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Top 10 games of the decade 2000-2009

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I am surprised no one has yet posted a thread like this, so I may as well put one in the Retro gaming.


So from the past 10 years, what has been the games you have played and loved, and please if you can describe your love for the game rather then just saying what they are, makes it more interesting :D


Oh and also don't put any remakes or ports please of older games made before 2000 it will be more fun to give credit to games that were really awesome original games :D


May as well start with myself to get things started.


10.Retro Game Challenge [DS]



This game is just nostalgic gold while at the same time feeling fresh and original, the game contains 8 old school games which some are sequels to one another, from space shooters, too platforming and hardcore old school RPG game, there is lots to love about it. Plus all the little extras that are within the game truly brings a smile to my face when thinking what it used to be like in those days.


9.Rune Factory Frontier[Wii]



It's harvest moon + Dungeon Crawling, and it's on the Wii...what more could I want :D I have spent HOURS on this game and it makes it even worst that they keep a track on how long you have played it for just to dig into me just how much of my life I have spent on it. It's addictive, really addictive, you just can't help but forge weapons, raise crops, take care of your livestock, fight monsters and then make friends with the townspeople. Yeah, the game is hard to stop playing...very hard.


8.Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town[GBA]



What makes Harvest Moon: FoMT top Rune Factory Frontier is really the fact that it's been out longer and has consumed more of my life then well...most other games, it was a game I bought that while at the time was a huge drought for games, and by God, even with all the hours I have put into it, I have yet to finish the game, there are still many things I need to collect and try to buy. Plus having it portable just made me play it even more since I was playing it while in a car, on a train, on a bus and before going to bed. I hope one day I can finally complete everything in the game, but at the moment I need to stay away from it since I have too many other games to complete at the moment. :heh:


7.Metroid Prime[GCN]


What is there to say about this game :D It ROCKS!!! I still remember all the doubt around this game when it was first shown as a First Person Adventure game but when it came out, it blew mostly everyones expectations including mine and instead we got a game that was new and fresh yet at the same time had the atmosphere we so love in a Metroid game...And I must point out that the second last boss in that game sent chills done my spine, I never thought I would be on the edge of my seat with a smile on my face fighting that tough bastard, and when I died I didn't care, I just wanted to fight him again :D Very few bosses can make me feel like what that boss did :D


6.Resident Evil 4[GCN]



This should be in everyones list :D One of the last few games of the Gamecube, it blew everything out of the water thanks to Shinji Mikami, Gone are the zombies and instead we have crazy villagers trying to kill us, and playing this game on the GCN for the first time just made me speechless, with just how impressive the graphics are and gameplay was truly fun. It still can be played and to be honest it is sooooooo much better then the crap known as RE5, which was just so wrong in many ways...I look forward to seeing what Shinji Mikami pulls off next in the next 10 years.


5.Mario Galaxy[Wii]


This game truly wowed me, the graphics, the music, the level design, power up etc etc...

I could not believe that it was really a mario game, at times I thought it was something completely new that Nintendo created, even when that fat plumber was right there. There is not much to say about this game as everyone already knows how awesome this game truly is. I very much look forward to Mario Galaxy 2 and hope it's a sequel similar to what Zelda Spirit Tracks was too Zelda Phantom Hourglass.


4.Zelda: Twilight Princess[Wii]


I can not express my love for this game enough :D I just love everything about this game. Story, characters, the world, the gameplay, the items, the music, the graphics etc etc...

I can not get enough of this and I would happily go through this game again and once again enjoy it more then I did before. I don't know how many hours I have spent on it altogether.


Persona 3 [PS2]



I have spent over 300 hours on this game, and it's box cover is the PS2 all the time now, I rarely put any other game into the PS2 now (Maybe perhaps Persona 4 :heh: ) The game just has really awesome atmosphere, catchy music, epic bosses, really difficult fights and a game where you have to use your heads rather then tapping X X X X X X X Heal X X X Heal, all the time and you win.

And don't get me started about the fusing monsters, I spend so many hours trying to have the exact right persona that makes my character invincible :D


2.Baten Kaitos Origins[GCN]



This game was the greatest Gamecube that came out and I think the last Gamecube game that ever came out as well, but by jeez what a fucking awesome game, the game has that certian feature that I wish more fucking companies would put in their games...maturity. Yes, I am sick of most modern story games because they are usually some shitty teen soap opera or a very bloody game and declaring itself as a mature game.

This game has no blood, the characters are 16 years old, but I felt like Monolith wanted to make them older because how the characters reacted and the problems they saw was very full on, jesus I loved the characters in the game. It was everything I wanted in an RPG, great art, fantastic story, smooth fighting, awesome music, the greatest voice acting in any RPG and perhaps the greatest ending I have ever seen in my life of playing games. There was a reason why Nintendo bought Monolith and this game is the answer, the first one was average but this one is just...wow, when you play this game, you will seriously look at the first one in a completely different way. I could truly keep going on about it :D


1.Dragon Warrior VII (aka Dragon Quest VII) [PS1]



This game is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge, it's main story alone will make you spend 100 hours on it. This game gives me everything I want in a game, fun story, a grand adventure, great characters, simple battle system, tough bosses and the greatest music ever composed by Koichi Sugiyama.

