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heh. I have more than that on my first day never mind week.


I'm not complaining though. I want to be working hard and I expect I'll be working like it's a 9-5


It'll give you a good routine too! Its why I like having 9am starts that way I have the rest of the day, rather than my mondays where they start at 2ish, you can't really do bugger all before without worrying about class. Grr.


Although this year is alot better for me, nicer classes, better timetable, hopefully I'll get to keep my weds and frids free!

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True true, I'd quite like to feel that in two years I'll be ready for teh 'real world' but I honestly don't think I will, its not something I expected of uni anyway, but it'd be nice to feel I could just jump into a company and get on with it!


I decided against a masters for now, I just couldn't afford the fees for a start!

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I need some advice people.


I started UEA on Sunday and my flats great, the campus is nice, the course is the course I want to do, the problem is I don't know if i want to do it here.


I foolishly put UEA as my firm based on a teacher talking me into it, as "it's a better Uni" than my insurance (Lincoln). Never thinking I'd actually get the grades to get in I put it down. Results day arrived and i somehow managed to get the grades (BBB) so I was off to UEA. Now this came as a huge shock to me as I never thought it was realistic, so I feel as if i've been thrown into it. I will admit it is my own fault, i never actually attended an open day, but i did look around the campus and city. Although both are very nice, it just doesn't feel like the place for me. I never planned on moving this far away (3 1/2 hour drive), so adding things up i just feel I'd be better doing the same course somewhere else, be it Sheffield, Lincoln, Nottingham etc just somewhere else (northern)


I know if i go and talk to someone here (like my adviser, who i thought came over as a bit of a stuck up prick) I'd get a "You're homesick, you need time to settle in, give it until Christmas". But the thing is I'm not feeling home sick, It's just the feel of the place and people which doesn't sit right with me.


I don't want to drop out and wait a year which is why i have rung a few Uni's and they say it would be possible for me to swap to them now.


I need advise :S

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^ I think the best thing for you to do is to either talk to your advisor or your course head. They won't sit there and say 'You're homesick. Give it sometime' if you explain to them how you feel about the place. As long as you explain it properly and are definitely sure you'd prefer to study it elsewhere, then I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you sort it out or point you in the right direction.




On the subject of timetables, mine goes from 11 till 5 on a Monday, 11 till 1 on a Tuesday and then 10 to 11 and 4 to 5 on a Thursday. Mondays and Tuesdays are alright because it feels structure enough but Thursdays are a nightmare as it screws up my day having to commute twice to Uni. :nono: And there's no way I can change it either so I'll have to put up with it. Still, only 3 days this year instead of 5 last year and no labs which is nice but also a shame as I enjoyed messing about with microscopes and stuff. Was a great way to get to know people on the course.

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As a student of some 4 years and going into my 5th (placement year and doing a masters have made my course far too long) I might throw in my 1.21 pence by current exchange rates.


Strider -


Defininately keep an eye on it. Home for me is in the suburbs on one side of London and Uni is the suburbs the other so there really wasn't much of a wrench moving away for me. For placement I moved to a tiny place 20 miles outside Cambridge and it was a tough year. Can you put your finger on what doesn't feel right about it?


I'd definately say find out how to change course and would mean, even if they say wait and see. If its an accredited course it could be a problem, but in general 1st year isn't that specific so best to do it during/after first year than later.



The biggest thing I've found is to set yourself apart from the crowd. If your'e only looking at passing the course with a certain grade (even if it is a 1st) there will always be a que of people with the same qualification. Do something that other people won't have.


Do something outside of whats you HAVE to do, read up on the area around your subject (magazines and such), if its a creative course make something that isn't coursework, set up or join a club and get involved. Those are the bits on a CV that make you stick in someones mind and will get you jobs.

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I can't give you much advice on your problem as a whole... but, being from Lincoln a lot of my friends go to that uni and they all love it. I've had no friends drop-out from Lincoln... and I have a lot of friends that go there.


