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The Confessions and Advice Thread


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Well the surface of the sphere has an infinite number of points (you integrate over two variables to get to surface area, and individual points have no affect on integration (/I don't know the details of this, I could be lying - I'm doing the Reimann definition of integration next week in lectures)), so I assume light is irradiated from each of these infinite points.

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Well the surface of the sphere has an infinite number of points (you integrate over two variables to get to surface area, and individual points have no affect on integration (/I don't know the details of this, I could be lying - I'm doing the Reimann definition of integration next week in lectures)), so I assume light is irradiated from each of these infinite points.


So there will be an infinite number of waves/particle streams?

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Can't think of another thread to ask this in.


Imagine there's a spherical source of light. The light will be emitted in all directions. As you get further away from the source of light, will there be gaps in between the waves of light? (Assuming light is a wave and not a stream of particles.)

I will check this with some physicists/other mathematicians, but I think Chair's probably right. Of course there are multiple ways of modelling the idealised situation you describe, none of which will be perfect.

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How did you get an E?


I was shit at Statistics and said I shouldn't do it.


Funny story;



There were 4 sets. I was in set 3 with my best mate (Aquafire)

I copied his work/we copies eachothers work every single lesson. Our work was quite literally 100% identical.


Then I was moved up 2 sets to the top set, and he stayed in set 3.




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Ok in lecture today I disagreed with the answer that the lecturer gave. So would somebody give me the right answer please.



Well, it depends on whether the random eployee is selected among everyone, and it so happens he or she has been there 2-5 years, or if the employee is selected only between those who have been there 2-5 years. Why the 22 come into the picture, I have no idea.

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Advice needed;


I'm applying for jobs at the moment, and right now I'm filling out an online application to work (as various things) at an Edinburgh club/bar/place.


It says to enter info in a box titled "Experience/Employment & References" - I have no references. I've not been employed before, I know that's who you'd use normally, but who should I use?


Advice needed;


I'm applying for jobs at the moment, and right now I'm filling out an online application to work (as various things) at an Edinburgh club/bar/place.


It says to enter info in a box titled "Experience/Employment & References" - I have no references. I've not been employed before, I know that's who you'd use normally, but who should I use?

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Guest Captain Falcon

Do you know someone who holds a significant position in the community at all?


So in addition to teacher/lecturer, maybe a Doctor/GP or someone in the local constabulary - those kind of positions.

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I have a semi-confession. It's not really confession material since i've not done anything, but there's this chef at work who's flirted with me on and off for years. He's made it clear that if i ever want to sleep with him all i need to do is say.


He has a girlfriend at the moment, and it looks like it'll be really long-term between them. I know her, cos she's an ex-employee of the hotel. She's a nice girl. I have her added on Facebook, but we were never friends or anything.


I've always declined his offers cos he's had a girlfriend. But lately i've been wondering if i'm being a fool for being so principled. I have a friend who's sleeping with another chef in the kitchen, who has a partner, and both of them are really casual about it and just seem to be having fun.


Also the chef who flirts with me is really casual and laddy about the whole thing, and has slept with many women, including ones from the hotel.

It just feels like everyone is really laid back and enjoying themselves, and i'm being a fool for not taking advantage of the offer? I do find him attractive in both looks and personality. And it's not like i get tons of interest from men, since i tend to keep myself to myself. So i hardly ever get opportunities like this. Besides, he's the only man i know who i even have remote interest in doing anything with anyway. I've really not been interested in any sort of contact with anyone since my bf dumped me a month ago.


But intellectually it doesn't sit well with me. But should i just ignore my mind and take the opportunity to have this little experience?

I'm not even sure it'd be worth it ultimately, especially since it'd not last. I think he'd just want to sleep with me once and that'd be it really. But it does feel wrong turning down opportunites like this, when my life is so dull normally!

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I'd say if you think it will be fun and you're going into it knowing it's just a bit of fun then why not. Life's too short to get hung up on things like that, it's not like you're locked into it if you don't like it.

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