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need some help


after losing my new imported 3DS. only had it a week :(


bought a new one but i couldnt do a system transfer as the original machine is gone. After days of painful discussions with nintendo customer support they finally unlinked the NNID and allowed me to use that with new machine.


I can redownload my software but was wondering about my game saves. these are backed up so i have access to them but have no idea if i can just copy and a paste a certain folder over to the new micro sd card?


is this possible and if so do you know which folder i should be selecting.




Not sure, but when transferring between my 2 3DS' I was warned that all the folder and its contents in entirety will have to be transferred, otherwise the data inside becomes unreadable. I'd say copy the whole folder across, it's the one labelled Nintendo 3DS.


For game saves it may be different????

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Not sure, but when transferring between my 2 3DS' I was warned that all the folder and its contents in entirety will have to be transferred, otherwise the data inside becomes unreadable. I'd say copy the whole folder across, it's the one labelled Nintendo 3DS.


For game saves it may be different????


i tried to copy everything and i get a message saying the micro sd is not readable. I guess thats because the data is tied to the new 3DS i lost.


nintendo really do need to start offering cloud saves. I got my NNID back (not an easy thing to do) and managed to download my software again for free but my saved game data is gone which is annoying.


According to this http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/258/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xNDE4NDMyODg0L3NpZC9URzZ1aUw5bQ%3D%3D


Even if you unlink the NNID on your 3DS you cannot link it to another 3DS. The only way is system transfer. Thank god for the amazing account system.


nintendo can do it. they will just give you hassle and headache before they do though!

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thats not a good sign and it looks like they never sent any review copies out.


looks like it could be just a port of the smartphone version to be honest instead of being developed ground up for the 3DS.


I definitely won't be buying it, especially now that I've found myself drawn back towards Mario Kart 7's online mode :hehe:


I think I'd rather just go back and play Colin McRae Rally or V-Rally 2 on PS1 :heh:

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I definitely won't be buying it, especially now that I've found myself drawn back towards Mario Kart 7's online mode :hehe:


I think I'd rather just go back and play Colin McRae Rally or V-Rally 2 on PS1 :heh:


Seriously, get a PS4 and DriveClub. I'm playing it right now and @Cookyman and several others will vouch for just how good it is.


The track I just raced on featured heavy rain and lightning at night.

The track before it transitioned between heavy snow, light snow and no snow (only briefly no snow, mind) before going back to heavy snow on a track in Norway that started off in the early hours of the morning before daylight broke through.


The handling is fantastic, it's challenging, there's the online and also challenge aspects. It had tons of problems at launch but is now running really well and is the real deal.

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Seriously, get a PS4 and DriveClub..


There was a significant period of several weeks a couple of months ago where I was only really playing my PS3 and had a curious desire to obtain a PSP to play PS1 games on the go. In all honesty, mainly due to clearing The Last of Us, that moment has passed and I now feel like I'm firmly back in 'Nintendo Mode' :heh:


Playing things like Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, as well as the addictive Punch-Out!! on Wii has left me with the overwhelming desire to get the most out of all these great games that I've got and not spread myself too thin across mutliple games and consoles. When you have too many games, you don't really get absolutely everything out of each one, especially when I sometimes have a feeling of obligation to play games I haven't played, or completed, when all I really want to do is spend some time with my beloved favourites : peace:


As much fun as it sounds to be joining in on things like FIFA 15 with you guys, the PS4 is so far down my lists of interests right now that I'm not convinced it even makes the list :heh:


I seem to go through these sorts of phases from time to time, though..

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There was a significant period of several weeks a couple of months ago where I was only really playing my PS3 and had a curious desire to obtain a PSP to play PS1 games on the go. In all honesty, mainly due to clearing The Last of Us, that moment has passed and I now feel like I'm firmly back in 'Nintendo Mode' :heh:


Playing things like Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, as well as the addictive Punch-Out!! on Wii has left me with the overwhelming desire to get the most out of all these great games that I've got and not spread myself too thin across mutliple games and consoles. When you have too many games, you don't really get absolutely everything out of each one, especially when I sometimes have a feeling of obligation to play games I haven't played, or completed, when all I really want to do is spend some time with my beloved favourites : peace:


As much fun as it sounds to be joining in on things like FIFA 15 with you guys, the PS4 is so far down my lists of interests right now that I'm not convinced it even makes the list :heh:


I seem to go through these sorts of phases from time to time, though..


