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N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 2010


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I kinda wish I had made it this year :hmm: There were quite a few of you last year that I never really spoke to and obviously a few of you who didn't make it last year at all! It would have been cool to get away from everything for a day or two.. but I'm not sure how I would have felt going over there on my own :red:


All being well, I'll maybe try to make it out next year.. unless there happens to be some sort of meet before then :heh: Maybe some of the Northern Irish N-E contingent would fancy tagging along..!

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EPIC! :grin:


So gutted that I could only stay for 3 hours! >____< stupid work. What happened after I left sounds intense.


I'm actually pleased with myself, I managed to get to London, woo! and get to the park without getting lost. Admittedly all I had to do was get on a straight line across to Hyde Park Corner and walk up through the park but still, growth. :)


Anyway back onto more important things: THE MEET.


I was scared and confused before even arrived because a massive sports day event was going on but once I got through that I saw ReZ being purple in the distance and my the feeling got worse. I wanted to turn back but he'd already spotted me.


I was met with several faces looking at me surprised but none more so than ReZ.


I settled myself down for a couple of minutes and assessed the situation and then a game of consequences came into play which was fun. :D


I can't believe I met an actual celebrity in the form of ReZ director and producer of his own hit web series Comedy Rainbow, I think he would agree that meeting him was a piece of pure chocolate pleasure. :heh: ReZaphon.


I also met the creator of my T-shirt. Ine who is amazingly awesomely wonderfully beautiful. I would use those exact words to describe Flinky as well who had a weird (but obviously arousing) fetish with my hair, he touched it many times and SNIFFED it.


I got to hug Molly TWICE which was the greatest thing ever. obviously. Also I instantly love her for giving me Pineapple, Cherries, vegetable crisps and weird greek things from a bottle. Naice.


Daft, Razz and The Bard were cool. too cool for me. seriously.


I'd use the word trendy but in doing so that just furthers the gap between my fail nerdiness and their immense sexual prowess.


I think at one point I utterly scared/confused Razz, Daft and Molly so my apologies for that. :p


I'm fairly socially inept (I have certificates to prove it) and thought I was doing pretty well. Oh yeah that pineapple spork was amazing.


I spent most of my time stealing ReZ's hat/phone/anything I could get my hands on. Cool hat bro. :bouncy:


I love how greatly confused Dyson was and his delight once he realised it was me much better than being greeted with fear and trepidation! shame he just popped in for a minute.


Also ReZ I can't remember why we laughed so much BUT I laughed a lot just generally with you most of the time I was there, I think we are on the same mental level. sorry. :heart:


I remember we got extremely excited when it was mention scoop might be coming.


Rummy remains to be a pillar of manliness in our society included in some shirtless action which I attempted to film. odd.


Also I had had sleep yesterday so I was acting normal. :yay:


I hugged many people. :D I wish I got to stay longer to talk to more people I didn't get to really talk to that many people.


Jimbob, Jayseven, Goafer, Twozzok etc. Sorry I didn't speak to you as much as the others. I kept trying to shift about.


Trick for next year: Bring food, Coolness Bears will be enticed into your lair. :yay:


So much win contained within 3 hours, my brain almost exploded on the frantic train ride home.


Even though I left half an hour later, I got to work on time.


*some form of heroic pose*



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Back row left to right: Daft, Razz (behind), Goafer, Jimbob, Marcamillian, Rummy, Coolness Bears, JaySeven, *Not sure*, The Bard, Flink, Eenuh.

Front row left to right: Debug Mode, ReZ.


Hopefully I got all those right. Someone fill me in on who the not sure was please!


Edit: The one I missed it Twozzok right?

Edited by Goafer
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Back row left to right: Daft, Razz (behind), Goafer, Jimbob, Marcamillian, Rummy, Coolness Bears, JaySeven, Twozzok, The Bard, Flink, Eenuh.

Front row left to right: Debug Mode, ReZ.


Fixed!!!. Now, enjoy the complete saga

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I remember we got extremely excited when it was mention scoop might be coming.


I'm truly flattered. Hope I didn't disappoint too immensely by arriving late, staying about an hour and then departing without actually saying a proper goodbye to everybody.


I know for certain I didn't get to say more than three lines or a goodbye to our dynamite couple Fierce Link and Eenuh and I'm sure there were others I neglected also. I apologise profusely for that.

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ARNIEBOY you've been viewing this thread all day. I AM CALLING YOU OUT!


Join usssss....


I do apologise, i do tend to lurk a lot without posting much. Long time member - long time lurker, i just never know what to say half the time...many a time have i written out a post only to delete it as it doesn't seem to fit in with the epic conversations had at N-E, oh well i've been caught red handed ::shrug:


Sound like a really good time from what I am reading :)

This is going to sound really boring but i take it the grass has recovered from when we had that massive heatwave? I saw a birdseye photo of Hyde Park completely brown!


*Dashes back into the shadows*

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I do apologise, i do tend to lurk a lot without posting much. Long time member - long time lurker, i just never know what to say half the time...many a time have i written out a post only to delete it as it doesn't seem to fit in with the epic conversations had at N-E, oh well i've been caught red handed ::shrug:


Sound like a really good time from what I am reading :)

This is going to sound really boring but i take it the grass has recovered from when we had that massive heatwave? I saw a birdseye photo of Hyde Park completely brown!


*Dashes back into the shadows*


Grass was still cooked when we got there.


@ Scoop. We got exicted, none more than Rez who was on about "touching" at some point. Still, an hour is better than 0.

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My awful quality phone camera photos from the meet:








Brought my girlfriend along to meet everyone. She was cool enough to agree to come along since we were in Hyde Park anyway (Madame Tussauds was unfortunately not an option in the end, a three hour queue didn't sound too tasty!). Suffice to say she left thoroughly overwhelmed but had fun, and became initiated nonetheless. Who knows? One day she might get around to signing up here. :D





Flinky is definitely ready for it in this photo:


"Do you mind if I smoke here, Dyson?"



And finally, taken without my glasses on as Jay put it:




Edited by Dyson
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I didn't think I had a good picture of Razz, but I had another quick flick through and found one:




Also the one of Dyson. I wasn't going to post it because I was trying to avoid the whole posed picture malarkey, but I realised I hadn't posted one of him, plus he requested it:






Also remembered an awesome moment between me and Daft. Daft handed me his phone, which was connected to FaceBook and told me to add myself to his friends list. There was no unawkward way to tell him that already was on his friends list. I think a similar thing happened with me and Eenuh as well. Awesome.

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Also the one of Dyson. I wasn't going to post it because I was trying to avoid the whole posed picture malarkey, but I realised I hadn't posted one of him, plus he requested it:




I don't think it counts as a posed photo really; I believe at the point of arrival I had three cameras pointed directly at my face and I too was somewhat overwhelmed at this point. Had I had time to prepare for my 'photoshoot' I'd have pushed my glasses up my nose at the least. :heh: By the way, that camera is epic. All the profile photos turned out perfect. Consider me impressed, Mr. Goafer!

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By the way, that camera is epic. All the profile photos turned out perfect. Consider me impressed, Mr. Goafer!


As much as me and my camera would love to take the credit, it's really down to you guys for being so fucking sexy.

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