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N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 2010


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I'll probably come unless something more important comes up like plucking my toenails. (is that a thing?) :D




...hmm apparently not. I don't want to pluck my eyebrows as they have a certain charming quality about them.


Can men epiliate?


I enjoyed it last year, sitting on a hill for many hours can entertain me no end unless the sun is burning down then I will either faint/get sunstroke/turn into a beast of the night which is some sort of deformed male prostitute. :)


It's also nice to get me out of that house away from all that nagging, and noise...of a family of love. la la la la. :p

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Can men epiliate?



My old housemates though it would be great for my masculinity to epilate my legs. Foolishly, I decided to let them do eet.


Never again.


Before that, my ex thought it would be great for me to see what it feels like to wax your own leg. So, she did part of my shin for me. I yelped. I was completely hairy all over apart from one strip of bare, naked skin on my right leg.


The things women go through for us. One day, Coolness, when you obtain your own female, you will appreciate them for all of this stuff. The waxing and the epilating. Be grateful all we have to do is shave!

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We did Trocadero a couple of years ago (i suck at arcades) and it went down well! We went in the evening though, after a 3-4 hour park sitting/tree-clumbing session. Both can be done and attended by any interested parties!


(just park and getting drunk for me, obv.)

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I'm with Jay and Coolness, I'm going for the people and the company, and thus find it very difficult to end up being bored and not having fun just sitting on a patch of grass chatting to you guys, but maybe that isn't for some. I didn't realise that people hadn't enjoyed last year's meet! I think it probably was a bit briefer overall, and the end was a bit abrupt, we all just sort of suddenly disappeared in different directions and I dinnae know what was happening!


Anyhow, regardless, I'll probably do whatever. Even ReZ.

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I'm with Jay and Coolness, I'm going for the people and the company, and thus find it very difficult to end up being bored and not having fun just sitting on a patch of grass chatting to you guys, but maybe that isn't for some. I didn't realise that people hadn't enjoyed last year's meet! I think it probably was a bit briefer overall, and the end was a bit abrupt, we all just sort of suddenly disappeared in different directions and I dinnae know what was happening!


Anyhow, regardless, I'll probably do whatever. Even ReZ.




What might be nice is, when the sun goes down to head to arcade/Trocoderoeo/whatever and do that. Make the "meet" longer than the previous ones(s) although....I know some people did this.


I see hardcore four player amazing in our future?


But whatever. I'll enjoy being in you guys no matter what.











Being with you guys I mean.

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Well rather than sitting down, some of us played a game of football which I actually rather enjoyed!


The time flew by for me. Sitting on the hill talking for a bit was nice so it wasn't too bad for me, but if I had sat down long enough like everyone else it would have gotten quite tedious.

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Tbf Rez you have a very outgoing confident personality, where as for some people, sitting with a bunch of 'strangers' finding it awkward to strike up a conversation is probably a bit petrifying.


Some sort of activity might help engage everyone with one another.

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To clarify, I'm fine with sitting in a park and talking for a few hours. But a day has maaaaaaaany hours and I want to do something for the rest of those too. Even just going to a pub in the evening and/or playing some (board)games or going to an arcade or going for a meal would be great!


I'm one of those types who doesn't talk much, so if I have to just sit down for hours I probably won't do much and be bored. =P

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Guest Captain Falcon

As nice as people may be, sitting in groups with people who are ultimately strangers can be weird. Having a distraction is good since it gives you something in common to talk about there and then if you are struggling to make conversation.


That said, the few times I've been to the Trocadero, I can't say I've been particularly impressed.


I remember seeing this kid dance across 2 machines - he wasn't even looking at the screen half the time, and ended the final beat with a handstand. The kids around him were clapping but I could help but feel pity for the guy really...


My hopes at seeing a Killer Instinct 2 arcade machine were dashed once I got round the other side and saw it was playing Street Fighter Zero 3 (not that SFA3 is bad though).


