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Matt Piscatella from the NPD's has been posting more retro charts dating back to 1995, it's bizarre how many N64 games made it into top 3 best sellers in the years between 1996 and 2000 considering how much of a flop the system supposedly was. In fact the last time a Nintendo game was a best seller in the US was Pokemon Stadium in 2000, I would have thought something on the Wii would have been able to challenge CoD or Madden. 


Star Fox at number 3 in 1997 has confused me a bit, you'd think it would be Star Fox 64 but surely if it was they'd have used the full title - could Star Fox on the SNES have had a weird boost in sales in 1997??

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18 hours ago, killthenet said:

Matt Piscatella from the NPD's has been posting more retro charts dating back to 1995, it's bizarre how many N64 games made it into top 3 best sellers in the years between 1996 and 2000 considering how much of a flop the system supposedly was. In fact the last time a Nintendo game was a best seller in the US was Pokemon Stadium in 2000, I would have thought something on the Wii would have been able to challenge CoD or Madden. 


Star Fox at number 3 in 1997 has confused me a bit, you'd think it would be Star Fox 64 but surely if it was they'd have used the full title - could Star Fox on the SNES have had a weird boost in sales in 1997??

It IS Star Fox 64.  They're not writing the proper titles in there for some silly reason (unless it really is Arcade/NES Donkey Kong selling in 1999, but I think it's safe to say that's not the case ;) )

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Another good video by Sega Lord X.

Strangely enough I actually fired up my Saturn yesterday evening. I had a hankering to play on it earlier in the week thanks to a thread over on Era. I had a play of Virtua Cop 2 and Burning Rangers.

Virtua Cop 2 was fun enough but these games lack a massive amount of appeal when you're forced to use use the controller thanks to modern TVs. :( Even though the sequel looks better and is the longer game I much prefer the original. I guess it's because I have fonder memories of that from playing it in the arcades and when my brother in law bought his Saturn.

Burning Rangers is a game I have no nostalgia for and this was the first time I had played it. Man, this game is rough. The controls are pretty wonky ( may play better with the NiGHTS pad ) and the framerate just constantly tanks. Still, I was surprised by the quality of some of the voice acting. I was expecting Resident Evil levels of cheese but it wasn't half bad.

About 6 weeks back I finally upgraded my old 32 inch 1080i LCD TV to a nice 55 inch 4K TV and the size increase certainly doesn't do these games any favors. Virtua Cop wasn't bad but Burning Rangers looked like an absolute pixelated mess. I hate to think what my collection of N64 games look like on the thing. :shakehead Its a shame there's no handheld option for Saturn games. PSOne games look lovely on the Vita and the same goes for N64 games on the Wii U GamePad....well, except that stupid dark filter they chose to use. 

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Virtua Cop 2 was fun enough but these games lack a massive amount of appeal when you're forced to use use the controller thanks to modern TVs. :( Even though the sequel looks better and is the longer game I much prefer the original. I guess it's because I have fonder memories of that from playing it in the arcades and when my brother in law bought his Saturn.


I had both on the Saturn and always preferred the original as well.  With games, more than films actually, I often prefer the first one.  Sonic 2 and Double Dragon 2 are two others I didn't really "get" as much as others did (and I'm sure there are more that I've forgotten).  My theory is that the first game is the one that puts across the intended feeling and atmosphere, whereas the 2nd is often longer, more intense or overcomplicates things for the sake of having something different to the original.  Because the first game was popular, the sequel often sells better and is more fondly remembered by more people.


There are exceptions, of course - Streets of Rage 2 is definitely better, as are many games where there's been a generational jump (Ghouls 'n' Ghosts compared to Ghosts 'n' Goblins), but that's my general feeling.

Edited by Grazza
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I absolutely adored X-Men: Clone Wars. Amazing game. It's a shame  it costs so much. Also, whoever was playing it sucks. He couldn't get past the second level!? I got through most of that game while renting it as a kid.

I'm surprised things like Spawn ( Dreamcast ) and X-Men: Children of the Atom didn't feature.

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8 hours ago, S.C.G said:

I've already been watching quite a few of Glenn Plant's N64 reviews, I can't recall if I've ever posted any in here.

