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How Was Your Year?


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2009 is coming to an abrupt/overdue end, and the New Year marks an opportunity for us to compare where we are now with where we have been over previous years.


What've been your highs and lows? Are you going to make any resolutions which I'm sure I'll read about in the inevitable 'Resolutions!' thread? What are the Big Things to look forward to this year?


I'd pay my two cents, but my taxi just got here!

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I was about to say this year wasn't as good as last year but that's not strictly true. Last year I changed course to one I now love and worked all year at SquEx where I met loads of awesome people.


This year I've knuckled down at university, which is going really well. If I work as hard as I have been then a First is in sight, we shall see though because I did burn out the last week of last term and it is a Hell of a lot of work. I also stopped eating junk food, sweets, chocolate, etc and been on an insane exercise stormer. Intense gym three times a week and cycling 11 miles odd every day to get to uni. Also, I've got to know everyone at university a lot better due to the time freed up from not having my job.


All in all, if last year was a year when I made big shifts in my life, this year was more about tweaking and maintaining things. Next year, I suspect, will be about keeping the momentum going.


As for resolutions, I think they're stupid. If you need to do something, do it.

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My year has been tough. I've gotten through a lot, my health in ways has improved and in others worsened. My job is much the same and has been all year (well at least I've got a job in these harsh times)


I've had one major success though - most of the year was spent learning to drive and passing in September. Yeay! ^_^


It's really hard to believe that its nearly 2010. Madness.

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Mine ultimately balanced out to be a rather average year. I didn't end up where I thought I would be but its been okay, all things considering. I don't know really, I don't recall much happening. I graduated, I went to Japan which were good things (well, the fact I finished uni was good in one way, the graduation ceremony itself was not so much good). But on the other hand all my friends vanished (to other parts of the country) and of course ongoing family drama.


Swings and roundabouts.


Know what's depressing? At the end of this decade I'll be 32. BLEAK. Lets hope I'll have gotten a proper job by then :p

Edited by Ashley
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Guest Captain Falcon

I think in some ways 2009 was a great year for me. A change in my lifestyle, which started around last September, has come on a long way this year.


But even so, it was more a year of two halves as it started out ok, nothing particularly remarkable to note though, and it picked up over the second half – though there was a definite high spike towards the middle of the year


I used to hate not having anything to do with my time but between playing sports, going college and going the gym, I’ve something on most days. And that’s the thing, I never thought I’d see myself going to the gym and actually enjoying it – maybe the sheen will wear off soon but I’m getting into it. With college, I always wanted to go but never did anything about it but not anymore. In fact, I might take up another course next year as well.


Been going out more with my mates particularly on nights out to the point I’m instigating them – before the start of this year, I’d only ever been out with them twice but we’ve done 4 outings just this month.


I’ve strengthened friendships with a lot of people already in my life as well as making a couple of new friends too - could still do with making a lot more though. Parted ways with others but that’s how life goes I guess. And I did get speaking to one person this year, however briefly, who totally changed me in some ways. I just wish I could speak to them again but alas, it’s out of my hands – still, they’ll never be forgotten I’m sure.


The only thing that hasn’t become better over the course of the year, apart from my age, is that I’m nowhere near as content at work as I used to be. So that’s on my list of things to sort out this coming year.


As for the whole resolution’s thing, I never used to bother but now I do… well kind of. The only thing I say to myself is that I want to have more fun this year than last – something I can definitely claim for these past 12 months and with lots of plans and ideas floating around, it looks like 2010 could be set to pip this year.


That said my ultimate aim for the year wasn't achieved so that's rolling over to next.

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So I think my New Year resolution will to just try and get back to how I was this time last year.


By that I mean with work ethic and how time was spent.


My last year's resolution worked for 6 months.


But since going back to uni I've noticed I've spent so much time helping others and putting effort into team projects.


Where as that's not going to help get me a placement.


So from now on everybody is going to have to wait.


Sounds selfish, but....


It is.

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Shit basically...




















Nah I'm just kidding :heh: while its been pretty unremarkable on the whole the last part of this year has been good, mainly because I now have a girlfriend - now there's something I never thought I'd be able to say - and I'm actually... dare I say it... happy... :blank:


It feels very strange to actually say it but I am so yeah... :) also I've started riding a bike to work which I'm enjoying mostly, well I did actually fall off it tonight and bashed me knee :/ - some stupid fuckwit didn't dip their headlights causing me to lose control of my bike - but it's ok, not swollen so it's all good, just a bit of a shit way to end the year but hey-ho, nothing a bit of alcohol can't remedy. ;)

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In alot of ways my life this year was bad, but theres alot of things that made it incredible.


I lost my gran a few days before my 19th birthday, something I'll never quite be 'ok' with. I moved into a house that makes me me miserable and my dad was unemployed for most of the year.


