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3DS Console Discussion


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I'll add my post later.


Samurai Warriors is awesome, one of the stronger launch titles imo. I'm loving and I keep getting killed 5-10 min in. And I still got 'woahed' by the 3D.


My local got their shipment in earlier, Samurai Warroirs did not come :weep:

So I got them to hold off a copy of Ridge Racer for me as my 2nd game.


Was thinking of Lego Star Wars before but then I thought, I never bothered with the Clone Wars show, prolly best to skip this one too:p

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My local got their shipment in earlier, Samurai Warroirs did not come :weep:

So I got them to hold off a copy of Ridge Racer for me as my 2nd game.


Was thinking of Lego Star Wars before but then I thought, I never bothered with the Clone Wars show, prolly best to skip this one too:p


Damn that sucks, I was abit curious about this with the sort of mixed views but i'm really enjoying this so far.


But Ridge Racer is a good choice, heard good things about it and the 3D.

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Great minds...


Hey mate, only spotted the codes thread you made, since I already copied over posts to the one in the online board I deleted yours to avoid confusion. : peace:




Oh yeah, when I was in GameStop earlier I also brough with me an A4 print out of the ? AR card. Was telling the staff about it the other day and they didn't believe me that it would work with any old print out or about the size increasing proportionally.


When it worked the manager said he wants to try make an A1 print out himself, haha.


Think they gonna use that now for when someone wants to demo the console in store instead of teh actual card :)

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Okay, no jokes here.

The 3DS made me realize, once again, how awesome gaming technology can be!!!


NINTENDO + Improved connectivity = FUCKING AWESOME!


I foresee great things for the next few months before Japan realises they're all living inside a microwave.


Anyone did a system update yet, you can get a pretty tight little 3D video!

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The 3d video is pretty cool.


I have just been playing street fighter.

The depth in that game from the 3d is crazy good.


Its so impressive. Want to pick up another title to go with that and Pilot Wings tomorrow.


Torn over Rayman, Ridge Racer and Monkey Ball.

Hhmm. If anyone has these and has thoughts on them it'd be appreciated!

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1: how much of a charge is in the console out of the box?

2: How long does it take to charge?

3: Is it ok if on it's first charge I'm playing at the same time :heh:


1. I had about half battery life when I first turned mine on.

2. I plugged mine in to charge around 12, went for a hair cut (as you do) came back at half three ish and the light was out so it had fully charged.

3. Yup certainly is ok. I am doing it now! :bouncy:

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Come on 3DS owners, let's see some cool AR card photos! ;)


I have some cool ones, i'll no doubt upload them tomorrow/very late tonight. Having far too much with console to upload.


Okay, no jokes here.

The 3DS made me realize, once again, how awesome gaming technology can be!!!


NINTENDO + Improved connectivity = FUCKING AWESOME!


I foresee great things for the next few months before Japan realises they're all living inside a microwave.


Anyone did a system update yet, you can get a pretty tight little 3D video!


Yeha I done update, nice wee video and update has improved a few things too!

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I'd given up hope of getting mine today, but it arrived around five o'clock! Tested most things out by now, including Street Pass, as I went into town for dinner. Managed to exchange data with someone too, though I assume it was just the 3DS in GAME.

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Yay! Finally allowed myself to get excited for this and will be going to midnight launch!


I shouldn't get that excited, HMV Richmond are literally doing the minimal, i.e. opening at midnight and that's it. But yeah get ready for some hadukening mudda cluckers. Specially you Will ;)

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