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Your Capitalist Agenda Pushing List


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food, water, shelter. Of which you usually need some form of income to keep.


Other than that the world is pretty much your oyster. If you can afford to go out and buy 20 different games consoles or 4 cars, who cares. It's not like you are really harming anyone.


Unless you smash somebody's face in with each one of those 20 games consoles. And then drove over them in all four of those cars. Forward and back.


I'm dreading getting Ine something for Christmas now. Incase she opens it and says "well, do we reeeeally need presents to define our own happiness?"


If that happens, I think I'll cry from the inside outwards.


Just get the presents, and be happy. Be excellent to each other. How to make world peace? Easy. A little joy, a smile, a sing along of Band Aid aaaaaaand no Present-baaashing.

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I have no idea what I want for Christmas, I came in here looking for ideas and instead I feel bad for wanting anything at all...


I think Terminator 4 and Star Trek Blu-rays would be nice, but other than that I have no idea. I buy most of the stuff I want myself anyway.

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Other than that the world is pretty much your oyster. If you can afford to go out and buy 20 different games consoles or 4 cars, who cares. It's not like you are really harming anyone.


What if they run people over with the cars? And throw the games consoles out of the window at passers by?


Yeah I bet you didn't think of that did you.




I really should read the whole thread before posing.

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O_W; what you're surmising is something I muse on from time to time. I've even spouted drunkenly about it in various topics; Consumerism, Commercialism, Imperialism and 'Progress'. 'Efficiency', city-life, standards of living. Fashion! Uniformity.


I'm too tired to go into an essay about it now (was meant to go to bed an hour ago!), but essentially I know what you mean and I pretty much agree with you, especially down to that hypocritical skeleton that we can blame on the years of brainwashing we've had to endure.


The world evolves. Sure, I get that. Technology gets more wacky and ka-ploosome, or whatever, but my own capacity for happiness, our capacity as a species is not increasing. There is no hurry to get tomorrow's trash today.


Too much stuff I feel passionately about for now. ONWARDS!




2009's smart money is on;


... Go Go Hamsters. They do... something. I dunno. But demand's so high we've been told we can only sell two per customer.



Good grades would be nice.


massive rant:


From my family, I have no idea. I hate it when my mother text me asking what I want. I'm 21 with lots of money and already have what I want. I understand her situation though, she doesn't want to give me money, gift cards or some cheap crap I won't use and I guess it's not easy to buy gift to adult children? Usually, if she doesn't give up and give me a gift card, I list some embarrasing(embarrasing as in have to show the entire family) decent games I wouldn't buy anyway. Maybe I will ask for ToSII this year as I wasn't planning to buy it until after my last exam on the 18th. And by then I will have received Zelda I think so I can wait. But I don't to show the front cover to my family and have to explain what it is. Maybe I shouldn't be afraid to tell them, but they don't share my same obsession with games and it's pretty well known I do play a lot of games and I don't want to sound like that's all I do(my mother was pretty happy when I decided to move out from my dad's house to go to college after all). As for the rest of my family, they're not very original. Candy, socks, dvds and those puzzle wood things they make at the local prison. Not that I mind candy and dvds, one my favourite gifts.

Aside from my mother I pretty much the only one who make some effort in finding gifts. Maybe they're not very original(dvds and cds are common gifts for some) but at least they are good gifts for that particular family member and the proper genre. I remember the time dad gave me a documentaries about diamond farming under poor conditions and similar movies >_> I have five siblings, four parents, uncle/aunt and two cousins and a grandmother that isn't mine I have to find gifts for. Haven't bought anything yet but I think I'll go to the mall one day after the 9th and then the days after 18th as many days I need.



Don't be ashamed of who you are. Don't think you're the only one making efforts. Especially when you're just getting DVDs. Everyone tries for presents, it's rare to get it right.




Hey, I'm not generalising! I'm just saying, you brits' christmas lists are much bigger than ours. :heh:

Doesn't really mean anything, since my country is notorious for... fuck all. Just saying. ^^

Careful with the generalisations :P My list was, what, two or three things? I don't have a physical list, and I haven't even told anyone any of the things so I'm not going to get them!
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Why do these threads always turn into a guilt trip.