The bolded is very true. It's hard having so many games you're playing at once and trying to really fully enjoy each of them. I tend to end up biting off more than I can chew and I usually end up regretting it :laughing:


You've just gotta be strict with yourself. No starting something new until you've finished what's already on your plate! I try to stick with no more than one new game at a time on each console and it works out well for me :)


Pick-up-and-play-games like Mario Kart or Smash are fine though, you can just play as many of them at a time as you want. The rule only really applies to games that you can actually finish, like a Mario game or an RPG for instance.

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According to Sankei Biz, Sharp (already providing Nintendo with the 3D screen of the 3DS) will provide Nintendo with a free-form display for their next handheld (they mention the 3DS or a successor) or maybe their QoL device. It's all a rumour, but quite credible if Sankei Biz is to be believed.


From the looks of it, mass production for that type of screen (not made just for Nintendo, it's one of Sharp's own projects) was supposed to start in 2017, but Sharp managed to speed things up and production will actually start in 2016. Apparently, Nintendo are experimenting with some sort of donut-shapred display.


If that free-form display is for the next handheld, I doubt we're going to see it before late 2016/early 2017 at the earliest. Same for QoL. What's more, costs for such screen will probably be quite high, and we know Nintendo like their components cheap in order to maximise profits on hardware sales... So who knows what it's all about for now.


Aww yeah



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I could see a QOL device having a Free-Form display, but I think that'd be very gimmicky for a proper handheld. Any Virtual Console games would have to be displayed as a rectangle anyway, and I can't see many developers making games that deviate from a rectangle shape.

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top screen rectangular, bottom touch screen doughnut shaped? why they would want a hole in the middle though is beyond me, only thing that I could think of would be a N-64 style analogue in a central position? but that would be far from ideal, surely? Or maybe instead of an analogue stick, they'll pop a free rolling ball in the middle :D


It does seem to fit in a lot more comfortably with QoL in my mind, but maybe Nintendo are planning something a little crazy?

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Well now that would be interesting to see on their next gen handheld. Imagine the insane concepts that could come about from a free form display! (Cordoned off parts of a play field, invisible sections of the screen where stuff can hide out of view, simulation of 2+ screens on one, having the screen wrap around a physical iPod style clickwheel for direct interaction...) And imagine if it could bend as well...


Still I think it's more likely to be for their QoL devices because of the expense involved.

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Well if those dates are to be believed, even for the successor of 3DS, then Nintendo need to sort themselves out and actually release some games for the 3DS...


This year has been crap for the handheld for their standards. Nothing of interest, and only 2 or 3 'must haves' for me.

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Next handheld late 2016/early 2017? I don't see the 3DS lasting that long.


I think this is for something else.


New 3DS means at the earliest 3DS successor will be late 2015, but that will more or less kill New 3ds in the west.

I think mid 2016 is the earliest we're likely to see the next handheld from Nintendo.

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Playing things like Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, as well as the addictive Punch-Out!! on Wii has left me with the overwhelming desire to get the most out of all these great games that I've got and not spread myself too thin across mutliple games and consoles. When you have too many games, you don't really get absolutely everything out of each one, especially when I sometimes have a feeling of obligation to play games I haven't played, or completed, when all I really want to do is spend some time with my beloved favourites.


To be honest I'm starting to feel like this, so much so that my Xbox One is all packed up ready to sell this week. I went a bit nuts with PS4 games on Black Friday and they will be getting sent back as I just can't be chewed with any of them.


What I really want to do is play through a few Nintendo classics again and become more focused in what I'm playing. This year I've REALLY enjoyed playing on the N64 again, as well as playing SNES and NES games on the Wii U VC. In all honesty I probably had more fun playing these than I've had playing on my PS4.


At the moment I'm really tempted to have another crack at Mario Sunshine as I've only beaten it the once. After Kav mentioned Jet Force Gemini the other day Im being drawn to that as well.


Your comment about being spread too thin is exactly how I feel. The obligation comment also holds some truth to it. I'm finally turning into you, nando. :D


I realise this is completely off topic but it was an interesting point that was made.

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I really do think next christmas for the new handheld. Surely. 3DS is on its arse!


And yet you all seem to forget that the New3DS is coming out next year in the west...


The 4DS (or whatever it gets called) will come out no earlier than March 2017. The New3DS will have a similar lifespan as what the DSi had (Going by JPN dates, that's from September 2008-February 2011; roughly 2.5 years); because it's exactly the same thing. Just like the GBC and the DSi before it, the New3DS is a way of extending the life of their existing handheld (it even features exactly the same spec bump that both of those consoles gave to their predecessors too!)