The game makes Zelda: MM problems look like playschool with town issues, the game is like 20 different mini stories that come into one and then just when you think it's all over, something else happens which made me happy, since I never wanted the game to end.

A lot of people looked down upon it during release for it came out around the same time as the PS2 came out and it looked like a SNES game and not a Final Fantasy game. It took them 5 years to make this game and I can see why, it's pure Gold this game and it's easy to know why it's the best selling PS1 game ever in Japan. It puts everything that made all the other Dragon Quest games awesome into it and yeah end result is...no words can describe it :D


Well, there you go, my top 10 of the past decade, hope to see what games you loved the most last decade ^^

Edited by killer kirby
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I think it would be fairly anachronistic and...pointless to put any order to these, but here are my top games of the 2000's. And by that I mean the games that were most important to me. Not you. Me. So no bitching :heh:


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


Resident Evil 4

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


Final Fantasy XII is interchangable with Golden Sun (to let nostalgia have its way, but FFXII is a much more revolutionary game)

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

Metroid Fuckin Prime (The memories of this are so overwhelmingly orgiastic, that I really dont want to revisit it for fear that they're all, utterly misinformed)

Phoenix Wright: Trials And Tribulations.

Gears of War


The one thing this list has done is told me how many games there actually are that were so totally fantastic in every way I can remember. In fact, I have fonder memories of videogames than pretty well any other medium. A hearty applause.

Edited by The Bard
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This topic definitely reminds me of what a great decade of gaming we've just had. There's no way that I'll be able to just sum up 10 with ease though...


Again, these are in no particular order.


Metroid Prime


To me this is probably the single greatest thing of the last decade. I had never played a Metroid game before so had no expectations but the moment I played this in the shop I knew it was what games were meant to be about. Fresh, original gameplay, beautiful worlds to get lost in and guns that make you say "awww yeeee".

Resident Evil 4


As killer kirby previously stated this should be in everyones list. The gameplay managed to feel completely new yet so exciting the AI was so incredible that it made you feel like there really was a threat. Reinvented the horror genre.

Mass Effect


When a developer creates something that is the equivalent of Star Wars without any story holes you know it's special. I mean sure the gameplay wasn't the most original idea in the world, but it's a rare occurance when a game actually makes you care about not only the main character, but your whole squad. And the story it told was epic beyond measure.


Skate/Mirror's Edge/Assasins Creed


Having spent a long time playing these I realise now that these games lacked a certain personality. Compared to what I feel they could have been I'd even say they felt a little bland at times. But they were and still are amazing accomplishments. Along with a select few others these are just about the only true 'next-gen' games made. Sure none of these three games ever filled their potential, but they showcased ideas that have since changed the way we play and look at games. They even showed that some concepts we thought were impossible very much possible. They may not be perfected works of art, but they are by all means landmarks.

Viewtiful Joe


This is why I loved the gamecube. Developers made games they were not afraid to make. I mean sure, it got ported to the PS2 not long after. But had it not been for the existence of the purple handbag this game might not have ever been considered. It pays homage to the days of old while bringing something new and quite frankly, wacky. It also made me want a 'V watch'.




Proof that games can be art.


Grand Theft Auto III


Does this really need an explanation? I mean yes the sequels have improved on it greatly but none were as important. I have no doubt in my mind that this helped the PS2 become the powerhouse that we know today.


Metal Gear Sold 2: Sons of Liberty


Just for the s(n)ake of being the sequel to the best game ever and improving on it in every way. Let's face it, Raiden wasn't the best character in the world. But to anyone with more than a couple of brain cells that doesn't exactly make the gameplay worse does it? I remember seeing the first screenshots and asking myself how graphics like that were even possible. =P


Splinter Cell


I know this didn't revolutionise anything. And its sequels followed the tried and tested formula which by Chaos Theory grew tiring. But the first game was so important to me. I think very highly of Metal Gear you see, so when a game was announced and was said to challenge it for the stealth throne, I stood up and took notice. This was before every other game implemented a stealth part in its side missions of course and made creeping around a mere gimmick. I believe that today it would still give the Metal Gear series a run for it's money if it had the story and characters to match.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


I'm tired now. I don't want to explain this one.

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Im sure ill forget something from the last generation due to poor memory but here goes....in no particular order


Dragon Quest VIII Derivative, yet amazing for its time, and exactly what i wanted in an RPG. Much more satisfying than the new breed of Final Fantasy


Street Fighter IV I like an online game that actually lets me control a character for more than 3 minutes without getting blown up by a grenade. That game is SFIV


Luigi's Mansion Short but incredibly sweet. It would be the perfect game at half the price.


