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Working 9 to 5, 5 days a Week


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A lot of what I think has been said already. Losing a 3 month holiday in summer is the big negative; 20 days holiday a year is pretty low - that'll be 28 days with all the bank holidays added in, which is the minimum the government allows. Will your hols build over time?


I do 9-5:30 with an hour for lunch, no flexitime :(. But there are some additional pros I'd throw in to what others have said.


Pike's Pros:

Co-workers (mentioned already somewhat): Thought I'd emphasize this. You may be sitting next to some awesome people and you'll become great friends with them. There's the possibility of fun office/workplace banter. Think Rez & Spenno (but less gay), that sort of love between mates. At work we play Xpert11 and it has drawn all the guys together over the years, there's always something to chat about. Then there are the Christmas parties, the outings (the company I work for went to a polo match last year) and the nights out.


Freedom: This may not be true for every job, but when I walk out of the office at 5:30 that's the end of work for the day. I have no assignments on my mind, no exams to worry about, no procrastinations that I need to catch up on. Work ends at 5:30 and everything after that is mine. No worries about tomorrow because there's nothing I can do out of hours.


Money: Can be nice to have a little more income, but now you start paying back student loan and pay council tax too.


Work isn't always work: It's 10am and I'm writing this from work. I still need to read some other threads. I'll read some RSS feeds. I'll chat with the guy in my office. At lunch I'll go play cards for an hour with some mates. This afternoon I'll do similar. Some days it can be work, work, work (and that can make the day go quickly!) but other days work is a breeze.

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About the whole girlfriend thing: why don't you move in together? At the very least in that case, you'll get to see her every night. Yes, every night. For the rest of your life. How 'bout them apples?
That's the thing, I live with my g/f already :heh: to be completely honest, this is the only part I am going to find hard. The hours, the job, the driving, the people I can cope with - but I am totally going to miss my girlfriend. I've been spoiled rotten at Uni and am going to go from spending anywhere up to 16 hours a day with her to 5-6 during the week.
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If you work at a school you get paid summer holidays plus you get to corrupt the youth of tomorrow. Win win!


Well, I'm friends with several teachers (not you Haden) and they end up working evenings doing lesson prep/marking. Not my cup of metaphorical tea. Plus, having to take your holidays during school holidays means your holidays will cost four times as much as mine.


Having said that teaching is an easy way to get a good, well paid job with good wage increases and even the training (PGCE) seems to have a decent grant. But ... kids ... bleurgh.


That's the thing, I live with my g/f already :heh: to be completely honest, this is the only part I am going to find hard. The hours, the job, the driving, the people I can cope with - but I am totally going to miss my girlfriend. I've been spoiled rotten at Uni and am going to go from spending anywhere up to 16 hours a day with her to 5-6 during the week.


Oh, I forgot to address this. I was going out with my now-wife at uni too. We didn't live together (it was about 50m between our houses) but we would walk into uni together, go to lectures, then meet up, have lunch, have more lectures, meet up, walk home, do stuff together, eat meals together, hang out more, then finally not be together just to go to bed at our own houses. It was around the 16 hour mark like you are saying.


It was hard to go from that but the big plus was that we fought less. You might not fight that much with Nami (and I didn't fight that much with Esther), but after we started spending less time with each other we realised we were in each other faces a bit much and that lead to pointless arguments. We argued/fought less because we both had a bit more space.

You'll have new stuff to talk about with being apart more of the time too. But you've still got weekends where you can be together as much as you were.

Edited by Mr_Odwin
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Clearly that was aimed at me and clearly you know nothing about my life so I will kindly request that you too shut the fuck up. Yes, I do have parents to rely on but they're not there waiting on my every need - they don't have that much money unfortunately and most things in my life I've had to earn. No I don't need a violin, nor am I jealous of Shorty, just a little taken back by the fact that he thinks a 9-5 is gonna be that bad.


Trust me, I was homeless in Paris for a week, whilst working a 9-5 and trying to find somewhere/anywhere to live in the evenings after work before I found somewhere and it wasn't cheap either at £550 a month - sure I may still have permanent lodgings back home with 'Mummy and Daddy' but I think I've got far more of an informed insight into the "real world" than quite a lot of the folk on these boards, even if it is a little unusual in comparison. My 9-5 was a crappy placement which gave me roughly £400 a month, the rest was funded by money I'd saved and the government's idiotic idea of reducing my student loan to a ridiculously low sum because apparently they think it's justifiable. When you throw travel fees, food and bills, this just didn't cut it.


On a lighter note, well done for looking into jobs, I was thinking that I should do that too.

