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Eeeek! Starting Uni of Birmingham on Monday. Not a clue what i'm meant to do, so i'm going to go, register, get my ID card for student discount goodness, and then ask around and annoy the staff. . . joy!


It's weird being a post-grad AND a fresher of sorts :/

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Get off the internet for a while, at least for freshers week. You don't want to miss out on the friends making process, because it usually depends on the rest of the years enjoyment. A lot of the reasons people drop out is because they don't make friends, and then find it extremely hard to fit in later.


Work hard, but play harder! Notice the 'Work hard' part of that. Remember why you went to Uni! you ain't paying £3000 a year to drink a lot. And seeing as the course you are doing is your choice, you should really enjoy it.


This might be too late, but leave home. I don't think my first year of uni would have been even slightly the same if I had been at home.


The Uni Student Union is always a great place to start, and they will more then likely be helping you along most of the steps.


Any girls reading this, then watch out for Fresher-Prowlers, basically 2nd and 3rd years who are looking for poor, drunk Freshers.


Most importantly, enjoy it. It'll be an experience you'll never forget.


The tip about eating before going shopping is really good. So many times I go out and spend my money on crap because I'm hungry at the time, then when it comes to dinner a few days later, I don't have anything, despite the fact I spent £50 at LIDL.

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Any girls reading this, then watch out for Fresher-Prowlers, basically 2nd and 3rd years who are looking for poor, drunk Freshers.


As much as I despise the idea of Fresher-Prowlers, as a 2nd year helping Freshers' move in, I get free entry into the SU club on the first night, and I shall have to try my hardest to stop myself becoming one...


To everyone starting this year, have a wonderful time, you'll all love it!

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As much as I despise the idea of Fresher-Prowlers, as a 2nd year helping Freshers' move in, I get free entry into the SU club on the first night, and I shall have to try my hardest to stop myself becoming one...


To everyone starting this year, have a wonderful time, you'll all love it!


Tell me about it. It's my second year and I know that when I'm at the SU this Monday night, it might well be all eye candy and no morals... O.o


You'll find me rocking slowly in the corner of the smoking area, softly humming "Kumbaya, my Lord... Kumbaya..."

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Leaving for Uni can seem pretty terrifying. Actually, it is. It's scary, especially if you're moving far away from home.


When I moved into halls, the first girl I met was my German housemate. The second girl was French, and so was the third. My initial reaction was...I'm scared! These people are so different.


Then, the next guy I met was from Cardiff...haha. 10 minutes down the road from me. There were 6 of us in total, and I guess we were misfits, haha. So very different to each other. However, we bonded, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.


It's a great time, because you have the opportunity to meet so many people, experience things, and do different things that you probably wouldn't or couldn't have done before. You don't need to drink to have a great time. I didn't drink for half of my 4 years at uni, and I had a great experience overall there. There were some bad times, and some awful times, but there always is in life.


My advice: Enjoy yourself and be yourself. You'll never be your age again. So, consider this "your time."

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Leaving for Uni can seem pretty terrifying. Actually, it is. It's scary, especially if you're moving far away from home.


When I moved into halls, the first girl I met was my German housemate. The second girl was French, and so was the third. My initial reaction was...I'm scared! These people are so different.


Then, the next guy I met was from Cardiff...haha. 10 minutes down the road from me. There were 6 of us in total, and I guess we were misfits, haha. So very different to each other. However, we bonded, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.


It's a great time, because you have the opportunity to meet so many people, experience things, and do different things that you probably wouldn't or couldn't have done before. You don't need to drink to have a great time. I didn't drink for half of my 4 years at uni, and I had a great experience overall there. There were some bad times, and some awful times, but there always is in life.


My advice: Enjoy yourself and be yourself. You'll never be your age again. So, consider this "your time."


Sound like a kinda cool start to uni :D Im apparently in a flat with only two other people, which im abit skeptical about :S Ah well im sure it'll work out.


I'll report back in a couple of days! Good luck other freshers :)

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When I started I had a week long field trip ice breaker in the Peak District with my course, but in that time everyone was moving into halls. I was totally paranoid that my flatmates would move in, love each other and I would be an outcast. So I left them a lovely/suitably witty note and they were excited to meet me when I got back, yay.


Have fun everyone off to Uni! :D


Talk to as many people as possible, everyone is desperate for a chum or two. :heh:

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My brother's just left to go to Northampton Uni.


I'll miss him...because he's taken my laptop and the shitload of anime I have on there! :(


LOL, ROFL, LMAO etc. There was some fuck-up regarding where he was going to stay, so he's come back again. I think he'll be off again next week, though.


Oh, well, I gots me laptop back for a while longer. So I'm happeh. :)

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One of my friends who is in the year below me was, a couple of nights ago at the pub, crying her eyes out with a worse-than-usual case of the pre-University "oh my god, what if no one likes me" jitters, and attempts to console her by anyone, even me as the sole person present who had been at University, were futile. Over this summer she's become a very close friend, and, despite knowing she'll be fine, when she left yesterday, I became rather worried. So, imagine my relief when, a few minutes ago, I got a text saying, "Damn it Will, why do you have to be right about stuff all the time! =P".


I'm extremely happy, and, for once, it's not because I was right... :D

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LOL, ROFL, LMAO etc. There was some fuck-up regarding where he was going to stay, so he's come back again. I think he'll be off again next week, though.


Oh, well, I gots me laptop back for a while longer. So I'm happeh. :)


Back up! Back up like you've never backed up before!!!

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One of my friends who is in the year below me was, a couple of nights ago at the pub, crying her eyes out with a worse-than-usual case of the pre-University "oh my god, what if no one likes me" jitters, and attempts to console her by anyone, even me as the sole person present who had been at University, were futile. Over this summer she's become a very close friend, and, despite knowing she'll be fine, when she left yesterday, I became rather worried. So, imagine my relief when, a few minutes ago, I got a text saying, "Damn it Will, why do you have to be right about stuff all the time! =P".


I'm extremely happy, and, for once, it's not because I was right... :D


*is nosey* Who, who?? Good on her in any case.



Got to leeds earlier, pretty nice place. Sharing a kitchen with a 2nd year and two people with ridiculously big rooms which i can only assume they paid more for. Seem to get on quite well.... got here quite late though, need to get to work on socializing more tomorrow!

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No university for myself this year :( Visited Keele and found out the closest accommodation was 6/7 miles away in Stoke. The staff were very unhelpful and the campus wasn't great either. The place also had a funny smell to it, so I decided not to go after all, all things considered =P.


So I have decided I shall be applying to university again this year. Doing some A levels to pass the time, History and Law in a year. Always resented the fact I didn't study History and I'm loving it at the moment.


Hopefully I'll be able to get into Durham this time around with the University applications. Almost want to try for LSE, but there are things putting me off, such as London itself. Visiting Stirling on Wednesday and very interested to see what that place is like. Anywhere has to be better than Keele o_O

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