Okay, not "friends", people I bug but hate me.

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Just got my final year timetable through - looks like I've got a monday 9am lecture. Lovely. Other than that though I don't have much - the joys of doing English Lit is that they give you plenty of free time to read/write!


*English lit high five*. I had fridays off but the bastards have changed my timetable and now I have to go in :( 6 hours of lectures and seminars + electives which I haven't chosen yet.


I need some advice people.


I started UEA on Sunday and my flats great, the campus is nice, the course is the course I want to do, the problem is I don't know if i want to do it here.


I foolishly put UEA as my firm based on a teacher talking me into it, as "it's a better Uni" than my insurance (Lincoln). Never thinking I'd actually get the grades to get in I put it down. Results day arrived and i somehow managed to get the grades (BBB) so I was off to UEA. Now this came as a huge shock to me as I never thought it was realistic, so I feel as if i've been thrown into it. I will admit it is my own fault, i never actually attended an open day, but i did look around the campus and city. Although both are very nice, it just doesn't feel like the place for me. I never planned on moving this far away (3 1/2 hour drive), so adding things up i just feel I'd be better doing the same course somewhere else, be it Sheffield, Lincoln, Nottingham etc just somewhere else (northern)


Ahh the great north south divide. I feel abit out of place up here in Leeds, even amongst the students there's pretty few Southeners. Not that that's the main probelm but yeah.


Anyway, do give it a couple more weeks, I think it'll feel more weird because you didn't go to the open day, I think on some level that helps. Also, I have friends at UEA and they all love it. I nearly went there meself. Hope it works out anyways.


And my time at uni thus far: I love everythig about it, even down to my bitchy flatmates who complain about the 'weirdo' second year who doesn't come out much. And I've been converted to loving clubbing, what with the clubs here actually playing good music. Anyway Im off to a school disco, or something.

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And I've been converted to loving clubbing, what with the clubs here actually playing good music. Anyway Im off to a school disco, or something.


That happens to everyone I know from Harpenden, oddly... One of the reasons I really want to go back to Uni is to go clubbing again.

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I hope everyone is enjoying their respective Freshers Weeks, I see Zane Lowe is doing a university tour again and I urge you all to go if it is coming near you. His Radio 1 slot really doesn't show off his talents and him live is 1000x better. URGE.

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That happens to everyone I know from Harpenden, oddly... One of the reasons I really want to go back to Uni is to go clubbing again.


Haha yeah, not too surprising given the Harpenden local clubs. Liquid almost put me off clubbing for life (though though it does look pretty cool) and Chicagos is average at best.


I hope everyone is enjoying their respective Freshers Weeks, I see Zane Lowe is doing a university tour again and I urge you all to go if it is coming near you. His Radio 1 slot really doesn't show off his talents and him live is 1000x better. URGE.


I would totally go if he did leeds. I need to make some music loving friends sharpish. Already gonna be missing Bombay Bicyle Club tomorrow night as noone I know shares my love for them...

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Well I visited Stirling university yesterday and I really liked it :) The town seemed alright, but there didn't look as if there would be much nightlife (and Charlie, you right, it's not really fit to be called a city). Will definitely be applying there, but I think I would still rather go to Durham. Don't really think I would get in there though =S

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I'm off to Aberystwyth today. Stopping night in a B+B and moving in tomorrow. So might not see you guys for while.


Good luck!


I'm going to switch Uni. This morning i asked to be put into clearing, and I'm going somewhere "up north". UEA isn't for me, i don't like the feel of the place even if it does look nice. Coming from a working class town in the north doesn't mix too great either, with the majority of privately educated southerners down here either (This isn't the main problem). I just feel too out of place. I may sound like a whiny git, but i know i'd happier else where.

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Good luck!