Yes I want a lot of things for christmas, I always want alot of things, pssh! So do thousands of people, they just happen to be different to me! ^_^


I would actually scrap my list to be fair for a christmas thats hassle free like it used to be, without trouble with court/police and just a day where I can sit for an hour eating christmas dinner with mum/dad and sis like it used to be.


Alas I seriously doubt I'll get that one.

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Why do these threads always turn into a guilt trip.


Yes I want a lot of things for christmas, I always want alot of things, pssh! So do thousands of people, they just happen to be different to me! ^_^


I would actually scrap my list to be fair for a christmas thats hassle free like it used to be, without trouble with court/police and just a day where I can sit for an hour eating christmas dinner with mum/dad and sis like it used to be.


Alas I seriously doubt I'll get that one.

Yeah, can't we be greedy bastards without having to feel the guilt? :p


But police? Court? What is all that about? :confused: If you don't mind me asking, of course.

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Yeah, can't we be greedy bastards without having to feel the guilt? :p


But police? Court? What is all that about? :confused: If you don't mind me asking, of course.


Stuff with the sister. Its not worth going into details too. Basically she's in shit and its something we could do without this year considering everything else! :hmm:

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I just want a Christmas tree, some decorations and some Christmas lights. Its funny. Not spending Christmas in England makes you appreciate the little things. I dont care about presents, i just want to make it feel a bit like Christmas here, and that will be enough.

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I just want a Christmas tree, some decorations and some Christmas lights. Its funny. Not spending Christmas in England makes you appreciate the little things. I dont care about presents, i just want to make it feel a bit like Christmas here, and that will be enough.

I know what you mean. It's funny, when I was little, I loved the presents and didn't understand how people could not find them an important part of Christmas. :p But now, I actually don't find them to be that important. Only in the sense that they're part of the whole Christmas feel, which is what I love the most. Going out and getting a tree, decorating it, visiting our friends like we do each year ... all those traditions that really consolidates the Christmas feel. :D

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Can anyone think of some good sites which would have photo frames on them? Found a few but none that I think my sister would like and the rest of the search results just keep coming up with digital ones.


Not websites but Boots, M&S, Argos, The Range, hell even Tescos. They all do them (and may in fact do them on their websites but I can't be bothered to check).

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Hoping my Dads going to pay the deposit on the house we've all agreed on, which would be amazing considering otherwise I'm completely screwed. Then considering the phone I ordered a month back comes with a free PS3, that's being considered a Christmas present which I'm more than happy about. Now just to find myself a couple of games. :)


Oddly craving Oblivion.


I want to buy this cashmere scarf/pashmina as a Christmas present, for myself. But on the website the model has grey hair. Should this tell me something?!


Picture needed.

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I want to buy this cashmere scarf/pashmina as a Christmas present, for myself. But on the website the model has grey hair. Should this tell me something?!

Well, it tells me that the scarf comes with magical hair colour changing abilities. But the nice doctors also tell me that the medication might give me strange ideas like that. Psh, as if the scarf is "magical" :heh: ... it's obviously the genetic nanobots!

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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So I wrote a huge post and closed the damn tab.


In short:


Flink - nice post, but you're agreeing with me, was that your point?


Molly - Just because I do something that goes against my argument doesn't mean that it's any less valid. :heh: Plus, I need the jacket, I lost my old one. And I delude myself into thinking that cultural possessions like books and dvds and cds don't count. But they do. And still, if they were all stolen, I'd be a bit upset, but honestly speaking I wouldn't really be that annoyed by it. The experience would still be there. :heh:

Oh, and by the way, how are you?


Ashley - No, of course not. But there's compromises to be made. The Dutch seems to have the right idea.


Dannyboy - Your second paragraph says it all. You nailed it. Now if you could please stop liking the Matrix sequels, I'd be delighted to start loving you.


jayseven - Why do you think I nominated you for best user ever? :heh:



Ok, so now that that's done, how about I have a nice cup of shut the fuck up?


PS - I'm not the grinch!

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So I wrote a huge post and closed the damn tab.


In short:


Flink - nice post, but you're agreeing with me, was that your point?



I don't bluddy know. I think that's twice I've done that now, with you and DannyBOY/Gary.


"I think this pen is red"

"Well, I Think that it's red."

"So, we agree."

"FINE. Whatever. I'm bored now, leave me alone."


My typical argument, haha.

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