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Halo: Reach


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Finished this on Legendary alone this morning. That last section on the last level is really drawn out on that difficulty. Also asks you to be very precise with your shots or you'll very quickly run out of ammo. Just glad that it was Brutes making up the forces rather than Elites otherwise it would have been impossible to do. With the Brutes, even on Legendary, unless they're the Chieftain ones, you can still get away with a two shot kill with both the Pistol and DMR, which are godsends when doing trying to secure that landing pad.


Took 3 goes on the Cannon bit though. Thought I'd try and see if I can stay in it and take out all of the Phantoms and Banshees coming in but realised after the second go that it wasn't going to happen so I hid until the Corvette was overhead and fired a single shot.


Oh and the bit with the two Hunters, piece of cake :P I found a Spartan laser which I held on to and took both of them out easily. Was immensely satisfying not having to go the shotgun route like on the first Sword Base level.


Glad it's done now. Harder than 3 on Legendary and while it had its difficult moments, it's certainly not the toughest FPS I've played through (as someone else said, CoD: WaW was much harder than this on Veteran). Now just got to mop up the Firefight achievements.



Yeah I finished it on Legendary last night, the hunters part I took the advice of Mike1988UK and just jumped through the windows.


The clearing the landing pad wasn't as bad as I thought it would be either. The toughest time I had on the whole level was the last part before getting to the gun. take out the few grunts but then you have 4 Elites, one of which carrying a fuel rod cannon. Now that took me some time. But got there eventually. I just sat back and waited for the signal to shoot the corvette too. Brilliant game but wont be doing any campaign for a long time now, only need to get one mission based achievement and that's the space level in less than 3 minutes.


hoping the multi-player achievements are easy to gain, as i've done the fire fight ones.

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Does anyone know of any good (and legit) ways of farming for credits? I'll have a look myself but was just wondering if someone has tried any methods.


If you want to grind then the best bet is to do Gruntpocalypse, this nets you around 1000+ CR and takes just 7-8 mins. You could also do the few tricks for campaign mode which gives a good amount of CR and gets you certain commendations really fast. The Oni Sword Base one is fantastic.




Bungie have stated a few times now that doing the reloading checkpoints method is fine. Turning your 360 off after getting a challenge done is what causes the banhammer. Oh, and I assume glitching the Lt. Colonel achievement will get you banned aswell.

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I can't get youtube videos to show anymore?

Anymore? If that's how you were trying to do it before, you've never been able to get youtube videos to show.


For the mizzillionth time, youtube videos are posted with just the code at the end, after the v=, between "youtube" tags.





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So how are you guys finding Forge? After inviting Some Guy over in to my Forge session to 'see how it was going' we ended up in a 3 hour marathon Forge session that saw Fire Core go from rough concept to a fully feldged, multi storey extravaganza. We kicked ass, with some really cool ideas and buildings pulling together something of a tour de force for the aesthetic potential of forge.


I have a bunch of shots that aren't on b.net just yet but this one has come through and gives a reasonable idea of what we did. More tomorrow.



Fire Core by Dr Oatker feat. Some Guy



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Just finished this on Heroic. Epic ending is epic.


Post credits = depressing.


I can't imagine completing the last couple of areas before the cannon on Legendary :/ But knowing me, I'll try anyway. Try and get angry and break things.

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Campaign matchmaking should be added 19th Oct and update should also include sniper and infection only playlists.


Article also mentions that according to Bungie only 5% of Reach gamers have unlocked the achievement for completing on legendary by urself!! So congrats to me and others who have done it!! (A proper achievement!!, lol)



Edited by Mike1988uk
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Campaign matchmaking should be added 19th Oct and update should also include sniper and infection only playlists.


Article also mentions that according to Bungie only 5% of Reach gamers have unlocked the achievement for completing on legendary by urself!! So congrats to me and others who have done it!! (A proper achievement!!, lol)




There should be an achievement for having had the game since launch and not touching the campaign. I'd win that hands down.

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My KDR was taking it up the ass a while ago, went from about +30 to about -270, but recently I've clawed it back to like -165. Gotta keep working on it.


I really haven't played it too much from looking at my stats... 3hrs 42 mins, 219 kills for 216 deaths which is pretty good because I'm always out of practice when I play.