Demon's Souls Perhaps my favorite new IP of the decade. Tough as nails, but an insanely fun combat system and a frankly awesome online co-op/PvP system will see you through it


GTA IV the scope and detail of Liberty City is incredible. I was put off the PS2 GTA's because of the terrible controls but IV's just feel right


Punchout I was wondering how Nintendo would screw this up but they picked the right developer and exceeded my expectations


Eternal Darkness- the insanity effects were admittedly cheesy but i loved the concept and the way the story tied together at the end


Metroid Prime-the perfect escape post-Thanksgiving dinner


Uncharted 2- my other favorite new IP of the decade, its sequel being just that much better than the original


NFL2K-something- of all the aforementioned blockbusters, this one topples them all in terms of videogaming in the livingroom with a bunch of foul-mouthed pricks from work. Good times, good times.

Edited by Pit-Jr
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Its been a weird decade for me and gaming, ive seemed to have had trouble really getting into games with only some exceptions so i'll list them (in no real order though):


Phoenix Wright Games

This was just such a change from the usual games I played and I loved everything about them.


Animal Crossing (GC)

I imported this from Australia and if I remember right, it was around the time that I couldnt seem to play games for more than 10 minutes without getting bored so it was perfect to just go into my town and get what I needed to get done.



I had never really been into RPGs or any games like them until this, it really drew me into the story and simply living Ryos life. Plus his search for "Sailors" was hilarious.


Command & Conquer: Red Alert II

Just like the original before it, I spent so many hours playing this game and I still go back to it from time to time.


Uncharted 2

I loved the original so much but Uncharted 2 just seemed to really push the series with both multiplayer and improving on the single player. Just brilliant.


Spider-Man 2

Movie tie in games are never exactly brilliant and to be honest, the story mode for this game wasnt great either but I would spend hours just swinging around New York messing about.


.....Cant think of anymore at the moment but I may add some more to the list when I think of them

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I may update it with text, but here's my list:


10.Fallout 3 (360)

9. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (360)

8. Pikmin 2 (GameCube)

7. The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (GBA)

6. F-Zero GX (GameCube)

5. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GameCube)

4. Metroid Prime (GameCube)

3. Bioshock (360)

2. Burnout Paradise (360)

1. Perfect Dark (N64)

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In no particular order:


Super Smash Bros. Melee


Metroid Prime


Skies of Arcadia


Tales of Symphonia


Tekken 5


Resident Evil 4


Super Smash Bros. Brawl


Super Mario Galaxy


Elite Beat Agents


Timesplitters 2


Fire Emblem (GBA)


Golden Sun 1&2


Mother 3


Zelda: Wind Waker


F-Zero GX


Soul Bubbles


Pokémon Gold/Silver (Western release in 2000)


Final Fantasy 9

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10. Phoenix Wright - I didn't think I'd be into this, but I gave it a go, and it's a reminder of how important atmosphere and characters are. It's not an action game, but (arguably because of this) the static backdrops allow more immersion. Great music too.

9. Skies of Arcadia - One of the last RPGs that had that "Sega" atmosphere. Great gameplay, and I loved the belly dancer!

8. OutRun 2006 - If someone asked me for my ideal graphics, music and handling in a driving game, it would be this.

7. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - I liked the restraint (there was no blood), I like the way it championed linear gameplay through one giant building and, I have to be honest, I really, really loved the sexy belly dancers!

6. Metroid Prime - It took me ages to "get" (didn't complete it and love it until 2009), but it's not all hype - it really is a great game. Metroid Prime is a great example of keeping the gameplay exciting and intense within a tight, well-designed gameworld, but always with a sense of exploration too.

5. Shadow of the Colossus - Technically brilliant, successful in creating the atmosphere it wanted and (in fighting the giants) featured a worthy new gameplay hook that was genuinely innovative without being gimmicky.

4. Super Mario Sunshine - This just did it for me. It controls like a dream and the tropical themes transported me there.

3. Zelda: Majora's Mask - One of the earliest games of the Noughties, but still one of the best. Similar atmosphere to Ocarina of Time - less flawless, but with even more interesting gameplay. What more could you ask for?

2. Dragon Quest VIII - Brilliant graphics and gameplay and a stunning soundtrack. A perfect RPG.

1. Zelda: the Wind Waker - A masterclass of artistic and technical brilliance.


I could have had F-Zero GX, Twilight Princess, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath or many others in the Top 10 (I've probably forgotten some too). There were loads of great games.

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McMad's infallible list to the best games of the decade:


The Orange Box

Shadow of the Colossus

Metroid 'Fucking' Prime

Resident Evil 4

Silent Hill 2

Super Mario Galaxy

Majora's Mask

Gears of War

Final Fantasy IX

Rock Band


Hell yeah fothermuckers.