As nice as people may be, sitting in groups with people who are ultimately strangers can be weird. Having a distraction is good since it gives you something in common to talk about there and then if you are struggling to make conversation.


That said, the few times I've been to the Trocadero, I can't say I've been particularly impressed.


I remember seeing this kid dance across 2 machines - he wasn't even looking at the screen half the time, and ended the final beat with a handstand. The kids around him were clapping but I could help but feel pity for the guy really...


My hopes at seeing a Killer Instinct 2 arcade machine were dashed once I got round the other side and saw it was playing Street Fighter Zero 3 (not that SFA3 is bad though).

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Well rather than sitting down, some of us played a game of football which I actually rather enjoyed!


The time flew by for me. Sitting on the hill talking for a bit was nice so it wasn't too bad for me, but if I had sat down long enough like everyone else it would have gotten quite tedious.


Ooo, the game went ahead after? Sweet. If anyone fancies a little kick about, I'll be up for it.


There's no reason we can't do everything. We can have lots of time sitting on the grass, chatting and getting to know each other. Then, in the evening time, if people are still sticking around, we could do something else as Ine suggested, like visit the arcade or go to grab some food or something.

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Ooo, the game went ahead after? Sweet. If anyone fancies a little kick about, I'll be up for it.


There's no reason we can't do everything. We can have lots of time sitting on the grass, chatting and getting to know each other. Then, in the evening time, if people are still sticking around, we could do something else as Ine suggested, like visit the arcade or go to grab some food or something.


Sounds like a good plan, i'll be about for the remainder of the day.

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Well people were playing pokemon/ attempting to understand ReZ.


We had a football so some of us initiated a football game. Was good (even though I wasn't) and I actually bonded more with the football people more because of it I think.


Not to say people last year weren't lovely. The majority were.

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My old housemates though it would be great for my masculinity to epilate my legs. Foolishly, I decided to let them do eet.


Never again.


Before that, my ex thought it would be great for me to see what it feels like to wax your own leg. So, she did part of my shin for me. I yelped. I was completely hairy all over apart from one strip of bare, naked skin on my right leg.


The things women go through for us. One day, Coolness, when you obtain your own female, you will appreciate them for all of this stuff. The waxing and the epilating. Be grateful all we have to do is shave!




My friend wants to wax my legs, I don't understand a girls obsession with wanting to strip hair off men...oh wait the intense pain! :p


Oh aye, I barely understanding shaving. I even managed to break my electric shaver the other day so now it is all wonky on one side.

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To clarify, I'm fine with sitting in a park and talking for a few hours. But a day has maaaaaaaany hours and I want to do something for the rest of those too. Even just going to a pub in the evening and/or playing some (board)games or going to an arcade or going for a meal would be great!


I'm one of those types who doesn't talk much, so if I have to just sit down for hours I probably won't do much and be bored. =P


Well personally I find this an idea I can get on board with, and I'm pretty sure Marcamillian might too. Grass+socialising followed by pub+board games are pretty ultimate for us. Pub jenga, anyone?

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My friend wants to wax my legs, I don't understand a girls obsession with wanting to strip hair off men...oh wait the intense pain! :p


Oh aye, I barely understanding shaving. I even managed to break my electric shaver the other day so now it is all wonky on one side.


Girls want us to feel their pain. If they had the option of transfering their child-birth pain over to us, they would, in an instant!


I used to have an electric one, but didn't like it. I love the feel of razors. :)


Well personally I find this an idea I can get on board with, and I'm pretty sure Marcamillian might too. Grass+socialising followed by pub+board games are pretty ultimate for us. Pub jenga, anyone?


I like pub jenga! I also like Pub Connect Four, haha. Although, I think we may struggle to find a pub for all of us if there's a big group of us staying after the park meet to do other stuff? Nevertheless, it'll be a laugh to walk around London in a massive group. :D

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