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Random Question: Ganondorf or Mace Windu?


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Mace was like a Hero to me, until Episode 3. Yes, getting killed by a very wooden Hayden Chrisstessenseanbean. Not only did he eventually nose dive towards the ground, but so did my love for him. :(


Ganondorf is a badass to me. My favourite character on Melee, and despite being much, much slower on Brawl, he's still one of my characters of choice. Awesome character. Twilight Princess wasn't his best outing, but I still loved each scene with him involved.


King V, why don't you just get an avatar of Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction? A much, much better role played by El Jackson.

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Hehe, yeah seems like the obvious, straight forward choice eh? But I like things with an air of mysticism and something that kind of applies to me in someway. (like combat, and the philosophies with it). I also like how his purple lightsaber is vaguely interpretated as having both darkside and light qualities (blue + red?) and his fighting style, Vaapad, is deep enough to warrant it's own school of thought: fight like one fromthe darkside but for the light...


Or maybe I'm just reading too much into things. ;)

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Ganondorf is better because he was part of a series when it was at its best (Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker). Mace Windu, on the other hand, is part of a series of films that are in no way iconic in their own right.


Samuel L Jackson is great in Jackie Brown though. That's an excellent film. :)

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