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10. Phoenix Wright - I didn't think I'd be into this, but I gave it a go, and it's a reminder of how important atmosphere and characters are. It's not an action game, but (arguably because of this) the static backdrops allow more immersion. Great music too.


5. Shadow of the Colossus - Technically brilliant, successful in creating the atmosphere it wanted and (in fighting the giants) featured a worthy new gameplay hook that was genuinely innovative without being gimmicky.


3. Zelda: Majora's Mask - One of the earliest games of the Noughties, but still one of the best. Similar atmosphere to Ocarina of Time - less flawless, but with even more interesting gameplay. What more could you ask for?


I also believe those three are fantastic. I can't believe I forgot MM came out this decade.


I'll make a Top 10 later.

Edited by Jonnas
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No particular order (I'll list them as I remember them, so you could say my favourites are nearer the top):


Fallout 3



I can't even begin to describe the noise I made when I saw the teaser trailer for it. I love everything about this game. The only thing I can think that I didn't like was the fact that it ended.


Metal Gear Solid 4



I loved it. I like games to be like films and MGS4 almost was a film due to it's questionably lengthed cut scenes. Good job the gameplay was also awesome.


Phantasy Star Unverse



An MMO without all the excessive nonsense. Loved it. Racked up far too many hours on it.





The best handling in a racing game. Enough of an arcade racer to make things simple, enough of a sim to make you feel awesome for pulling of ace drifts.





I played both 1 and 2 solid until I completed them, stopping only to sleep. Think I completed each one in 3 days.





It was always going to be a bit of a letdown due to the massive hype it got, but it was still awesome. The expansions only added to the awesomeness.


Shadow of the Colossus



The sense of loneliness and isolation still hasn't been matched IMO. You know how Happy Gilmore had his own "Happy Place"? Mine would be in a similar setting to SOTC, just without the giant bastards.


Jet Set Radio Future



Funky fresh yo. Word. My favourite platform game ever I think. Good soundtrack, good levels, good everything. Love it.


Skies of Arcadia



Probably my favourite RPG. I absolutely loved the setting.


Knights of the Old Republic



An RPG from my "hayday" of gaming. I have never played games as much as I did when KOTOR was around. And KOTOR saw a lot of TV time.



Honourable mentions:


Forza 3


Tony Hawk Underground

GTA San Andreas

Saints Row

Steel Battalion

Phantasy Star Online

Final Fantasy 10


Little Big Planet


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10. Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Unquestionably better than Phantom Hourglass, and a return to form for handheld Zelda games. An epic finale that wouldn't have looked out of place on console Zeldas.



9. New Super Mario Bros.

Although it was missing a lot of what made its predecessors special, I thought this game was great fun with some lovely visuals.



8. Starfox Assault

Probably not much love for this game, but as a huge Starfox fan, I found the Arwing sections breathtaking and I even surprsingly enjoyed the on-land levels. A great game with some top notch visuals.



7. Super Mario Sunshine

Loved the island motif and the overall look and feel of the game. Not a huge amount of worlds to explore but the ones that are there are lush and filled with stuff to do.



6. Twilight Princess

Definitely the weakest of the 3D Zeldas. After an outstanding opening half, the game nosedives in the second part. Still an excellent game though.



5. Super Paper Mario

I'd never played a Paper Mario RPG before so this was a real treat. Loved every second of it, with some wonderful storytelling and gorgeous (2D) visuals. Great to look at and play.



4. Starfox Adventures

A huge adventure game that, whilst totally linear and lacking any sidequests still had me playing with a huge grin on my face throughout. Great fun, nice bosses and some fantastic puzzles.



3. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

These next three I found it tough to separate. Majora's Mask was a triumph for the Zelda franchise, an excellent game with a dark and mysterious tone that came out perfectly. The 3 day system and the collection of masks were inspired ideas.



2. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

A game that screams magic wherever you look. A technological feat, Wind Waker is not only gorgeous to look at, but fantastic to play. Movement, combat and the camera system were all improved from OOT/MM and the game felt like a breath of fresh air. Stunning achievement.



1. Super Mario Galaxy

A masterpiece of design, sound and gameplay, all rolled into a revolutionary platforming concept. Outstanding game. The sequel has a lot to live up to, but if it's just another 120 stars of the game thing, sign me up anyway!

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There's not really any order to these games, because I enjoyed them all but for very different reasons. I can't say which one I enjoyed the most, because it's too hard a choice. I've also gone by what I enjoyed personally, so what games left me thinking "shit, I completely enjoyed myself." They're probably a bit different to what the rest of you guys chose.


1. Eternal Darkness


I was simply addicted to this. Played through it multiple times, in order to finish the game with each of the artifacts. I love this, simply one of my favourite games of all time. Graphically, it has a gothic feel to it. The sound effects, voice acting, musical score and the sanity effects are really the reason why I rate this so highly, though.


