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Anyone know how to add the QR stuff?


and how to play Mp3's from an SD card :D?


QR: Go to Mii maker then send/receive Miis.

MP3: Put music on SD card, go to the 3DS Sound and then select the folder.


Be sure to check out the equalisers. The space ship tunnel one looks amazing.


My local GameStop opened an hour early at 8am so I was there queing at 7, and first there... actually expected there to be a few there before me, by hey cool by me. :heh:


As it was cold went back to the car and sat there watching for the security guards to arrive and open the door to the shopping centre so I could get in. About 7.30ish one other person appeared and the doors opened. So we went in and waited outside the store. Staff came round 7.45 and set everything up.


Also handed out forms to fill in to win a 3DS, which I thought was a bit odd as we were there to buy it... winner isn't drawn till 15th April anyway, who know could have a 2nd, haha.


8 on the dot doors opened, I walked up the counter, Staff know me and I had everything paid off already so it was just "Hi Franklin"...*type away on till, receipt prints* "Here ya go" and off I went, haha.


3DS GET!!!


Got Street Fighter 4 and Ridge Racer, only had some short goes on both, was really just messing about with the menu and setting mostly. Moving the slider doesn't seem to do much for me though, in that if I turn it down there's no real noticable difference between whatever inbetween and full till I get to 2D :heh:


Gave the AR target game a go, beat it in 1min 15secs I think it was.... turned off the 3D for it though. When your looking at your own table or whatever viewing it in 3D on screen kinda seems silly.


Tried the Mii maker with the camera... little disaapointed you still have to select some things like hair styles etc before taking the pic, I though the camera would do everything. It didn't produce what I was hoping for either so had to manully fix it.. though might try again and have both my Mii and the "camera Mii" on the system :heh:


Set up the internet connection, downloaded the update and watched the pretty video, nice. Will be using that to show off the system.


Showed it to my Sister but she didn't seem to be impressed with the 3D, said it looked funny, but when she took off her glasses she said it looked better.... anyone else have an issue with the 3D while wearing glasses?


Gave SF4 a go, played a few matches, then went back and tried the online mode see if I could find a match.... found someone from Japan and of course got my ass kicked.... also need to learn the moves and such.


Stuck in Ridge Racer for a bit, did one race, enjoyed it, 3D worked well game looked good... my driving skills however another story, haha.


Think it took about an hour or 90mins before I got a low battery message, so I pluged it in. The docking station isn't as great as I expected, thought the console would fit in it nicely bit it's very loose. Good thing you don't need to use it to charge.


Loving it though.


Registered it on Club Nintendo, didn't get anything bout a t-shirt but I was likely not in the first 3000 but who knows maybe you get an email later or something.


Also, gods do I hate the stupid questionaire they make you go through.

Gonna register SF and RR now then get back to playing... might mess with some Mii pics later and upload some.

Thanks cube but i dont see a folder to select in it :/ do you have to make 1 on the SD card and does it need a specific name?


I think the music has to be in a folder. I put mine in a folder called "Music".


anyone else have an issue with the 3D while wearing glasses?


I found that it looked much better when I had my glasses on.

Is there anyone who could not connect to Internet with dsi or ds lite, but had no problem with 3ds?


I could with the DSi enhanced games (Pokemon Black) but not on normal DS games or at all on my DS Lite. 3DS is fine.


The post has been and gone and no games have been delivered this morning :hmm: When Parcel Force arrive with the 3DS, I'll just have to make do with the AR games for now..

I'm sure N-Europe won't be putting this launch story on the main page.


Got to HMV Oxford Street at just before 11am or so. Turned out to be 5th in line which was pretty sweet. HMV even came out and gave us numbered wristbands which meant we could go off and do our own thing and our place in the line would be guaranteed.


Arrived back at HMV and hung around for several more hours until the doors opened, until then everything was going smoothly and HMV/Nintendo had great control over the crowd. Atmosphere was amazing, friendly Nintendo PR people and freebies everywhere.


Time to go in! Awesome, a day of waiting has finally paid off. The first guy in line is treated like a king and whisked off to purchase his 3DS while the rest of us, right at the front of the holding pen watch some tacky battles between relatively unknown music artists, the producer of Street Fighter and some random customers who had signed up to be selected earlier in the day.


It hits midnight and we're all ready to go through, but wait... the line isn't moving. Oh wait, it is moving, just not where we're standing. Seems HMV thinks you start counting backwards and decided it would be okay to let everyone at the back of line start buying their stuff first. D'oh, guys, doing so well up until this point! You should have seen the look of confusion and slight panic on the face of the security guard.


The security guards argued we'd lined up to have Street Fighter signed first, which isn't exactly the way things were advertised to work. They even started letting anyone who didn't want it signed through to congregate at the tills to purchase their stuff first. This would have been mildly irritating but acceptable were it not for what happened next.


By the time we got to the tills it was a mass of people everywhere. No organisation and absolutely no direction for anyone. A massive, never-ending sweaty fanboy funnel.


What started out incredibly well thought out and awesome had degenerated into a poorly organised nightmare. Exactly the kind of organisational difficulty that arises when you abandon a perfectly logical number based queueing system, the importance of which was repeatedly assured by staff throughout the day.


We had to get back home before the last train at 1:30am so as to avoid being stranded overnight in London, so I decided to just dump my signed copy of Street Fighter in the hands of a slightly confused employee (this wasn't his fault, he was doing a great job) and leave the line, if it could be called that, and the store.


A little better organisation and acknowledgement of the number system they had in place would have gotten HMV their precious £250 or whatever it was they would have earned from me today.


Instead they can go fuck themselves. I'll buy my 3DS at a later date from a good store.


I'm getting really tired of being treated like complete shit at Nintendo events. For a company so renowned for quality, you expect better. I'd point the finger at HMV exclusively, but Nintendo opted to partner with their knucklehead staff so it's just as much their fault, right?


The fact I gave a really positive and enthusiastic taped interview while in the line is going to come back and bite me so hard in the ass on this one, I just know it.


That sucks dude, sorry to hear.


I mean, why organise it so well at the start of the day then allow it to crumble at the end. Give out wrist-bands, then tell you that you are first to have SFIV signed.


Na, i agree with other people. GAME have far better organisation skills for launch events, and this calamity just goes to show why HMV are cutting jobs and closing stores. They are completly useless at most things, except recommending crappy music and charge 3x the amount as their online store for the same item.



I could with the DSi enhanced games (Pokemon Black) but not on normal DS games or at all on my DS Lite. 3DS is fine.



It'll be your router security settings. DS Lite only supports WEP, not the more common (and better) WPA.

Is there anyone who could not connect to Internet with dsi or ds lite, but had no problem with 3ds?


That'll be because you're using a WPA on your internet. The DS STUPIDLY only accepts WEP and the DSi accepts WPA but (like Rez mentions) to PLAY online you can only with DSi games. Nintendo are effing MENTAL!!!

Is anyone else seeing N-Europe in 3D a bit? My eyes are going funny lol.


just had exaclt the same feeling xD lol


and yea the sound is awsome :D just tested it with some pendulum :)


any1 with headphones can test weither itll play music while closed?

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