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your top disappointing games

mcj metroid

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Twilight Princess


Advance Wars: Duel Strike

Halo (got into it pretty late, didn't see what was so special about it).

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

GTA Vice City

GTA San Andreas

Devil May Cry 2

Resi 5

Soul Calibur II


...not saying these are awful games (apart from a few) but they were not as good as I hoped they would be.


Cheers guys, just remembered a few more. Also I'm not a Mario fan at all, don't like any of his games except for Mario Galaxy which is the best game on wii with Fire Emblem. I suppose, because I'm not a fan sunshine didn't really dissapoint me lol but Galaxy 2 might :( hope it doesn't.


Pikmin 2 (never played 1 but was caught in the hype)

Mario Kart: Double Dash

metroid prime hunters:

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Oh, that reminds me:


Phantom Hourglass: It's a good game, but not a good Zelda.


Mario Kart DS: Wasn't much fun after Double Dash!! shows us how a good Mario Kart should be done (although more like DKR would be better).

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Double Dragon II on the Gameboy is supreme, try it!


OK, thanks! I was pretty happy with the Megadrive port (of the original game) that eventually came along, and I really should have got the GBA one too, as that looked very cool.


1) Super paper mario:

All I wanted to do is stomp stuff but most things I stomped on talked to me.


LOL! There's something very funny about the way you said that!


5) pikmin


good god this wasn't very good at all. Just because miyamoto created a game doesn't mean it's a great concept. I have no doubt the series will evolve into a great one but the first game was just ugh.


I agree (although I wasn't disappointed with it). Pikmin 2 was good.


The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass... Stylus controls which are clearly inferior to a D-Pad and buttons. 3D graphics that aren't all that at all despite everybody seeming to think so. The 3D graphics are a necessity of the control scheme but had they opted for buttons, we could have had a sumptuous 2D effort instead of a bland and empty 3D one.


Too right. Again, I wasn't disappointed with this one, as I somehow had a feeling about what it'd be like, but I do agree.

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Yoshi's Story

Yoshi's Island on the SNES was one of my favourite games ever and so I was uber hyped for this. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be an eat-fruit simulator. Shame.


DKC 64

It wasn't all 'that' bad but Banjo had been before it and had done 3D in a whimsical, fairytale way which had more charm than DKC64. A true 2D DKC outing would have been better.


Star Fox franchise after Lylat Wars

Shameful really. With such a winning formula why change it?


Super Mario Sunshine

Has moments of pure genius but is marred by invisible walls, some bugs and unenjoyable collecting. For a AAA Mario title I expected perfection.


Mario Power Tennis GC/Wii

The N64 version was perfect so why add gimmicks?!



After the solid start 2008 gave us I was hopeful for some great kickabouts. '09 and '10 are serious let-downs as EA continue to struggle to define their lead sports franchises on Wii.


Resi 5

Was so 'action obsessed' that I couldn't play past the first level in single player. 4 had the balance, 5 went OTT.


Mirrors Edge

Loved the demo and was really looking forward to the setting and gameplay mechanics yet unforgivable gameplay and strict, linear maps made this nothing but a stressful experience.

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I'm one of those controversial kinds who got a lot of enjoyment from SFA...! :blush:


Same here,


Mirrors Edge

Loved the demo and was really looking forward to the setting and gameplay mechanics yet unforgivable gameplay and strict, linear maps made this nothing but a stressful experience.


Another one. The first few levels were great, but the game was terrible when it interrupted the flow.

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New Super Mario Bros. DS


I need only say that it paled in comparison to the originals. Was far to easy, even to get all of the coins. Based on this attempt, I'd say Nintendo have forgotten how to make a good 2d mario game and I doubt the up and coming Wii game will prove otherwise.


Yoshi's Island DS


Another example of just not being able to live up to the original game. And was it even necessary to make a second one? Not really.


Resi Evil 5


Others have said it but it just felt dated after RE4. Hell, playing RE4 now still feels fresher and more enjoyable than this.


Paper Mario series


Strange one this considering I enjoy the Mario and Luigi games but I just didn't like these games one bit. Found it too slow for my tastes.


Killzone 2


Graphics will always sell a game. Shame the underlying gameplay was shallower than a paddling pool and the controls were horrible. Sony, seriously sort out your controller. Move that damned left stick up to where the d-pad is!


That's all I can think of but I'm sure there are many more that'll come to me.

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So far Bioshock is a bit disappointing. It's not particularly bad, it's just not the greatest game ever as everyone seems to think. Hopefully I'll see the awesomeness when I get further in.