2. Perfect Dark


I'm not that big on my shooters, but Perfect Dark is my favourite FPS that I have played. Being an N64 addict, I thought this game was way ahead of its time. There just simply wasn't anything like this on the N64, in terms of multiplayer anyway. Being able to have splitscreen and the option of selecting bots. Not only that, but the ability to assign teams, and give orders to the bots. Bluddy amazing in such games as Capture the Case, where you could get two or three of them to guard the suit/briefcase. It was just so intelligent. The singleplayer may have dwindled towards the end, but it was still a great ride.


3. F Zero GX


Very, very tough. Very, very fast. But, infinitely rewarding. One of my favourite racers of all time, and a huuuge improvement on what was already a classic with F Zero X. I love this game. It looks beautiful, it plays like a dream, and there was just so much to do within it. It had everything. Content, replay value, accessibility...Wii Edition please.


4. Majora's Mask


After Ocarina of Time, it was difficult to imagine the next Zelda being half as good as it, or even topping it. But, if any games comes close, it is Majora's Mask. It took the look and feel of Ocarina, that familiarity, that essence, and it completely reworked it to give you something completely different. The time mechanic is still talked about to this very day - some love and some hate it. However, it worked, and this game featured so many memorable moments. Such as the music changing its pace on the third day, the masks themselves. And, finally, the giants stopping the moon from crashing down. Brilliant.


5. Super Smash Bros. Melee


I was blown away when I played this. The sheer amount of depth within this, both in singleplayer and multiplayer is astounding. Not just in terms of gameplay, but in terms of content. There's just so much to do. Even after all these years, I still don't have everything. It's true, Brawl carried on this trend and took it to the next level, but it all started with this. A remarkable game, and a superb game that only Nintendo themselves could produce.


6. Super Mario Galaxy


I've always been a Mario fan. Mario 64 was a unique experience. Sunshine took that and added Fludd to put its own spin on it. But, Galaxy completely flipped things around. Literally. No props needed, just simple Mario platforming, but given a twist of its own. Completely magical and majestic, and it really has to be played to be believed. So many wonderful Galaxies and memorable moments. I think this will be remembered for years to come.


7. Killer 7


I followed this game for a long time, but my god, it was an experience to play. On first impressions, it may seem like an empty on-rails shooter, or standard fare. But, there's a lot going on underneath the surface here. It speaks for itself when a 72+ page FAQ/Guide is created to explain the plot of the game...It definitely left you scratching your head, or wondering if you just saw what you think you saw. Not only that, but each of the Killer 7 (bar maybe Kevin) were fantastically created characters, even given their own personality, their own voice and persona. I don't think I've played anything quite like it since. No More Heroes might be the closest thing.


8. Pikmin


You should all be ashamed if you have forgotten about this. One of the most beautiful and breath-taking games I've had the pleasure of playing. It's simple, yet it somehow leaves your imagination captured. I've yet to play Pikmin 2, but I will do eventually. It won't be to everyone's taste, but it definitely leaves you with a warm feeling inside your belly. :)


9. Resident Evil Remake


A surprise addition, but I had such an amazing time with this. I love Metroid Prime, and that probably deserves to go in this list. But, for some completely unknown reason, I think this is more my sort of game. I love games where you feel uneasy playing them, and that is how I felt playing this. I wasn't quite sure what would pop up around the next corner. I was never quite sure if something would crash through those windows I was walking past. I was never at all quite sure what the sound of those footsteps wer-OH MY GOD ITS A CRIMSON HEAD. You are dead.


10. Twilight Princess


Just to clarify, I enjoyed the Wind Waker. Yes, it hard charm. But, it didn't grab me in the same way Twilight Princess did. If I'm honest, I find the Wind Waker to be a tad bit over-rated by Nintendo fans. Great game, but for me TP is the better experience. One of the finest experiences I've ever had gaming, and I will remember it purely for the ball and chain weapon. Haha. Its just classic Zelda, but done well, given nice visuals and sound treatment, but important of all, that gameplay is top notch. Its juicy, it sucks you in, and you can't help but keep on playing. When I picked this up, I just did not want to put it down.


11...because I'm not sure if I can count Tiberian Sun, as the game was released right on the 1999/2000 borderline. So, that's my magic number 11. If this game were a woman, it would be Ine. So hot. Titans. Disruptors. Oblisk of light...*drools*

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Well, fuck off, give us a minute to think...


Well, these are in no particular order:


Guitar Hero II



The new batch of Guitar Hero games in the franchise have been, to be honest, shit, and they lack any of the personality the original games had.


The original, Harmonix-made Guitar Hero games are still classics, but why have I chosen the second game over the first? Because the second game introduced the satisfying Hammer-On/Pull-Off control system. Before that, we had strum every single note that came on the screen, making it devillishly difficult. Now, this HOPO system made the game much easier, but as I said, it was much more satisfying to rip out a solo in such a way, and it added more realism to the game.