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To be honest I'm starting to feel like this, so much so that my Xbox One is all packed up ready to sell this week. I went a bit nuts with PS4 games on Black Friday and they will be getting sent back as I just can't be chewed with any of them.


What I really want to do is play through a few Nintendo classics again and become more focused in what I'm playing. This year I've REALLY enjoyed playing on the N64 again, as well as playing SNES and NES games on the Wii U VC. In all honesty I probably had more fun playing these than I've had playing on my PS4.


At the moment I'm really tempted to have another crack at Mario Sunshine as I've only beaten it the once. After Kav mentioned Jet Force Gemini the other day Im being drawn to that as well.


Your comment about being spread too thin is exactly how I feel. The obligation comment also holds some truth to it. I'm finally turning into you, nando. :D


I realise this is completely off topic but it was an interesting point that was made.


I almost bought Rune Factory 4 on Thursday, put the money on my account then decided I'd probably either not play it any time soon or at all since I'm still playing Pokemon.


This is probably partially the reason my backlog is so big is that I don't finish games before buying new ones. ::shrug:

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After Kav mentioned Jet Force Gemini the other day Im being drawn to that as well..


It's funny you should mention that as I too was starting to contemplate Jet Force Gemini as it is one of those games that I've never really become engrossed in, partly due to having too many other things to play :heh:


If we want to relate this to the 3DS, I've tried to return to A Link to the Past on Wii VC recently after previously finding it frustratingly difficult after coming off A Link Between Worlds. I'm drawing near the end, now, but it has never won me over in the way I hoped it would. In all honestly, it's looking like a candidate for The best games you'll never play again! thread :hmm:

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I'm actually really getting into Link to the past. It possibly is down to the fact that my nephew is playing it too, so there's a sense of not wanting to be left behind and seeing if I can find something he hasn't/him sharing info with me.


I just got him link between worlds for his 3DS though, so hopefully he'll get on with that even better than he has lttp :)


I'll probably not play lttp again, but I tend to play single player games through once, I rarely play them through a second time. Tales of symphonia and SMB are the only two exceptions I can think of!

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To be honest I'm starting to feel like this, so much so that my Xbox One is all packed up ready to sell this week. I went a bit nuts with PS4 games on Black Friday and they will be getting sent back as I just can't be chewed with any of them.


What I really want to do is play through a few Nintendo classics again and become more focused in what I'm playing. This year I've REALLY enjoyed playing on the N64 again, as well as playing SNES and NES games on the Wii U VC. In all honesty I probably had more fun playing these than I've had playing on my PS4.


At the moment I'm really tempted to have another crack at Mario Sunshine as I've only beaten it the once. After Kav mentioned Jet Force Gemini the other day Im being drawn to that as well.


Your comment about being spread too thin is exactly how I feel. The obligation comment also holds some truth to it. I'm finally turning into you, nando. :D


I realise this is completely off topic but it was an interesting point that was made.


Yep. Me too. Weirdly getting the ps4 is what made me realise. I had kill zone, infamous, bought destiny, even alien (which I am excited about), but I just didn't get the buzz to play any of them. I just look at screens of toad, and kirby, and splatoon and look at my retro collection, the 3ds games I have etc. I really do just love Nintendo games. And I'm certainly spreading myself too thin. I have done for years, and I'm trying to get better... im sick of not exhausting games like I did as a kid. I want to play through kid Icarus again and do all the challenges, I want to play through Metroid prime trilogy Wii which is in It's wrapper, same with pikmjn 1 and 2, randomly I want to play zen pinball 2 more as well, but I'm always in a desperate need to finish as many games as possible...


And yet you all seem to forget that the New3DS is coming out next year in the west...


The 4DS (or whatever it gets called) will come out no earlier than March 2017. The New3DS will have a similar lifespan as what the DSi had (Going by JPN dates, that's from September 2008-February 2011; roughly 2.5 years); because it's exactly the same thing. Just like the GBC and the DSi before it, the New3DS is a way of extending the life of their existing handheld (it even features exactly the same spec bump that both of those consoles gave to their predecessors too!)


