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The Unique Games Thread


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What comes to mind for me is: Killer 7 for its art style and gameplay and the Katamari series for the same reason.




Also, System Shock 1 and 2.


All of the above are on PC.


That reminded me of Nobi Nobi Boy, not that I ever played it, but its certainly unique.



Also, The Incredible Machine, its a puzzle game were you make Goldberg machines to solve it.

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Going back to the good old days when snow was 15 ft high and curly wurlys were 6 times as long, here's a couple of original, odd titles from Commodoreland:


Red Heat (C64)

Pretty crap kindof side scrolling beat-em-up, with infinite enemies... looks like all the development time & processing power was spent on the animation & big sprites and they forgot to make it into a game.


Mindwalker (Amiga)

I remember playing this loads, but never actually figuring out what was going on. Half of my brain found it scary & freaky, and the other half of my brain was constantly going WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?



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Does the Sanity Meter aspect of Eternal Darkness not count? Though I have been recently told/witnessed something similarish in MGS1.


I think it's kind of unique too, but then realise it isn't, but Little King's Story is sort of more an attempted merge of two/three other styles of games, with some little mutations in the mix. Tbh, I think it's incredibly hard to actually find any truly unique games, if you look wholly, you could argue anything is, if you break things down enough, you could argue nothing is.



Though damn, one thing I do always say about one game, is that there is no other game like it, it's something you can't understand until you play, even if you've grown up on the classic fighters, I reckon it's getting its overlooking because it's so commonplace for so many of us, and of course cos it's had 3 installations, but the Smash Bros. Series should definitely deserve an honorable mention, surely!

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Does the Sanity Meter aspect of Eternal Darkness not count? Though I have been recently told/witnessed something similarish in MGS1.


I think it's kind of unique too, but then realise it isn't, but Little King's Story is sort of more an attempted merge of two/three other styles of games, with some little mutations in the mix. Tbh, I think it's incredibly hard to actually find any truly unique games, if you look wholly, you could argue anything is, if you break things down enough, you could argue nothing is.



Though damn, one thing I do always say about one game, is that there is no other game like it, it's something you can't understand until you play, even if you've grown up on the classic fighters, I reckon it's getting its overlooking because it's so commonplace for so many of us, and of course cos it's had 3 installations, but the Smash Bros. Series should definitely deserve an honorable mention, surely!


Got it in one rummeh! people seem to be quoting aspects of games rather than an entire game, or have not played any games that are similar.


It's all good though, unique parts of games are sometimes what make them! Lets face it, there are SO many games on the market that its very difficult to find one that's COMPLETELY unique in every way.

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Though damn, one thing I do always say about one game, is that there is no other game like it, it's something you can't understand until you play, even if you've grown up on the classic fighters, I reckon it's getting its overlooking because it's so commonplace for so many of us, and of course cos it's had 3 installations, but the Smash Bros. Series should definitely deserve an honorable mention, surely!


Its getting overlooked for the same reason OoT is getting, people don't want to be called fanboys.


I find many Nintendo games unique but if I came here and said:


Wii Sports Resort

Wii Music

Wii Fit


It would probably get dismissed by lots of people.


I just remembered, the most unique game I've ever played/seen/heard of.


LSD: Dream Emulator.


I heard of that once, never played it, but watched some youtube videos and its truly a unique concept for a game.

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Oh yeah, the Smash Bros. series was a unique take on the fighting genre.


@Shino: I suppose that the reason most people aren't mentioning games like OoT, Super Mario Bros. and GTA is because they aren't unique anymore. They spawned a number of imitators (or a genre, depending on the game).


Also, I need to agree on both Wii Sports and Wii Fit (haven't played Wii Music, so I won't say anything about that one)

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I just remembered, the most unique game I've ever played/seen/heard of.


LSD: Dream Emulator.


I took a wiki of this, and found something along similar lines but I'm sure in a diff style(top down I think, been likened to 'the aesthetics of earthbound') called Yume Nikki. I'm in the process of trying to download it but all links I find points to rapidshare and it's being a bitch, if people are interested I shall return tomorrow eve with like a megapupload link or something, assuming I manage to actually d/l it.

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ok im gonna try this:


This is an unusual one. A lot of people remember the demo for this. It was a very generous demo giving you a good 30 minutes of gameplay but it shows the weakest part of the game.The beginning. Its like giving you a demo of metroid where you can do shit without upgrades. Tombi can't run at the start of the game and it takes a while to get this power.


but otherwise its actually brilliant and unlike anything ive ever played. It's one of my favourite games. There are highs and lows in the game. It gets criticised for its music sometimes but it wasn't so bad.


Tombi was the Shit, I played the fuck out of the Demo, thing is though I could never find it, when or if it got as release in the UK, then forgot all about it until the beginning of this year and I downloaded it with a PsX Emultaor, loved it..then my PC fucked up and lost it...I may have to reconsider getting it.

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right, my offerings to this disscussion.


demon's souls


you dont know how unique it is til you play. its not just hard, its the way its done, the online mode is brilliantly clever, the leveling up is handled in a brilliantly, causing real thought in your actions. the fact every wepon handles uniquely is a major plus, i love that type of thing.




its been mentioned before, but flower is so different, the fact i started playing this in my darkest hour and it lifted me out is testiment to how beuatiful the game is.


little big planet


possibly the most charming game ive played, its not untill you get through the single player campaign and begin building a level that you realise just how special the game is.

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