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[SPOILERS!!] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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I've just watched a couple of Wind Waker video's on Youtube and that game still looks amazing!


I'm not a big fan of the game itself but if Nintendo ever decided to do another Zelda game using Cell-shading, I'd be a very happy gamer.


Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen any time soon.


If they do Make another Zelda game, with cell-shaded graphics, I hope it will be in HD.

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You and I both know that at least 70 % of NINTENDO's E3 conference will be dedicated to the Wii vitality sensor, smiles and numbers.


Heh. Maybe they'll try and shoehorn it into Wii Sports Vitality, Wii Fit Ultimate and Go Go Super Happy Heart Time.


Actually no, isn't it about time they revisited Pac-man, balance board style?


What's with people referring the Wii 2 to Zii now. They've had that trademark since forever. :p


In future years, the naming of Nintendo's next console will be famously attributed to a small band of zealots on N-Europe. Believe!

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Change can be good and is definitely needed for future Zelda games (in moderation)... but I just hope they don't go crazy and radically change it so that it's unrecognisable as traditional Zelda.


You're right. The uncomfortable truth is that games in general just need to get better, not necessarily different. It can be hard to define though, and so you get calls for massive reinvention instead. I've always thought the criticism of Twilight Princess along these lines was completely unfounded - it's not too similar to previous games in the slightest.


In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Zelda formula, it just needs to gradually evolve as technology does. You explore an overworld, go in a dungeon, get a new item from a mini-boss then use that item to fight the main boss. Spirit Tracks shows this can still be enormous fun if it's done well!


The key is in making it fun, and that's a very complex formula. I really don't think it has much to do with innovation or lack of innovation.

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The key is making the game world seem alive. Stream the whole goddamn thing, add dynamic weather and have events happen in cities, don't make it stale. Also make the dungeon design more organic, so that it doesn't feel like just another obstacle in the player's way. Nothing's wrong with how they are now, but they can be bettered, so to disguise the puzzle elements and make them more part of the story.

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i also want to see more of the 3 goddesses of the triforce.

i want to interact with the villagers, mini missions, large sidequests, horse races,

and maybe some kinda arena where challengers will fight you, and it only gets harder the more you play it.


and while i read, something in the air, i hope personally that it would be a beast to fly with, so that you can have air battles stuff like that,


cant wait to see some images from the Game,

or hear some info about it.

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Edge: Eiji Aonuma's Regrets For Twilight Princess


Series director Eiji Aonuma says “sheer grand scale" is the starting point for developing the next Zelda.


Edge 211 features Links To The Past, an in-depth interview with series director Eiji Aonuma about his memories of working on gaming’s greatest franchise. But there are a few nods to the future, as well. We asked Aonuma about the ‘epic’ feel of Twilight Princess and its subsequent reception, to which he said:


“For Twilight Princess we used the adult Link and one of the interesting things about that was how we considered the precise proportions of Link and the world. The scale is because we aimed for a more realistic quality in the size of the environments of Hyrule and what that Link faced.


"But the question is whether or not we were able to incorporate any and all of the interesting game ideas that were able to take advantage of that kind of sheer grand scale within the Zelda universe. I am afraid that definitely no, we were not able to do all the things that perhaps with hindsight we had the capabilities to do. With that as the starting point, we are now developing the Wii version of Legend Of Zelda.”


Aonuma went on to admit that the discrepancy between imagination and representation was his greatest regret about the previous Wii game:


“In the case of Spirit Tracks it was relatively easier, because regardless of the actual proportions between the player character and the other objects, we can simply concentrate upon the many game ideas we want to realise. But in the case of trying to depict a relatively photorealistic three-dimensional world, we have to be very careful to adapt the ideas so that they seem to perfectly fit with that world. I must admit that's actually one of my very greatest regrets as regards the Twilight Princess.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very surprised. I hope they're not rushing to get this game out, and we end up with a half arsed attempt.


So they announce/reveal it in June for the very first time, and it's released within the next 6 months? Seems like a very tight timeframe for such a big and important game.

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Very surprised. I hope they're not rushing to get this game out, and we end up with a half arsed attempt.


So they announce/reveal it in June for the very first time, and it's released within the next 6 months? Seems like a very tight timeframe for such a big and important game.


To be fair Nintendo have been announcing games a lot closer to their actual launch now a days. Admittedly this is a massive game but I imagine they've been working on it for a good while now, in fact I'd hasten to bet that if they really wanted to they could have revealed it already.

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"released this year" could also mean "in Japan" and I think that's the case. Especially since Metroid is more popular in the West.


So, Europe/US:


Galaxy 2 summer 2010

Metroid Other M Xmass 2010

Zelda Wii Spring 2011


That's my guess


That sounds like a pretty good estimate, imo. According to Wikipedia, the Wii version of Twilight Princess launched before the Japanese version, but I can't remember off-hand if that's true or not. (I think it is - but you can never fully tell with Wiki, although it's always been pretty reliable for me).


Still, given that, I'd expect the game to be released in Japan before America. No doubt Europe will get eet last. :(


I think Metroid could be released in the Summer and Galaxy released at Christmas, so I've flipped over those two, but they could really go either way. I have to say, I'm very excited about Metroid, probably more so than Zelda. It just seems new and fresh. We'll have to see what Nintendo have planned with Zelda, but right now Metroid is my game to look forward to.

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"released this year" could also mean "in Japan" and I think that's the case. Especially since Metroid is more popular in the West.


Zelda isn't as popular in Japan any more, plus the US got Twilight princess first and Japan are the last region to get Spirit Tracks so there's a pretty good chance we'll get it this year. That's possibly what the big surprise is :P

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Spring just doesn't seem right for a Zelda game though.


The Wind Waker was released in America in March, and then May in Europe. So, Spring/Summer. Although, I'm pretty sure that the other 3D Zeldas tended to be released towards the end of the year. October, November and December time. Hmm.

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Nintendo have the casuals in the bag; they need to get the gamer gamers in (you know, the nobs on the OTHER BOADS ;) ); releasing Mario Galaxy 2 early summer, Metroid early autumn and Zelda at Xmas would be awesome for everyone involved. They're not even making Metroid themselves, Galaxy 2 already has its engine... Nintendo has loda of development companies. More than doable for me!!! Can't wait!!

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They're unlikely to release all 3 games until they get shown off at E3, which means all three release dates in the second half of 2010...


They'll need to keep Mario and Zelda FAR apart. Those are the two main ones, so Galaxy 2 a month or two after E3 and Zelda Wii at xmas?

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They need to give a big showing of these titles at E3 and then they have to market them well. I reckon the perfect time to start marketing them would be as trailers during the World Cup matches (the knockout rounds in particular).


Everyone and their dog will be paying attention to the football, come half time, get those trailers shown! And not the crap trailers they have been doing with their other games, market them in a way that will really grab your attention and make you say wow!

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