Rock Band 2



Harmonix should have killed the beast it created by making Rock Band, but Activision be Activision and get more milk. This felt like a proper step in evolving the rhythm games by bringing in the whole band together, and it feels more so than Guitar Hero: World Tour ever did with the same format.


Again, I chose the second over the first. This time was because of the single player mode from RB1 being scrapped and integrated into the multiplayer World Tour mode from the first one. You can still play on your tod, but instead of playing a 5 song setlist, then onto the next that all previous GH/RB games had. You now had more freedom to play what songs you wanted in a setlist. Also, the ability to export all but a few songs from RB1 into the RB2 setlist is very innovative and an excellent move.



Pro Evolution Soccer 4



Pro Evo 3 is better known as the best one. But I've gone for PES4 because it was the first to include all teams from the English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch and Italian top flights.


5 years ago, Pro Evo was the much better game than FIFA, despite it having barely any licenses. Well, it did have licenses, but not the English league, so we didn't care about the others, did we? But still, Pro Evo had the better gameplay, graphics and was overall the better series. But Pro Evo 4 is my fav in the series, so it's the one.



Perfect Dark



One of the best shooters I've played to death. So much to death, I haven't played it in years. However, with the eventual arrival of a polished PD game to the Xbox Live Arcade, I should dig it out and play again.



WWF No Mercy



The greatest wrestling game ever. The SmackDown! series (now the SmackDown! Vs Raw) on the PS1 just could not match this game in terms of gameplay or graphics. The WWE games of today are much better in terms of graphics and options, but their gameplay never evolved from that first SmackDown! game on the PS1. No wrestling game has better gameplay as No Mercy. THQ fucked up in selling AKI and keeping Yuke's to make the WWE games, IMO.






One of the most revered and popular games in the ultimately underrated Sega console swansong, the Dreamcast.

The whole format of Shenmue was a part of videogaming I had never experienced before, and to be controlling Ryo through an excellently-crafted 1980s Japan was a - to quote my forum enemy - stunning (has a shower) thing to witness.


It was also this where my now obvious Japanophilia began. I knew almost nothing about Japan before this game, apart from a lot of well knwon stuff about Nintendo and videogaming's origin in Japan. Apart from that, though, nothing. I loved the look of Yamanose, Sakuragaoka and Dobuita, and the look of the Japanese houses. Just so different from the look of British houses, it was my first glance as the culture and look of another country, and it blew me away, to be honest.



TimeSplitters 2



A fine shoot-'em-up. A lot of us know of this game, and know how brilliant it was. Satisfying, brilliantly made, felt like GoldenEye for obvious reason, and was just a cracking game.



Skies of Arcadia



Another cracking Dreamcast game, and it was good of them to add some extras and release it on Gamecube. I loved it a lot. It had charm and had a great story. If it wasn't for the iffy combat system it could well have been the greatest RPG evar. But now, I reckon it's just one of.



Grandia II



I had this on the Dreamcast, but as it was a classic example of not to buy pirated games - it always crashed at one point, quite close to the end as well - we got it for the PlayStation 2 and eventually got past the crashpoint and witnessed a fantastic ending to a great story.


It also had one of the best combat systems of all time. Innovative, and the amount of tactics you could do to defeat your enemy and/or protect yourself was much more than on a typical turn-based combat like the one on SOA or Final Fantasy.


I loved this game. The characters, the setting, the moves. It holds a place in my heart. I was thrilled to have finally completed when I did nearly three years ago, I need to play it again, badly.



Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2



One of many skateboarding games that popularised the sport, well, whatever Tony Hawk hadn't managed to do to popularise skateboarding.


The soundtrack to this was cracking: Papa Roach, Public Enemy ft. Anthrax, Rage Against The Machine, Millencolin, Bad Religion and many others with some top notch songs.


This was the very first skateboarding game I played, and I was hooked. As soon as I knew how to string tricks together I became like a fricking demon at this game. It was just so satisfying to see your moves string together and see the multiplier go higher and higher, and then you landed a Kickflip McTwist to finish it off and achieve over 500,000 pts. I was like "fuck"!



There you are, then.

Edited by Roostophe
Changed my mind for Game 5
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Honourable mentions to Super Mario Galaxy, Majora's Mask, Sonic Adventure 2, Powerstone, Perfect Dark etc... but my Top 10 goes a little something like this...


10) Mario Tennis 64



This is the best Tennis game I've ever played, certainly one I've had the most fun with. It provided endless ammounts of Multiplayer fun!


9) Wind Waker



My favourite Zelda of this decade, just edging out Majora's Mask. Refreshing visual style, great story, and just brimming with character and life.