2017? No chance. I'd be gobsmacked of a new handheld is later than spring 2016. Nintendo really need to show their future hand. I genuinely believe they've learned a lot this gen, they know what gamers want, how the "casuals" aren't there and gaming is going back to be a dedicated hobby, and they're going to come out with their new handheld, their iPhone to their inevitable ipad the year after (in Eco system terms I mean). A more powerful, more social platform to propel them into gamers minds again, I don't think they wait much longer.

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2017? No chance. I'd be gobsmacked of a new handheld is later than spring 2016. Nintendo really need to show their future hand. I genuinely believe they've learned a lot this gen, they know what gamers want, how the "casuals" aren't there and gaming is going back to be a dedicated hobby, and they're going to come out with their new handheld, their iPhone to their inevitable ipad the year after (in Eco system terms I mean). A more powerful, more social platform to propel them into gamers minds again, I don't think they wait much longer.


I'm more in Dcubeds camp on this one I have to say. We know the New 3DS is out in the west next year - at least we assume so!


that needs time to sell in large enough quantities before the successor is announced, so 4DS won't be announced E3 2015. i think that is the expectation of most. An E3 reveal in 2016 is the earliest I would expect to hear about 4DS, which makes a late 2016/2017 release most likely.


But time will tell, maybe they will cut their losses with the 3DS, maybe the reason new 3ds wasn't announced here was that they have scrapped plans to release it at all. Australia is a small market, release there (as well as an early release in Japan) then this E3 announce 4DS and release that late 2015. I would be fairly surprised by that scenario though.

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I'm more in Dcubeds camp on this one I have to say. We know the New 3DS is out in the west next year - at least we assume so!


But time will tell, maybe they will cut their losses with the 3DS, maybe the reason new 3ds wasn't announced here was that they have scrapped plans to release it at all. Australia is a small market, release there (as well as an early release in Japan) then this E3 announce 4DS and release that late 2015. I would be fairly surprised by that scenario though.


Iwata has already said that it's coming out in 2015 in Europe and the U.S, several times (most recently during the last Investor's Briefing).


It was also mentioned during the Australian New3DS Nintendo Direct (where the president of NOAus took the opportunity to take a cheeky dig at NOA & NOE for waiting on the release :laughing: )


It IS coming out next year; almost certainly in March (alongside Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, a high profile New3DS enhanced game). Your proposed scenario is just plain silly (not to mention that you're forgetting that the exact same thing happened with the DSi, where Japan got it 6 months before the rest of the world; ok, minus the cheeky early Australian release that we got this time around which worked out very nicely for me ;) ).


The 4DS will be announced at E3 2016 and released in March 2017. Guaranteed. If you really refuse to believe otherwise, you're either purposely trolling or completely ignorant of history. They're not gonna release the New3DS next year and suddenly torpedo their own handheld with a next gen handheld announcement that very same year; this isn't early 90s SEGA we're talking about here :laughing:


Just like with the GBC and DSi, the New3DS will get around 2.5 years of life on the market before the true successor console arrives.

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Iwata has already said that it's coming out in 2015 in Europe and the U.S, several times (most recently during the last Investor's Briefing).


It was also mentioned during the Australian New3DS Nintendo Direct (where the president of NOAus took the opportunity to take a cheeky dig at NOA & NOE for waiting on the release :laughing: )


It IS coming out next year; almost certainly in March (alongside Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, a high profile New3DS enhanced game). Your proposed scenario is just plain silly (not to mention that you're forgetting that the exact same thing happened with the DSi, where Japan got it 6 months before the rest of the world; ok, minus the cheeky early Australian release that we got this time around which worked out very nicely for me ;) ).


The 4DS will be announced at E3 2016 and released in March 2017. Guaranteed. If you really refuse to believe otherwise, you're either purposely trolling or completely ignorant of history. They're not gonna release the New3DS next year and suddenly torpedo their own handheld with a next gen handheld announcement that very same year; this isn't early 90s SEGA we're talking about here :laughing:


Just like with the GBC and DSi, the New3DS will get around 2.5 years of life on the market before the true successor console arrives.


As I said, I am mostly in your camp on this and would be very surprised by the alternative I suggested - because as you said, it would be plain silly. But just because something is plain silly doesn't mean it won't happen, I am open minded on the whole thing.


I'm not going to predict to the month, but late 2016 through to late 2017 is the time window I expect it to launch in.

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Aren't you the person who always gets their predictions wrong :)


We'll see.


I thought DCubed's track record was pretty decent for predictions?

The only thing I think he got wrong recently was the Smash WiiU release date.

(I'm probably wrong, though)

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