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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)


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Oh, and there are also rumours about Sonic Adventure releasing on XBLA. I'm guessing that the "Extended Package" will be the GameCube extras.

This isn't really a rumour as such. Or rather the listing on PartnerNet definitely exists, although the file itself is currently just a test package that unlocks some Avatar tat rather than the actual game.


In semi related Sega news, After Burner Climax is on there as well.

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Well thats another one of those things with the original versions compared to the Western ones. In Japan Sonic was never from Mobius and the game was always set on Earth, its only when it was ported over here that the whole backstory of Dr Kintobor and Mobius was made up.


Is Kintobor even canon over here? I thought that was just something from Sonic the Comic.


Sonic the Comic's storyline was way better than anything Sega of Japan have ever come up with for the 3D games, and it fit what was happening in the mega drive titles perfectly, too!

Not-so Special Stages - Where have they gone? Why did they go? I don't know if they were 'special' to anyone else but they were to me and I miss them, plus they meant that it actually required at least a little bit of skill in order to get all Chaos Emeralds in order to go Super/Hyper and get the best ending/level rather than them being given to you.

One thing I have hugely missed since S&K was not being able to go Super (with the exception of the finale) as a reward for nabbing all the Chaos Emeralds. I think it's partly due to the level design now with all those holes, you can't afford to go so fast.

Edited by Shorty
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Is Kintobor even canon over here? I thought that was just something from Sonic the Comic.


Sonic the Comic's storyline was way better than anything Sega of Japan have ever come up with for the 3D games, and it fit what was happening in the mega drive titles perfectly, too!


According to wikipedia the Kintobor origin first appeared in a non-canon comic released with the first Sonic game and was later used by the UK Sonic comic.

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Well thats another one of those things with the original versions compared to the Western ones. In Japan Sonic was never from Mobius and the game was always set on Earth, its only when it was ported over here that the whole backstory of Dr Kintobor and Mobius was made up.


Oh... well regardless Mobius sounds so much cooler and to me the original will always be set there so it'd be nice for it to take place somewhere without any human NPC's anyway.

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Here's the story from the Japanese version of Sonic 1:


The Japanese version of the game takes place on South Island, which is forever drifting across the sea, making its exact location difficult to plot. The island, rich in mountains, fields and lakes is an undisturbed paradise for all the peaceful animals that live there. It's also the current home to six of the seven legendary Chaos Emeralds; multi-coloured stones, each with an infinite and extremely powerful supply of pure energy. In the wrong hands, these emeralds could mean disaster for the entire world, and that's just what one evil scientist by the name of Dr. Eggman has planned. Eggman has invaded South Island, searching desperately for the Chaos Emeralds, but what he doesn't know is that they cannot be found on the surface. Due to the movement of the island, a weird alternate dimension has miraculously been opened, accessible only in certain areas of the island, and this is where the Chaos Emeralds lie. However, this hasn't stopped the scientist from not only constructing a huge mechanical base on South Island, but also imprisoning most of the animal residents inside robotic replacements. These robots obey only Eggman and soon begin to encompass the entire island, placing it under the ruling of their master as they assist him in the search for the legendary stones. South Island needs a saviour, and they get it, in the form of Sonic the Hedgehog! His incredible speed and ability to destroy the robots is the only thing that can free the animals trapped inside and save the island now. Take control of Sonic, grab the Chaos Emeralds and defeat Dr. Eggman!


Source: Zone 0


A lot better than our story line. Doesn't mention if it's on Earth, but it does say the game took place on Southern Island (Sonic 2 takes place on Western Island) which wasn't mentioned in the English version.

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The only thing that story is missing is an explanation for why Sonic runs super fast or why he's blue! I prefer Sonic the Comic *hugs pile of comics from early 90s*


thought I was the only one who read those. Awesome stuff actually, especially at a time when I was loving everything sonic.


OK my demands for this game:


1: Proper music.

This won't happen.. and when I mean proper music I mean something someone created by sitting down on a piano and playing the music out. NOt made for random samples and shit like sonic rush.

Broadcast Yourself

for me.. no this is just wrong for a sonic game. I think adventure got this better. If this is going to be a 16bit megaman-like game then keep to the 16bit style.


Sonic team suffer from george lucas syndrome. just because you CAN include top range music, voice acting and graphics doesnt mean you should. Less is more sometimes.


2: The gameplay.


Right look for what it was sonic rush was a great title. I don't compare it anywhere near to the old games but it was good regardless. But this trick system needlessly complicates gameplay... adventure builds on this and makes it worse.


Sega are afraid to have a game where all you do is run through a stage like a big rollarcoaster but THATS all people want. I think sega are always looking for something to break up the gameplay.

SOnic and black knght: sword

unleashed: werewolf

rush adventure: random stopping with enemies to defeat and adventure had that map thing.


3: controls:

Kinda similiar to gameplay, Maybe I'm asking for too much here but they had something great going with sonic 3 and knuckles with the different shields. They were fun, not perfect mind. They seem to have gotten rid of these since though.