Its a good solid game. Not absolutely amazing as some people make it out to be but still a top game overall.

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Super Mario Sunshine (Due to lack of aesthetic variety and those Damn Blue Coins)


Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Lack of immersion, along with two clearly rushed final dungeons, really brought down a game in development for so long)


Starfox Adventures (The reviewers said it was much like Zelda. They clearly had no idea that "Zelda" isn't synonym with "Adventure genre")


Baten Kaitos (I expected a better plot and voice acting. Both fields were lacking)


Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (I was split between buying this or F-Zero GX. And by making the wrong choice, I found out that I dislike Mario Kart)


Mario Party 4 (It certainly sounded fun. It certainly wasn't.)


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series (The plot/setting sounds very promising (and probably delivers) but the boring gameplay falls flat)


Sword of Mana (The game fell like a chore after a while. And it looked so good beforehand)


Gargoyle's Quest (My young self thought this game was associated with the "Gargoyles" cartoon. Instead, it was just (IMO) a bad game)

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Its a good solid game. Not absolutely amazing as some people make it out to be but still a top game overall.


I think I have a problem with most games that don't feature cut scenes. The never seem as good. It always just feels like run here, do this, run somewhere else, do something else. I know that's the case with pretty much all games, but cutscenes break up the monotony nicely. Plus cameras in cut scenes can be set by people who know what they're doing, making it more effective than just stood looking around.

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Well, you're doing it wrong you aren't suppose to stand around for cutscenes. You're supposed to be running around hitting things with your Wrench or Crowbar or whathaveyou.


Also, Bioshock is a lot less good if you've ever played System Shock 2. Since it is just a rehash.

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Perfect Dark Zero

Banjo Kazooie Nuts n Bolts

Zelda Twilight Princess (great game, just hadn't made the leap I wanted)

Skate 2 (terribly dull sequel)

Gears 2 has to make the list, even though it's a pretty cool game, somehow it just didn't match its predecessor at any level. Except horde mode.

Any Sonic game since the mega drive.

Final Fantasy VIII, and that was because I was expecting something like FFVII, I don't really understand what was wrong with that. What I got was a seriously dull game that was nothing but fight after fight and some card games. Why is it bad to compare the second ever 3D FF game with the first?

Turtles in Time on the 360, how could they mess that up?

Every Wii game since Mario Galaxy.

Mirror's Edge was great but the combat was so bad and so frustrating.

Also, Bioshock is a lot less good if you've ever played System Shock 2. Since it is just a rehash.
Bioshock is worlds ahead in terms of story, level design, audio, graphics, depth, length and general atmosphere. It's like saying Sonic 2 was disappointing because it was the same as Sonic 1.
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Final Fantasy VIII, and that was because I was expecting something like FFVII, I don't really understand what was wrong with that. What I got was a seriously dull game that was nothing but fight after fight and some card games. Why is it bad to compare the second ever 3D FF game with the first?


Had you played any of the 2D Final Fantasies? Were you aware of the differences not only between each individual title, but how dissimilar FF 1 and FF 2 are? (to compare the first two 2D titles as you want to compare the first two 3D ones)


Every Wii game since Mario Galaxy.


At the very least, didn't Endless Ocean release after Galaxy? I'm not gonna post a list of Wii games at you... but... everything since Galaxy has disappointed- really? :blank:

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Had you played any of the 2D Final Fantasies? Were you aware of the differences not only between each individual title, but how dissimilar FF 1 and FF 2 are? (to compare the first two 2D titles as you want to compare the first two 3D ones)

Yeah, I had played early FF games on the snes and even the gameboy. But they were irrelevant. I know the story doesn't follow, that's extremely basic knowledge for anyone into gaming. I wasn't expecting it to be the same, set in the same world or using the same power up system or the same era or anything like that. I just expected a game as playable, as in depth and enjoyable as its predecessor.


You can argue that each FF game is different but actually, they're all very similar... otherwise they wouldn't fall under the same banner. Because of that name, you expect a fantastic game and I feel like FFVIII (FFXI notwithstanding) is the black sheep of the 3D final fantasy games. I loved IX too.


At the very least, didn't Endless Ocean release after Galaxy? I'm not gonna post a list of Wii games at you... but... everything since Galaxy has disappointed- really? :blank:
I have endless ocean, that is... I got it for my g/f to play because she's into sealife. It's a great title for her, but after watching her play it I can't imagine wanting a go myself.