I think he's a little bitter about it cutting into his drink and drugs routine. :p

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Well, I'm friends with several teachers (not you Haden) and they end up working evenings doing lesson prep/marking. Not my cup of metaphorical tea. Plus, having to take your holidays during school holidays means your holidays will cost four times as much as mine.


Having said that teaching is an easy way to get a good, well paid job with good wage increases and even the training (PGCE) seems to have a decent grant. But ... kids ... bleurgh.




Oh, I forgot to address this. I was going out with my now-wife at uni too. We didn't live together (it was about 50m between our houses) but we would walk into uni together, go to lectures, then meet up, have lunch, have more lectures, meet up, walk home, do stuff together, eat meals together, hang out more, then finally not be together just to go to bed at our own houses. It was around the 16 hour mark like you are saying.


It was hard to go from that but the big plus was that we fought less. You might not fight that much with Nami (and I didn't fight that much with Esther), but after we started spending less time with each other we realised we were in each other faces a bit much and that lead to pointless arguments. We argued/fought less because we both had a bit more space.

You'll have new stuff to talk about with being apart more of the time too. But you've still got weekends where you can be together as much as you were.


Sticks and Stones. Oh god who am I kidding! :cry:

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but what free time you do have you will appreciate more and make better use of than you think.


This just isn't true, I always found I just felt worn out, tired, and never wanted to use my time after work


Working full time every weekday is fucking soul crushing and will make you hate everything, but get used to it

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Shorty I only see your girlfriend once a year, I feel ya bro!


Umm yeah the thought of getting a 9-5 is meh, especially losing all that free time to do nothing. 22 feels too young to be trapped :p but rather that than retail.

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Shorty's sudden acquisition of a job has made me freak out a little. I've started on my CV and looked for a bunch of jobs, applied for a couple and need to sort out my references, and I've realised how much of a deal it really is to jump from uni to 9-5. Half the people on these forums who have a job are still living at home with their parents and don't have to worry about rent/bills, so they can shut the fuck up about 'real world' bullshit because they still have it easy.


Most of these people probably still pay more in board than students do in rent. they don't get goverment freebies when they need it and can't just decide to get drunk at all hours of the day, well they can't if they want to keep their job.


To me, the fact that someone is so scared by full time employment kinda shows the sheltered life they have at the moment. That's not me having a go at anyone but living at home isn't necessarily a good thing, especially if your parents rely on your wages too keep a roof over everyone's head.

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Think about it, chances are from now on I will never get a month off in a row ever, ever again - until I retire anyway. It's the end of the easy life.


I had six weeks off at the start of the year all at once. Your in the wrong job thats all thats wrong ;) lol


Half the people on these forums who have a job are still living at home with their parents and don't have to worry about rent/bills, so they can shut the fuck up about 'real world' bullshit because they still have it easy.


Does that mean i can keep loling then? Own house, own car etc etc.

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Clearly that was aimed at me and clearly you know nothing about my life so I will kindly request that you too shut the fuck up. Yes, I do have parents to rely on but they're not there waiting on my every need - they don't have that much money unfortunately and most things in my life I've had to earn. No I don't need a violin, nor am I jealous of Shorty, just a little taken back by the fact that he thinks a 9-5 is gonna be that bad.


Trust me, I was homeless in Paris for a week, whilst working a 9-5 and trying to find somewhere/anywhere to live in the evenings after work before I found somewhere and it wasn't cheap either at £550 a month - sure I may still have permanent lodgings back home with 'Mummy and Daddy' but I think I've got far more of an informed insight into the "real world" than quite a lot of the folk on these boards, even if it is a little unusual in comparison. My 9-5 was a crappy placement which gave me roughly £400 a month, the rest was funded by money I'd saved and the government's idiotic idea of reducing my student loan to a ridiculously low sum because apparently they think it's justifiable. When you throw travel fees, food and bills, this just didn't cut it.


On a lighter note, well done for looking into jobs, I was thinking that I should do that too.

What? That wasn't aimed just at you. Sorry if I offended you, O Great Man Who Travels And Does Grown Up Things Unafraid. Chiiiilll.


I think he's a little bitter about it cutting into his drink and drugs routine. :p

Is this me? The jobs I've got interviews for don't affect it at all. Nyer!


Most of these people probably still pay more in board than students do in rent. they don't get goverment freebies when they need it and can't just decide to get drunk at all hours of the day, well they can't if they want to keep their job.


To me, the fact that someone is so scared by full time employment kinda shows the sheltered life they have at the moment. That's not me having a go at anyone but living at home isn't necessarily a good thing, especially if your parents rely on your wages too keep a roof over everyone's head.

I agree with a lot of this :P Uni life is a buffer zone to reality. In a way it is silly to gulp and shiver in the light of 9-5, but it's understandable.


Does that mean i can keep loling then? Own house, own car etc etc.