I should be careful what I wish for here though, who knows what sonic team will do.


4: level design:

The level designs since sonic advance have been very confusing, with 3 different levels overhead and below. I think this is to avoid falling into a bottomless pit but I'm not sure about you but Most of the older games had a set path and you really didn't die that often. The old sonic games were easy enough games.


5: speed. I think sonic rush was too fast. Sonic 3 speed is fine.



Now I know everything I'm saying sounds exactly like the older games but Why they feel the need to change a perfect formula i'll never know. Nintendo have barely changed the mario formula since 3 and those are still top-selling games and everyone loves them( the 2d ones I'm talking about now)


I think the pinacle of the sonic series was 3.

Edited by mcj metroid
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1: Proper music.

This won't happen.. and when I mean proper music I mean something someone created by sitting down on a piano and playing the music out. NOt made for random samples and shit like sonic rush.

Broadcast Yourself

for me.. no this is just wrong for a sonic game. I think adventure got this better. If this is going to be a 16bit megaman-like game then keep to the 16bit style.

Just because this saddened me, I must post this to feel better.


Sonic 2 End Music

Broadcast Yourself

Sonic 2 Supersonic Music

Broadcast Yourself

Sonic and Knuckles Lava Reef Zone Act 1

Broadcast Yourself


Not that all 16bit style Sonic music was great. The Carnival Night zone on STH3 was terrible, it looped the same crappy 20 second sample forever.

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Ya i actually agree about the carnival zone... and for some strange reason act 1 and 2 were the exact same theme i think. Whereas every other zone the song changed in some way. Here are some of my faves.


Flying battery act 1

Broadcast Yourself

Hydrocity zone

Broadcast Yourself

Ice cap zone act 1

Broadcast Yourself

and from sonic 2: chemical plant :)

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These certainly are interesting developments! If they keep "rejecting" characters in the same way, that means we should have 4 more characters rejected by Friday, leaving 3 left in the roster. It sure looks that way right now anyway. In which case, if my theory is correct, I'd say we'll be left with Sonic, Amy and Shadow.


Shadow ftw!! Yes, I know I'm probably the only one, but I don't care.

Edited by CoolFunkMan
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God damn I hate the extended Sonic cast. They're all so colossally lame. I'd laugh if this was all a joke and it ends up just reading 'Sonic' at the end. Obviously the best way to go.


It's all a stunt in order to:


1) Hype up the game.


2) Highlight the fact the game is going back to the series roots by only having Sonic, Tails and Knuckles (pretty likely since they weren't included in the list so they can't be crossed off).

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thought I was the only one who read those. Awesome stuff actually, especially at a time when I was loving everything sonic.


OK my demands for this game:


1: Proper music.

This won't happen.. and when I mean proper music I mean something someone created by sitting down on a piano and playing the music out. NOt made for random samples and shit like sonic rush.

Broadcast Yourself

for me.. no this is just wrong for a sonic game. I think adventure got this better. If this is going to be a 16bit megaman-like game then keep to the 16bit style.


Sonic team suffer from george lucas syndrome. just because you CAN include top range music, voice acting and graphics doesnt mean you should. Less is more sometimes.


2: The gameplay.


Right look for what it was sonic rush was a great title. I don't compare it anywhere near to the old games but it was good regardless. But this trick system needlessly complicates gameplay... adventure builds on this and makes it worse.


Sega are afraid to have a game where all you do is run through a stage like a big rollarcoaster but THATS all people want. I think sega are always looking for something to break up the gameplay.

SOnic and black knght: sword

unleashed: werewolf

rush adventure: random stopping with enemies to defeat and adventure had that map thing.


3: controls:

Kinda similiar to gameplay, Maybe I'm asking for too much here but they had something great going with sonic 3 and knuckles with the different shields. They were fun, not perfect mind. They seem to have gotten rid of these since though.

I should be careful what I wish for here though, who knows what sonic team will do.


4: level design:

The level designs since sonic advance have been very confusing, with 3 different levels overhead and below. I think this is to avoid falling into a bottomless pit but I'm not sure about you but Most of the older games had a set path and you really didn't die that often. The old sonic games were easy enough games.


5: speed. I think sonic rush was too fast. Sonic 3 speed is fine.



Now I know everything I'm saying sounds exactly like the older games but Why they feel the need to change a perfect formula i'll never know. Nintendo have barely changed the mario formula since 3 and those are still top-selling games and everyone loves them( the 2d ones I'm talking about now)


I think the pinacle of the sonic series was 3.


That's exactly what I wanted to say earlier but I'm lazy so I thought saying 'do a Mega Man 9' would cover all these points.. But I agree with everything you say, what about graphics wise, flashy or old school?


EDIT: Talking about soundtracks, what I absolutely loved was the end credits theme on Sonic 3, fantastic piece! I prefered it over the medlies that you usually hear.

Edited by Solo
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