It's just that every time a Wii game has been announced, I go to the Wii boards here and elsewhere and see the hype, the people claiming this will be one of the Wii's greatest must-have games. Everyone gets super-psyched for a game (that's where the hope sets in) and then it gets released to typically recieve an average score in the low eighties (that's where the disappointment sets in.) The Wii only has ten games on metacritic with average scores of 9+, half of which are ports/available on all consoles (2 of them are Rock Band and its Beatles deviant, which is much better on a console with an expansive hard drive and internet support). I know it doesn't take a 9+ to make a great game, but it does to make an outstanding game.


I'm not saying there hasn't been a good game since Mario. For example I love the One Piece and Raving Rabbids games, No More Heroes was certainly good and Mario Kart is a blast. just that I haven't had anything that's raised my expectactions and then met them, what we used to call "killer apps", the must have games that suck you in and sap 40+ hours from your life before you go back and start again from the beginning.


The DS on the other hand... the only game I bought for that which disappointed me was Nintendogs, and that was great for a while when the DS was new, just limited and got tired fast. Everything else has really impressed me :)

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At the very least, didn't Endless Ocean release after Galaxy? I'm not gonna post a list of Wii games at you... but... everything since Galaxy has disappointed- really? :blank:


im pretty sure endless ocean was before but he's got a point.


it's been 2 years since galaxy and smeh.

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Bioshock is worlds ahead in terms of story, level design, audio, graphics, depth, length and general atmosphere. It's like saying Sonic 2 was disappointing because it was the same as Sonic 1.


Well, I disagree outside of Audio, Graphics, and Length, and audio is for technical advancements as it certainly made me jump more than Bioshock.

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Bioshock - Presentation-wise games don't get much better than Bioshock. The problem for me was the gameplay. Plasmids were nothing special. The shooting was clunky. And oh boy was this game repetitive. Constantly having to hack machines became a depressing chore and the fights against Big Daddies weren't all that fun. It's a shame really because it's probably me that's the problem and not the game. I just couldn't get into it and because of this I've apparently missed out on one of the best games of the past few years. How dissapointing.

Persona 3/4 - I don't know what I hate more about these games; the grinding, the shallow battle system or the fact that the main quests of each game demand between 50 and 75 hours of your life. The interesting characters and sharp scripts did not save these glorified dating sims for me.


Metroid Prime 3 - The weakest link in the entire franchise. I don't particularly mind that the game strayed from typical atmospheric Metroid formula into more Halo oriented territory. It's the fact that it was so poorly executed which made the game taste so bitter for me. Combine that with the most uninspired environments in the Prime series and Wii controls that don't particularly add anything to the experience and you have one unspectacular game. Let's hope this isn't a sign of things to come Retro.

Resident Evil 5 - I still don't quite understand how Capcom made such a mess of this game.


World of Warcraft - Oh dear.

A few months ago I would have probably put Final Fantasy VIII on this list as well but I decided to play it again after my exams in June and was plesantly suprised. The characters were still throroughly unlikeable and the plot was still a mess but I really liked the level of customization offered by the Junction System and the battles were pretty fun too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sure there are plenty of games that I could write about being disappointed with (and maybe I will list them in the future :heh:) but I will just highlight one game now that continues to underwhelm me :hmm:


Grand Slam Tennis


darksnowman continues to bring this over any night we play games and, through gritted teeth, I end up playing a few games with him every time.. generally against my will :red:


Each time we play Grand Slam Tennis, I go in hoping that it will be the occasion when the game finally turns from a complete mess (in my eyes) to something worth playing.. and it never does :sad:


I know that it is a game that you are supposed to spend time with to get the most from it and learn how to play and pull off some great shots but I just can't see myself getting to the stage where I find Grand Slam Tennis fun :hmm:


The game obviously uses a very simplistic graphical style, but I just don't think it looks very good at all. It doesn't appeal to me in a way that something like Killer7 would or other 'stylish' games.. it is too bland :sad:


As for the gameplay itself, the Wii Remote alone (with Motion Plus) obviously gives you very little control over your player but the freedom to swing is nice. In contrast, playing with the nunchuk gives you that extra level of control while hindering your swing.. but only a little. However, I don't feel like the player movement is quite tight enough :hmm: Something about it doesn't feel quite right to me, unfortunately.. and the pace of the game seems much too slow!


It is also ludicrous, on occasions, when the player obviously can't reach the ball but manages to jump half way across the screen to achieve the impossible and make the return :eek: It looks and feels ridiculous :sad:


I don't blame darksnowman for continuing to bring the game to each games night.. and he and another friend seem to genuinely enjoy getting it on for a set! I'm willing to keep playing it in an attempt to become more fond of it, but right now I hate it :sad: It's a shame I feel this way as I was quite looking forward to this and Wii Motion Plus..

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