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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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I have to say that this is somewhat true. You can tell by the fact that people are even posting on these forums often during the day or regularly gaming that they aren't making getting a job their actual job. If people spent 9-5, 5 days a week actively seeking a job they would almost undoubtedly have one; part time or full.


Not to sound harsh to some of you, but there's always work somewhere, and people are getting those jobs. Just the people putting more effort into getting the job are getting the jobs. :p


Supermarkets are usually always taking people on even if just for overtime on checkouts.

Putting that many hours in is pointless, once youce stretched your resources theyre gone.

Im always on job sites, even when im on here, and im signed upto a few newsletters that get sent out with vacancies.

I activly seek work whenever im out, and i even have CVs in my car for if i see a possition advertised.

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Putting that many hours in is pointless, once youce stretched your resources theyre gone.

Im always on job sites, even when im on here, and im signed upto a few newsletters that get sent out with vacancies.

I activly seek work whenever im out, and i even have CVs in my car for if i see a possition advertised.


A lot of places don't even advertise via job websites...you have to check to see if places have vacancies, often at the customer service department.

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warandchaos; if you have CVs printed and ready, then surely you're not tailoring them especially for the positions you're applying for. You really need to do that - and a cover letter for each application is going to help massively, too.

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I've sent another two teaching applications off yesterday, and have one more to do. After that, I dunno, because it looks like it's all fully dried up now.


I'm pretty disappointed, really. The schools I've applied to seem to take an eternity to get back to you, so I don't even know if my applications have been somewhat successful, or a total failure. I went to visit a school last week, after sending an application off there the week before, and they said that they weren't even looking at applications until the end of this week. That's...pretty late, I think. So, if other schools are doing the same thing, it could be weeks before I even hear anything.


I've almost resigned myself to the fact that it's just not going to happen for me. Trying to be patient, but waking up and expecting a phone call, or a letter or an email and then none of those turning it, it's soul-destroying.

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Finally a little success - got a job interview for HMV this Friday. Really got my fingers crossed, as far as retail jobs go this one would be ideal for me. Games movies and music sales? Beats bagging groceries.

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warandchaos; if you have CVs printed and ready, then surely you're not tailoring them especially for the positions you're applying for. You really need to do that - and a cover letter for each application is going to help massively, too.

I havent been tailoring the Cv, but i have been tailorin cover letters.

I have some generic ones for when im on the go. The ones i have in my car have cover letters asking if there are any jobs available.

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I've sent another two teaching applications off yesterday, and have one more to do. After that, I dunno, because it looks like it's all fully dried up now.


I'm pretty disappointed, really. The schools I've applied to seem to take an eternity to get back to you, so I don't even know if my applications have been somewhat successful, or a total failure. I went to visit a school last week, after sending an application off there the week before, and they said that they weren't even looking at applications until the end of this week. That's...pretty late, I think. So, if other schools are doing the same thing, it could be weeks before I even hear anything.


I've almost resigned myself to the fact that it's just not going to happen for me. Trying to be patient, but waking up and expecting a phone call, or a letter or an email and then none of those turning it, it's soul-destroying.


Have you thought about supply teaching in the meantime? I suppose now isn't the best time to be looking for that though with the summer holidays coming up.


I've got an interview at my old company on Monday, I think the job is only open to ex, or employees so I haven't really got that as an advantage. Fingers crossed anyway I think I'd like it.

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I've been looking at jobs on the internet, I could kick myself, there's openings at hmv right now, but they are here at home rather than at sheffield so I can't take it, take me two hours to get to work every day. Not happening.


I'm finding that jobs are open, but you need qualifications like being pharmasist and whatnot, not basic work at argos is even going grr. I hope I find something eventually. I need the damn money.

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Gordon Brown's trying to reduce the amount of unemployments next year, but there's going to be at least one more.


8 out of 10 cats says Hi.


Have you thought about supply teaching in the meantime? I suppose now isn't the best time to be looking for that though with the summer holidays coming up.


I've got an interview at my old company on Monday, I think the job is only open to ex, or employees so I haven't really got that as an advantage. Fingers crossed anyway I think I'd like it.


I'm looking for the more permanent ones first, but the supply teaching is my second option if I don't get anything before September. If I get something, then I'll be starting in September, when the new school year starts.


Good luck for your job, Katymon. :)

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Anyone ever considered starting their own company? Been reading a few blogs lately from people who got so sick to death of being unemployed that they employed themselves. It turns out buying a catering van and cooking burgers for a living is VERY good money. Was chatting to a bloke in town today in his Mr Sizzler van and he was telling me his record takings in a single week was £2k, £1500 profit!


Always considered it myself, just never thought there'd be much money in it.