8) Shenmue II



Continuation of just a fantastic experience in every way... didn't enjoy the 'subtitles only' decision, but some truely standout moments and incredible set pieces. Not forgetting Ren, one of the best characters and sidekicks ever created.


7) Mario Kart Wii



Easily my favourite Mario Kart game. Fantastic endless multiplayer fun, awesome tracks, loads of replayability, plenty of characters, can be unfair on the hardest difficulty, but doesn't take away from all the enjoyment I've had playing this.


6) Metroid Prime



Such a different experience to anything I'd played before. Jaw dropping visuals and effects, fantastic progression, many memorable moments, AWESOME music... enjoyed every minute of it.


5) Wii Sports/Resort



Both the original Wii Sports and Resort, for all their easily accessible multiplayer fun. Me and Eddage still the Wii Golf religiously to this day, so that's gotta be getting your moneys worth!


4) Resident Evil: Code Veronica



This game absolutely blew me away at the time. It was my first Resident Evil game, and tbh I had to build up the courage to buy it because I hadn't played a horror game before and I wasn't quite sure how I was gonna take to it despite really wanting to try it.

Needless to say I was absolutely hooked from start to finish!! An epic adventure of a story, characters you really cared about, fantastic bosses and just the right balance so that your heart was racing, but you just had to experience more!


3) Shenmue



A game of cinematic beauty. It was a world that drew you in and you lived and breathed it. Like nothing I'd played before, or have since. It was truely magical in the same way Ocarina of Time was. Fantastic design, QTE events that were fresh at the time, great characters, music and you just had to keep playing, spurred on by a brilliant emotional story.


2) Resident Evil 4



It's practically a tie for my game of the decade, but I think Resident Evil 4 may just have been edged out, still not sure. But this game has it all, a true Gamecube swan song, I don't really need to explain why I love this game, I just do, in every sense, and you all pretty much do to, so you know what I'm on about!


1) Super Smash Bros. Melee



My game of the decade, and just getting ahead of Resi 4 simply because of the amount of time this game has had from me in terms of replayability and possibly unrivalled amounts of fun!! A true celebration of Nintendo and a prime example of gaming at it's ultimate level!

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2



One of many skateboarding games that popularised the sport, well, whatever Tony Hawk hadn't managed to do to popularise skateboarding.


The soundtrack to this was cracking: Papa Roach, Public Enemy ft. Anthrax, Rage Against The Machine, Millencolin, Bad Religion and many others with some top notch songs.


This was the very first skateboarding game I played, and I was hooked. As soon as I knew how to string tricks together I became like a fricking demon at this game. It was just so satisfying to see your moves string together and see the multiplier go higher and higher, and then you landed a Kickflip McTwist to finish it off and achieve over 500,000 pts. I was like "fuck"!


Probably my favourite soundtrack ever, apart from maybe JSR. Definately my favourite soundtrack that featured "normal" music.


I also blame it for my rad, fresh, fly 'tude yo.

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The Best games of this decade:


Metroid Prime


Fallout 3


Despite being very different, they share many key factors, like solitary exploration, item collection and of course the first person view. Games like the above make you wonder if anything as great will ever come out again.


The other 8 games of the decade:


Paper Mario TTYD: I have to put just below Fallout and Prime simply because it was fucking brilliant. Full of charm, great characters, and most of all every world looked amazing. It has to be seperated though because I believe there is a gap between the top 2 and everything else.


From now there is no point in putting any order system to it, so here are the rest:


Killzone 2: it is my favourite online shooter. I find it so much more fun than CoD, I'm not how it seems to have been forgotten as one of the games of 2009.


Timesplitters 2: I have the fondest memories of co-oping the campaign with a friend multiple times, both getting frustrated and then cheering when we reached the portal at the end. The challenge modes gave us plenty of competition, and 4 player splitscreen was insanely good.


Super Smash Bros. Melee - I remember holding of buying this when I got my GC because it seemed too simple when I trialled it in gamestation, when in fact it is the funnest fighting game ever (with Tekken Tag close behind) with unlimited potential playtime. 4 player is only bettered by :


Warioware Inc: Mega Party Game$. Nothing remarkable until you hand 4 people a controller and start playing the turtle-balancing game. Amazing, whoever came up with the ideas within this game was a mental genius.


Super Monkey Ball - probably the game on the list that has the best consistency between multiplayer and single player. Both are truely fantastic. I hope I haven't missed out on more games this good because I judged their cover.


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - somehow this game had escaped me until the Wii Release. I'm glad I did wait in a way because the controls for it are perfect, and the atmosphere is as perfect as everyone made it out to be.


Uncharted 2 - didn't take to the multiplayer much, but the single player was astounding. Raised the bar for visuals, and the flowing experience means you never feel like it's the right time to put your controller down.