But in others my year was incredible.


I went to download for the very first time, such an amazing place to go and I'll continue to go even with crappy line-ups. I finished my first year at uni and gained good marks. I got myself a job and sorted things ready for 2010.


So its been abit up and down this year. Bring on 2010.

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How was my year?...


The first 2 months I had no job, finally got one at the end of Feb, but it was pretty crap. Decided I wanted to go back to college so found a good course and cut down my hours so I could fit it in. On the first day of the course proper (I went to the induction...) they ring me up and tell me it's cancelled. The thought of going back to full time at work wasn't good, because of this I rushed to try and find another course - a full time one - so I quit my job. Should have known it wouldn't work out (things never do...) I couldn't catch up with the work I missed at the start and it wasn't really suited to me anyways so I ended up flunking out of that... no college no job.


I also joined a football team, when I agreed to join I though it was in a different place to where it actually was. Turned out just for a home game I had to drive 45 minutes. This would have been fine but I spent the majority of the games on the side of the pitch. Even when I was told I was gonna be brought on at some point I wasn't. I was basically the team taxi so in the end I told them to shove it...


Then to top it all off, a couple of days ago I found out that my cousin who was gonna come over from America, who I was planning to move out with, is no longer coming. I'm still planning on movine out though - with the one and only Retro_Link as well, only now instead of a 3 bed house we'll hove to look for a 2 bed flat, which won't be as nice and more expensive.


So it's been a year of disappointment and failure... roll on 2010!

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At the beginning of the year I was in massive debt, close to over my overdraft limit, over my credit card limit and the people who I rented a house from in Sheffield were bugging me for the money I owed them. I also had pretty much given up on the hope of getting a job.


Now it's pretty much all solved and I'm part of a small company that's not only growing rapidly in a time of recession, but also in a poor time for the industry. The online/IT side of the company is also very important so my job is more than safe.


Now 2010 is a time for me to get a social life, and to move out of my Grandparent's house.

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2009 was the year when I decided on what I will do with my life.


I've done nothing since I left school in 2006. Aside from small things, I wasted 2007 and 2008. 2009 was no different, but at least I had an epic "What the fuck am I doing with my life?" moment and I'm now set to get things rolling in 2010.




It's not a resolution because it's been thought of for months: 2010 is when I properly begin with my life.

Fuck scouring the internets all day.

Fuck having only new games and track packs for Rock Band (and the World Cup) being the only thing to look forward to.

Fuck not being able to find a job - I'm going to apply for jobs I don't even have a chance in getting because you never bloody know.

I'm going to go back into education and get some fucking stuff done and make my CV look less shit.

I'm going to change myself this year. I hope in 12 months time I can look back at what's happened and think "Fuck yeah, this year wasn't wasted!"


2010 is going to be the year of the Roostophe!





Don't expect a post in June saying "...shit." because none of this has happened...I'm going to do this shite.

It's a bit weird for me to feel this optimistic, but it's only me who can sort this stuff out.

Call this a self-kick up the arse! :awesome:

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Mainly, I got through school, getting 3 As at A-Level, and got into Oxford uni. That's my major achievement of 2009.


I spent the majority of the year being unrequitedly in love, an unrewarding experience.

I went inter-railing, expanding my horizons (literally - before I went the furthest away place I had been was Switzerland), and had really good fun.

I now generally have much more of a life. I was elected onto the JCR commitee and the OUSU LGBT Council at uni, and made some good friends.

I earned £1500+.


I also spent alot of the year depressed. I was late for school everyday for about 2 weeks running because I couldn't make myself get out of bed.


Probably one of the best years of my life, competing with 2008.

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- Left school

- Went on a first trip abroad sans "guardians" or whatever. However I was fucking annoyed cause I wasn't allowed to go for the whole time. I joined Chair at the end of the trip. So not really as essential an experience as he had.

- Started tertiary education/art foundation year

- Got my own car and started learning to drive, feel really unconfident

- Life got more complex, my own fears and whatever grew worse/more.

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It seems like nothing happened in 2009 ... yet it also seems a lot happened.


I've been on several trips around Europe with family and classmates. 3 years ago, that would have been impossible, and that fact alone is testament to the enormous development I've gone through since I started my STX. That development continued throughout 2009, and the year seemed to just run its course. There were challenges, of course, but none that I haven't more or less conquered and grown somewhat stronger from. And I think that is characteristic of the past 2 and a half years: I've been thrown out into life, and I've grown tremendously from it.


It's all going to change in 2010, however, when I finish my STX this summer. The thing that has been the very centre of my life for the past 3 years is going to end, and I'm actually kind of scared. I have a plan for my life from here, but if I thought my life was going to change when I started STX, it's going to be turned upside down now. But I guess I'll just have to take it one step at a time. I'm positive at the moment.

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