Gordon Brown's trying to reduce the amount of unemployments next year, but there's going to be at least one more.


You mean Brown? Out of a job? Maybe for about a week but not likely for very long. The guy is one of this contry's greatest financial minds, he'll be snapped up by the private sector damn fast when he stops being PM.

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I've seen an NHS one I might apply for, but I'm a bit put off by distance and part time hours. Might have to pick your brain as well if I do get an interview with them Raining, I've heard it's hard to get in!


If its clerical position you are MORE than welcome to pick ma brains. :yay: Nice to know I can be useful sometimes :heh:


Its easy to get a job internally in the NHS, but gah, if I applied externally I wouldn't have a chance in hell without inside knowledge!

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Putting that many hours in is pointless, once youce stretched your resources theyre gone.

Im always on job sites, even when im on here, and im signed upto a few newsletters that get sent out with vacancies.

I activly seek work whenever im out, and i even have CVs in my car for if i see a possition advertised.


At least here in Sweden, a lot of people are pissed because NOONE ever gets a job from the agencies. You need to go from company to company and ask. You should allways check with your friends and contacts.

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Today I have applied for;


Content Manager - Music

Research Photographer

World Tour Travel Consultant


Marketing Trainee


Nice range I believe. And I don't really want a job right now but its good to get practice in yes? Although content manager sounds fun. And I think I'd like planning people's holidays for them. I'd get jealous sometimes but it'd be nice to help people in that regards.

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Anyone ever considered starting their own company? Been reading a few blogs lately from people who got so sick to death of being unemployed that they employed themselves. It turns out buying a catering van and cooking burgers for a living is VERY good money. Was chatting to a bloke in town today in his Mr Sizzler van and he was telling me his record takings in a single week was £2k, £1500 profit!


Always considered it myself, just never thought there'd be much money in it.


Came within a whisker of getting some venture capital for a business idea, great experience and I fully hope to actually get something off the ground in the future. A lot of great things came about as a result of trying that wouldn't have had I just been applying. It's probably the most fun/productive thing I've ever done. Always have a niggling feeling I want to be my own boss, and there's always the chance that if you hit the right market at the right time you can do exceptionally well from it.


You mean Brown? Out of a job? Maybe for about a week but not likely for very long. The guy is one of this contry's greatest financial minds, he'll be snapped up by the private sector damn fast when he stops being PM.


One of the countries greatest bloody idiots. His plan and execution of the end to boom and bust certainly went well.

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I applied for a job the other day and now they've e-mailed me asking what my salary expectations are, I've got no idea how to respond. They haven't given a salary range so I've got nothing to go from, I can't put my last salary because I'm not expecting as much. Hmm :wtf:

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I applied for a job the other day and now they've e-mailed me asking what my salary expectations are, I've got no idea how to respond. They haven't given a salary range so I've got nothing to go from, I can't put my last salary because I'm not expecting as much. Hmm :wtf:


I'd look into what salaries are offered where you are applying for and tell a few little porkies about your last salary as well.


I've applied for 2 jobs today, even though i am by name only now i believe still in work.


These are for a


Health Records Admin


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That's the best way to do it, start applying before you leave so you've got a head start. It was the exact same when I was being made redundant too, a few people taking all the work leaving the rest of us sitting there bored out of our minds.


I replied about the salary, I decided to give them a range and play them at their own game :heh: I guess I'll wait and see if they reply now.

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I applied for a job the other day and now they've e-mailed me asking what my salary expectations are, I've got no idea how to respond. They haven't given a salary range so I've got nothing to go from, I can't put my last salary because I'm not expecting as much. Hmm :wtf:


That's the best way to do it, start applying before you leave so you've got a head start. It was the exact same when I was being made redundant too, a few people taking all the work leaving the rest of us sitting there bored out of our minds.


I replied about the salary, I decided to give them a range and play them at their own game :heh: I guess I'll wait and see if they reply now.

What job is it, and what was the range given?Just pick what you feel youd deserve.

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What job is it, and what was the range given?Just pick what you feel youd deserve.


It's a legal secretary. That's the thing though they didn't give a range so I basically just said what I'd seen other solicitors offer for the same job.

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Supermarkets and restaurants? Some offices have evening work I would think most are 9-5.


Or call centres, that's if you really want to go there... maybe not. Emergency services are sometimes looking for clerical staff too.


You might think, ew call centre, but the health service call centres are generally not as bad. There's no way I'd work for a commercial call centre (sorry rez/molleh :heh:)


I'm considering applying to the local urgent care service here, they do red eye shifts (12-8) and its basically the same job as I'm doing except more services and more emergency based patients than we'd deal with during the day.


And more moneh. :yay: (£8.10 an hour)

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