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I was at a pub quiz today and someone was pissing and moaning because they had been a week without drink and talking about how she's going to be shit company next week when it's been 2 weeks off the sauce. Due to the fact that I don't drink, this confused me. Is it really that bad for people to go without drink, or is my friend just particularly pathetic? To me it seems like the latter, but I'm geniunely curious now.

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Some people become somewhat socially dependant on it, whereas others like the odd drink so that they can feel less inhibited, which isn't a bad middleground tbf... ideally not drinking is probably the best solution but personally I just figure, everything in moderation, personally I prefer to drink with a meal but I will drink socially from time to time, I just don't get absolutely bladdered... well not often. :heh:

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There are quite a few friends that I know that probably would struggle a little if they were to go without drink. Also, I had a friend who was in tears when the smoking ban came through...literally. That was shocking.


I don't actually know the last time I drank. My drink of choice is tea, anyway. Although, it sounds like the person is not in full control of themselves if they are depending on drink. Out of curiosity, why weren't they drinking? Personal choice?

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I'm pretty much the same, Sckudge. Though I have my nights when I'll go out and get rat arsed, they're few and far between, making them all the more fun when they do happen.


I'm the same, except the morning after (mainly the memory loss, hangovers aren't usually too bad) is much worse than the few bits of fun I remember, so why bother?


Since leaving Sheffield (last November) I've had one night with a few drinks.

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I very, very rarely get to the point where I lose my memories of the previous night. That's only happened once, during Freshers week. Damn you, Propaganda.


It has happened a few times with me. :(


Although, the last time it happened was soooo weird. I entered a club with my friends, had a drink, and then another drink later on. Then, before I knew it, we were going home. I just seemed to lose all sense of time. But, very little seemed to happen between entering and leaving the club. Maybe I blocked out the most uneventful night ever?

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I've never lost any memories from drinking. That said, I've only ever been completely watsed once. Almost 2 years ago. And even then, when it gets hazy, it's just all sped-up in my head, yet I still remember really poignantly seeing a girl who left the school a year before. So I might have a supersharp memory. Or perhaps it just affects people differently.

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I mainly enjoy social drinking. Although normally I'm quite introvert, having a beer or two can make me quite talkative. By the end of the night I'm usually quite tipsy, but feeling happy. In that sense, alcohol is a great drug.


That said, I do like to get pretty drunk from time to time. When you're in the mood, you can end up having a fantastic time, even if you feel like death the next day. This is usually dependent on the company, a lot of people are terrible drunks.


However it baffles me how some people are of the opinion that it is necessary to get wasted in order to have a good time. It was also a bit of a shock to me to find out that a good proportion of my hall mates at uni seem to think that there's no point in drinking unless you plan on getting completely wankered. They use like hard drugs. Here's a warning for all you new freshers: a lot of students are extremely immature, and this isn't just limited to drinking.


My memory can be hazey whenever I go over my limit, but I've only ever had complete memory blanks twice. They were not enjoyable in the slightest, on the latter occaision my hangover lasted three days and I even started hallucinating the night afterwards. I never wish to get that drunk ever again.

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The worst drunk I've ever been is when we were mixing vodka and whisky, and I had 4 shot-glass-fulls within 5 minutes.


Then I inappropriately touched my friend.


I woke up the next day, and felt genuinely ill. I had weetabix for breakfast, and threw it up within 2 or 3 minutes. Getting the bus home I felt like I was going to vom everywhere whenever anyway looked at me.

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The worst drunk I've ever been is when we were mixing vodka and whisky, and I had 4 shot-glass-fulls within 5 minutes.

I'm not sure I'm reading this right, you have 4 shots in 5 mins, or had 4 quadruple shots in 5 mins?

However it baffles me how some people are of the opinion that it is necessary to get wasted in order to have a good time.

Possibly, but I think it's not the concept of getting drunk to have a good time, but only having alcohol if you're planning on getting drunk. If you're out with friends and don't get drunk despite drinking b33r [or whatever] then there's no point in you drinking it in the first place.

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I'm not sure I'm reading this right, you have 4 shots in 5 mins, or had 4 quadruple shots in 5 mins?


Possibly, but I think it's not the concept of getting drunk to have a good time, but only having alcohol if you're planning on getting drunk. If you're out with friends and don't get drunk despite drinking b33r [or whatever] then there's no point in you drinking it in the first place.


Well alcohol is progressive, you don't just go from stone-cold sober to drunk just like that. I mean, even the smallest amount of alcohol can relax you and change your mood. The more you drink, the more profound its influence is. Another thing, people enjoy the taste :p So any amount of alcohol isn't really pointless, though I do get what you're saying. I agree that some people really want to get drunk to enjoy themselves, however I mind when their ambition for the evening is to get completely hammered (there's a difference between just getting drunk and getting so wasted you vom and lose consciousness and memory).



Is there a difference?


Four quadruple shots would be the equivilent of sixteen shots.

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I can't drink for the forseeable future thanks to my dodgy bowels.


I will say I had a lot of fun while drinking - I lost an entire week during the first week at Reading. All I can remember is the next week everyone was up in arms about the fact that soome assholes (us) had managed to get a road closed off by secretly moving all the roadworks signs and even some heavy equipment. It took two days for the workers to realise they were working on the wrong road.


However, I don't need a drink to enjoy myself, and I have nothing but the deepest pity for those buttoned-up twats who absolutely MUST have a drink in order to be able to enjoy themselves.

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