I'm going to switch Uni. This morning i asked to be put into clearing, and I'm going somewhere "up north". UEA isn't for me, i don't like the feel of the place even if it does look nice. Coming from a working class town in the north doesn't mix too great either, with the majority of privately educated southerners down here either (This isn't the main problem). I just feel too out of place. I may sound like a whiny git, but i know i'd happier else where.


Best time to do it is now, before courses start proper, so it's good that you've got your head together.


Where do you want to go? How will accommodation work out? Will student finances be okay?

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Either Sheffield or Lincoln if i can, i managed BBB so i should be fine with a lot of the courses if there are spaces left. I've only contacted Lincoln so far and they do have spaces and a few rooms in halls available so I could go there.


The accommodation at UEA is sorted. Because i told them I'm moving out in the first week (just) of the contract i won't be charged any fee's, same goes for the course.


I'm one of the many people who have had student finance problems. I sent off my birth certificate as proof of who i am in June, which they later returned with a letter saying everything was okay. About 2 week ago i contacted them to check everything was fine and they say they haven't received it at all and it will be another 4 weeks until they process it again. So yeah my student finance is screwed anyway and I probably won't even see it until 4/5 weeks time so i can't see that being a major problem *touches wood*.

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If its on campus then they tend to get delivered to a sorting office anyway, so your campus postmen will leave a "come pick this up" note for you. If its off-campus then they'll try and call for you, may leave it with a neighbour but more often than note leave a "come pick this up from sorting office" note. And if its anything like my local one its miles away and only open til 1pm :p


Good luck with the switch Strider :) Its important to go to a place that feels right for you and as Odder said, the sooner you move the better.

Edited by Ashley
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Either Sheffield or Lincoln if i can, i managed BBB so i should be fine with a lot of the courses if there are spaces left. I've only contacted Lincoln so far and they do have spaces and a few rooms in halls available so I could go there.


The accommodation at UEA is sorted. Because i told them I'm moving out in the first week (just) of the contract i won't be charged any fee's, same goes for the course.


I'm one of the many people who have had student finance problems. I sent off my birth certificate as proof of who i am in June, which they later returned with a letter saying everything was okay. About 2 week ago i contacted them to check everything was fine and they say they haven't received it at all and it will be another 4 weeks until they process it again. So yeah my student finance is screwed anyway and I probably won't even see it until 4/5 weeks time so i can't see that being a major problem *touches wood*.


That's wicked then. It's important to be happy with everything about your course/location as you'll be there for three (or more) years. Good luck.

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Daft question...but if I order something from say TopMan, then will it just arrive at my flats postbox thing? Only thing is, the postbox is tiny...so I'm a little confuzzed.


Yeah they'll probably either ring your flat or leave it with the Office of your halls for you to collect.



First weekend at uni, nothing to do until monday :S Got nights out and a book to read but yeh...

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Either Sheffield or Lincoln if i can, i managed BBB so i should be fine with a lot of the courses if there are spaces left. I've only contacted Lincoln so far and they do have spaces and a few rooms in halls available so I could go there.


*touches wood*.




I'm a little biased but I heartily recommend Sheffield. As both a native and a student there I can tell you it's a damn good uni town and very friendly.

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I need to make some music loving friends sharpish. Already gonna be missing Bombay Bicyle Club tomorrow night as noone I know shares my love for them...


It's probably too late now, but surely by going to the gig, even alone, you're more likely to make music-loving-friends than if you don't go?

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It's probably too late now, but surely by going to the gig, even alone, you're more likely to make music-loving-friends than if you don't go?


Yeah, go to stuff alone in Freshers week if you don't have anyone else to go with. Someone else will be by themselves or you can try and talk to a group of people.

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It's probably too late now, but surely by going to the gig, even alone, you're more likely to make music-loving-friends than if you don't go?


This is very true. My main problem was that I had no idea where it was (at leats 40 minutes walk in any case) and ifthere were tickets on the door. Turns out they sold out so yeah. I will make myself go to a couple gigs the next couple of weeks though.

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