Those top 10 deserve better explanations but I figure not many people read them anyway. Below are ones that didn't quite make it in:

Tekken Tag

Mario Kart DS

Metal Gear Solid 4

SSX - does anyone remember the original? There's pretty much nothing on youtube about it, Gametrailers only did a very short retrospective. It's annoying because there were short-cuts in that game that haven't been rivalled at all - completely ridiculous ones that seem to have been wiped from existence.

Warioland 4

Resistance 2 - probably should've been in the list, I ploughed so much time into the competitive online

Worms 3D - I'm the only person that rated this game. Thought it was super.

Edited by dwarf
Automerged Doublepost
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Digital crack, insane fun and loads of content makes this an essential XBLA purchase.







Fantastic set-pieces, drop in co-op and a great multiplayer game.







The best co-op game bar none.







GTA III may be the founding father of the 3D GTA games, but this is the pinnacle.







Epic game, even now. Especially in the God of War Collection with 720p 60fps gameplay.







A fantastic entry in the series, solid gameplay and excellent online.







Vast improvements on the already stellar Drakes Fortune. A technical masterpiece that will probably not be rivaled or surpassed for some time.







Its Mario Kart, its got online play, its my number 3 game of this decade.







The spiritual successor to the Guilty Gear series. An absolute delight to play, easy to pick up for noobs to string combo's together like a pro, and with almost limitless depth for the hardcore fighting fan. Blazblue is truly a marvel of this generation.







A master stroke by Infinity Ward, bring the franchise kicking and screaming into the modern era. This was my first PS3 game and the one that got me hooked on online gaming. An RPG like leveling system with perks and equipment that unlocks as you level up, kept me coming back to this time and time again. 15 days of playtime, 10th Prestige and over 20,000 kills probably means I was addicted to this game for 6 months.


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Mine may go over 10 and are in no REAL order.


Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask:


For a game developed so quickly it's amazing how much it improved and differentiated from OOT. It's an underated gem and it ages FAR better than OOT in my opinion and I think the action starts much quicker... Sure you're a deku scrub but it mystifies you and scares you RIGHT from the beginning.


It's dark, it's weird and it's very different to any other zelda title. Most criticism I've heard of this title is Bullshit.


Resident evil 4


What can I say about this title that hasn't been said a million times. You only have to play through resident evil 5 to appreciate 4 even more. It's incredible really, because 5 tries to take itself far too seriously whereas 3.. The plot is simple and effective. The game is near perfect as an action title can get and it still looks fantastic.


By the way the gamecube controls WERE perfect. I do hate when the wii comes and changes control like metroid prime and resident evil 4; people's perspectives of the old system grows largely negative.

Metroid prime


I'm just going to do this fast. It's challenging it's the second best metroid to super metroid. I feel sorry for the treatment it's constantly been giving by the twats and nintendo and let's move on.

F-zero gx


UNDERATED! This came out very close to mario kart and despite what sales will tell you. This game blew it out of the water in every respect. It had a VERY good one-player. In fact most would argue the multiplayer pails in comparison. I disagree however, I mean despite major graphical cut-backs in 4-player split screen it really held it's own. It's a brilliant looking game that blows me away everytime.


Is it hard? YES, so will the new generation of gamers like it? No...it requires skill and practice.


Timesplitters 2:

Now I like future perfect just as much but as it didn't improve... well ANYTHING and the game is a good bit easier I'm going to have to give it to timeplitters 2( by the way the first timesplitters is really dodgy so I won't include that).

It's all about the multiplayer here. Split-screen( yes gamers remember that?) was amazing fun and fast and frantic.. Only gripe with the game? Why the hell can't you jump?

Advance wars: dual Strike


It was critically acclaimed but always considered a step backwards from advance wars 2... Well it's better I'll say this. Double screen works brilliantly but not done enough. The SHEER amount of content in this game is astounding. It's a lot easier than 2 though, Usually I would see this as a sign of weakness on the dev but i'll let it pass because 2 has a ridiculous amount of stupid laser mission.


Now dark conflict or whatever they ended up calling it here. It improved a lot but FUCK the game looks ugly. I understand the apocolyptic theme but jesus..

Fire emblem/ Fire emblem sacred stones


Both of them. I love both of them, great stories and while I end up prefering advance wars ever so slightly for it's quicker TBS, this is the best alternative I could ask for.


annnnnd my negative point. The ds version of fire emblem is pretty shite.

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia:

I don't care about storylines in these games, but apparantly Dawn of sorrow had the best one.. I never played the gba game it was based off so I was lost from the start. That game was far too easy anyway so it lost out to this chalenging delight.


Now THIS is gaming. It's about time I was challenged old-skool proper. One of the glyphs made you run faster 2. WELL appreciated.


Super mario galaxy


Not going to bother talking about this. I agree with all points above.....I think.


Paper mario



Very good and original later n64 title. Never played the gamecube sequel and i'd bet i'd prefer that too. The wii version was shite :)

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