the cheapest places to get the launch games? I don't fancy paying £40 each for them.

Online like Shopto, Amazon, Zavvi etc... seem the best prices. Pretty much all games are below £30.
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