Sure! The self-made man. Compassion beyond mountains! Go for it.
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Most of these people probably still pay more in board than students do in rent. they don't get goverment freebies when they need it and can't just decide to get drunk at all hours of the day, well they can't if they want to keep their job.


To me, the fact that someone is so scared by full time employment kinda shows the sheltered life they have at the moment. That's not me having a go at anyone but living at home isn't necessarily a good thing, especially if your parents rely on your wages too keep a roof over everyone's head.


Not a personal reply to you (too lazy to multiquote) but...


I know shorty. He's not lived some sheltered life, he does work and isn't the kind to piss away the loan. It's basically a case of going back to work after holiday sydrome writ large and we can all understand that yeah?

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Also Shorty has repeatadly said he's not "scared". He's just wanting to know how much of a transition it is. I think a lot of people need to give him a break tbf.




SRS though, I'd totally understand if he was super annoyed/scared that his life was ending. I basically was.

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I know shorty. He's not lived some sheltered life, he does work and isn't the kind to piss away the loan. It's basically a case of going back to work after holiday sydrome writ large and we can all understand that yeah?

So he knows what the transition from something to work is but forgot?

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Not a personal reply to you (too lazy to multiquote) but...


I know shorty. He's not lived some sheltered life, he does work and isn't the kind to piss away the loan. It's basically a case of going back to work after holiday sydrome writ large and we can all understand that yeah?



Yes :( I was back this week. Alas, it is only 18 more working days till another holiday!



It can be good for some people 9-5. if you're a social hermit with a personality of a lemon, you're basically forced to go out and interact with people. Where as someone like Shorty who is already the cool kid at the party might feel like having to start all over again.

Edited by Jon
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9-5 means you get to do limited shopping through the week. (Hitting supermarkets at night as you become desperate for human interaction.)


LOL! ... or desperate for food maybe? Course not!


This just isn't true, I always found I just felt worn out, tired, and never wanted to use my time after work


Working full time every weekday is fucking soul crushing and will make you hate everything, but get used to it


Hmm, ok. I find that I can sit around all day at work and watch the time tick away til its five o'clock, but as soon as I'm outta there its go time. I get some downtime til 6ish by eating something and surfing on here then head to the gym/ out/ game/ whatever and take it from there. I'm not a busy body or anything but, for example, tonight I've basically been busy doing one thing or another since 5pm til now- and I should be in bed right now, lol.



Odwin's points are good too. Workmates can make or break it. If you have atleast one person to chum about with a bit then it makes it go all the better. Even the most basic of people skills can help get a bit of banter going. And yep its not always work, some days are busy and others you have time for the banter, to play whatever games you get through email, read and reread the paper, to surf the Internet... or Intranet. :cry: Or actually whip out your phone and lurk on here as much you possibly can. :hehe:

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This just isn't true, I always found I just felt worn out, tired, and never wanted to use my time after work


Working full time every weekday is fucking soul crushing and will make you hate everything, but get used to it


He's right ya know ^^^


When i was 18 i was thrilled about the prospect of working and earning money, but certain realities have ruined that for me. Like the government getting half your paycheck (one way or another, they will). Or finding out that your managers get, in 1 bonus check, more than you make in 4 months.

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I do early mornings, 7/7:30am til 3/3:30pm at the moment. Used to do 6:30am til 2:30pm. Can definitely say i'm grateful of the extra hour of sleep as i'm rarely in bed before midnight. Wouldn't trade it for 9-5 for anything though, i get home about 4pm at the moment which gives me a good 8 or 9 hours to myself before bed.


Full time work can be hard at first but you get used to it. I started out part time and moved to full-time last year. When i was only doing 24 hours a week i was bored out of my mind. Four days off a week is too many. After a year of full time i've come to the conclusion that 4 days a week is the right balance, trying to get my days changed to 7:30-5:30 four days a week now. The only catch is i'll have to give up weekends to get it :(

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Just found out my days for next week are the Monday - Wednesday. So I'll be working 8 nights in a row. Should be interesting. At least I won't be working again untill the Sunday.


Although to be honest, I kind of need the money. I've decided to go back to the slack lifestyle of the student come summer.


Edit: I'd consider 9-5 pretty easy. I used to work 7-5:30. Got the Friday off though, unless there was overtime. Which there was a lot of at one time.

Edited by Goafer
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Been working full time for 6 years now. Done some shift work in between but 9-5 in general but more like 9-6 as I always stay later to get stuff done. I don't mind it. The missus works too so we sometimes travel home together or go out up town. Also met loads of new friends through work and there is always friday night drinking to be done....and lunch times. :)


I don't really feel like I live for the weekends. I actually enjoy going to work. Damn what a weirdo.

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