It's been a while since I have watched any of his videos. I don't have a Youtube account so any new stuff that does pop up is due to my watch history rather than being subscribed to various outlets. Even though I have watched a lot of his stuff before, his new videos tend not to pop up for me. He does some great stuff though and the fact that he uses the N64 logo from N64 Magazine is always a plus. :D 

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On 13/11/2018 at 7:16 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

It's been a while since I have watched any of his videos. I don't have a Youtube account so any new stuff that does pop up is due to my watch history rather than being subscribed to various outlets. Even though I have watched a lot of his stuff before, his new videos tend not to pop up for me. He does some great stuff though and the fact that he uses the N64 logo from N64 Magazine is always a plus. :D 

Glenn Plant's N64 reviews are really fantastic, aren't they? :D

Speaking of which, he has just released a new one for Goemon's Great Adventure...

I had to watch it right away, because although I have been working my way through his older reviews, this is one which I've been curious about for ages. :)

And I had to let the guy know what an excellent job he's doing with these video reviews as they are really spot on, plus they help to keep talk about N64 games going. :peace:

Also, I tried out my RGB modded N64 for the first time the other night, the games look really nice on it and it has definitely rekindled my interest in the machine. :smile:

Not that my interest has dwindled that much mind you, though I have come to the conclusion that I probably won't be buying many more N64 games, unless I see them cheap...

...but we all know that's not likely to happen :indeed: especially in this day and age... although my brother did find some in a charity shop for 50p each or something silly like that. :o

Which is how I ended up with my copy of Resident Evil 2 on the N64, I'm always grateful for it as well. :heart:

It's time for me to slow down on the games collecting and just enjoy what I have while I can. :cool:

Edited by S.C.G
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One day... via FPGA hardware perhaps, otherwise, I'm not sure there will ever be an official way to play many of these great Sega Arcade Games.

Though the ones which Sega still hold the licences to, who knows.

Just imagine, a complete Outrun collection on the Switch, that'd be the dream. :D

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2 hours ago, S.C.G said:

One day... via FPGA hardware perhaps, otherwise, I'm not sure there will ever be an official way to play many of these great Sega Arcade Games.

Though the ones which Sega still hold the licences to, who knows.

Just imagine, a complete Outrun collection on the Switch, that'd be the dream. :D

Fingers crossed for SEGA AGES releases of them! Virtua Racing Switch is a good start; and they've already got Naomi up and running, so it's not impossible!


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5 minutes ago, Goafer said:

Didn't Ferrari basically put an end to Outrun somehow? I seem to remember something happened which essentially stopped any chance of any re-releases.

SEGA removed the Ferrari logo from the car in the original Outrun and from Turbo Outrun when they were both re-released on 3DS...


They can just do the same with Outrunners and Outrun 2 (granted, it would be a bit more work with the latter, but hardly impossible).

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3 hours ago, Dcubed said:

SEGA removed the Ferrari logo from the car in the original Outrun and from Turbo Outrun when they were both re-released on 3DS...


They can just do the same with Outrunners and Outrun 2 (granted, it would be a bit more work with the latter, but hardly impossible).

I think they'd have to change the whole car model nowadays as I imagine copyrights are more strict. 

Let's face it, Outrun wouldn't be the same without Ferraris, or at least their likeness.

It's a shame, as Outrun 2006 is probably my second favourite racing game after Sega Rally.

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11 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Figured I would post this in here seeing as they are classic characters. I seen them while I was out and about today and had to pick them up.


Its RARE to see merchandise for either of these franchises. :p 

I picked up Banjo the other day for that price too :hehe:

The XBOX logo on the box still feels a little wrong..

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6 minutes ago, Grazza said:

It's funny how massive Jurassic Park was back in 1993, and I do remember how there were so many different tie-in games, but all very different!  I had the Mega CD one, and seem to recall trying ages to steal a triceratops egg!

I played and completed the Mega Drive JP game back when I was a kid. I really enjoyed that one. The SNES one however...ugh! I remember renting it from my local video store and I never did finish it. You couldn't save the game in anyway, you had no map and it was quite the long game. It was also a massive maze, both in the outdoor sections and in the indoor Doom/Wolfenstein areas. I wonder how I would fare on it these days?

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