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That took me a really long time to see what that was. Wow. I kept wondering if it was indicating missile paths or something.


Same here. I wonder what It was originally supposed to be now.


wow at this!


At about 16 pounds and 30 inches, 16-year-old Brooke Greenberg has not aged significantly, physically or apparently cognitively, since she was a toddler.

She turned 16 in January.


"Why doesn't she age?" Howard Greenberg, 52, asked of his daughter. "Is she the fountain of youth?"


Such questions are why scientists are fascinated by Brooke. Among the many documented instances of children who fail to grow or develop in some way, Brooke's case may be unique, according to her doctor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine pediatrician Lawrence Pakula, in Baltimore.


"Many of the best-known names in medicine, in their experience ... had not seen anyone who matched up to Brooke," Pakula said. "She is always a surprise."


Brooke hasn't aged in the conventional sense. Dr. Richard Walker of the University of South Florida College of Medicine, in Tampa, says Brooke's body is not developing as a coordinated unit, but as independent parts that are out of sync. She has never been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality that would help explain why.


In a recent paper for the journal "Mechanisms of Ageing and Development," Walker and his co-authors, who include Pakula and All Children's Hospital (St. Petersburg, Fla.) geneticist Maxine Sutcliffe chronicled a baffling range of inconsistencies in Brooke's aging process. She still has baby teeth at 16, for instance. And her bone age is estimated to be more like 10 years old.


"There've been very minimal changes in Brooke's brain," Walker said. "Various parts of her body, rather than all being at the same stage, seem to be disconnected."


Brooke's mother, Melanie Greenberg, 48, sees a different picture. "She loves to shop," Greenberg said. "Just like a woman."


Brooke rides in a stroller while her mom shops for clothes in the infant sections of department stores near their home in a Baltimore suburb. That Brooke is in her mid-teens is so mind-boggling that if another mother with a toddler asks Greenberg how old Brooke is, she usually doesn't try to explain.


"My system always has been to turn years into months," Greenberg said. "So, if someone asked today, I might say, she's 16 months old."


In her first six years, Brooke went through a series of medical emergencies from which she recovered, often without explanation. She survived surgery for seven perforated stomach ulcers. She suffered a brain seizure followed by what was diagnosed as a stroke that weeks later left no apparent damage.


At 4, she fell into a lethargy that caused her to sleep for 14 days. Then, doctors diagnosed a brain tumor, and the Greenbergs bought a casket for her.


"We were preparing for our child to die," Howard Greenberg said. "We were saying goodbye. And, then, we got a call that there was some change; that Brooke had opened her eyes and she was fine. There was no tumor. She overcomes every obstacle that is thrown her way."

What is that film character who has spikes in their shoes like that, which were poisonous? This is going to plague my mind forever.


That was Rosa Klebb in the Bond film "From Russia With Love", I believe.

To be fair other than "that's weird" and the aforementioned X-Men parallels there's not much to be said :heh:


To be honest, there are a few things I thought of that would be a bit on the distasteful side.



Sadly I don't have those powers. Drat.

Given you a pretty infraction because I do have such powers. Feel free to torment me and give everyone a rest for a while.

Well I think you lose a little, seeing as you got an infraction.

Nah that's alright.


Some news though.



I've not bothered looking for an article, so hopefully the video will still be available of the kid hit by a car and it doing fuck all to him. Good genes or shoddy car workmanship? You decide.

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