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KDR doesn't really mean anything to me. It's fine for slayer but I play a lot of flag and it's usually me trying to mule the flag home which means I die a lot. It makes me a better player but not according to my KDR


anyhoo, major playlist update today. Here's the deets:




Loving some of these new updates.


October Playlist Updates: Part Deux






New Playlist: Team Snipers Win!


New Playlist: Living Dead Win!


Rumble Pit

Lineup rebalanced to offer more kill, less frill.

Removed Infection, Safe Havens, Race, Rally, Headhunter Pro

Removed “Classic” gametypes Win!


Team Slayer

Removed all Snipers gametypes Win!



Added SWAT Magnums gametype


Team Objective

Removed 1 Flag Classic

Removed Headhunter Pro

Removed the following gametypes from Hemorrhage due to the size of the map with only 8 players:

Multiflag Classic

1 Flag CTF

1 Flag Pro

1 Bomb Assault




Removed Oddball and Hot Potato from Boardwalk


Multi Team

Removed SWAT

Removed Classic gametypes

Removed The Cage

Changed weighting for Rocket Race so it does not have a 100% chance to appear in Slot 3


Big Team Battle

Removed Multiflag from Boneyard and Spire



This playlist now offers 3 voting options



Updated Firefight playlist gametypes to be a full set instead of 1 round. Adjusted skull progression.

Removed Friendly Fire


Score Attack

Removed Crash Site Sad face.

Added Mythic Score Attack Win!

You can no longer pickup other weapons in Sniper Attack Interesting, but harsh. No more fuel rod action.




Zealot/Arena Zealot

Arena Zealot is now used for all Slayer gametypes

Players can no longer stand on the edge of the generators in space and crouch to shoot below the shield



Softkill zones added to the tops of the Sniper buildings Didn't see this problem, because I was always against muppets on this map, but from the sounds of things: Win.



Modified respawn zones for Slayer gametypes Win!



Modified respawn zones for both bases

Respawn timers for all Warthogs on Hemorrhage should now be 120 seconds





All CTF gametypes should now have a player respawn of 10 seconds

All Classic CTF gametypes now feature Flag At Home To Score and Touch Return

Flag At Home To Score disabled for all non-Classic CTF gametypes

Modified Flag Return and Flag Reset times:

1 Flag on Small maps use 10 second return and 30 second reset

All other CTF gametypes use 30 second return and 45 second reset


Fucking win for all of the above. That's pretty much perfect.



Assault gametypes now have a player respawn time of 10 or 15 seconds depending on the map


Update also introduces Atom and Cliffhanger to the rotation- two new Forge maps from Bungie staffers. I've played Atom and it's quite cool, if initially a bit confusing but I won't pass judgement yet.


Oh, further down the BWU, I not this about Score attack:


So, on to the meat. We’ve definitely heard the comments and criticism and we’re ready to react. As of next week, there will be a bunch of new changes. Before I detail them, however, I want to warn you about something. Leaderboards in the Score Attack playlist are being RESET with this update! We knew it was a possibility, but now it’s a reality. We’re making a couple core changes to keep the integrity of the Score Attack Playlist, and because we are changing one variant and adding a new one, this is a necessity. This can and will happen as we change and update the playlists, so it’s better to get used to this now. Kind of like ripping off a bandage quickly. You just gotta do it. . .


. . .In the Score Attack playlist we are retiring Crashsite and replacing it with Mythic Score Attack. It’s the same progression as Score Attack but with the Mythic Skull enabled. This will truly test your mettle. If you’re worried about Crashsite going away, please don’t; it will come back at some point in the future. We’re also changing the Sniper Attack variant so you can no longer pick up any weapon you want. This again ensures the sanctity of that gametype, and one of the reasons we’re resetting the Leaderboard in this playlist. Lastly, we’re adding Glacier into all the gametypes. . . .


. . .So, that’s about all there is to the update. It will go live next week, so we hope you enjoy the changes. As always we’ll be listening in and taking notes based on community reaction. For you pure Firefight players out there that want Limited Lives, it will happen… just not quite yet. Also, for all the people clamoring for Versus, that will happen too, but we’re not sure as to when. It’s entirely possible we’ll try out a weekend offering before making it an official playlist. You’ll hear more on that stuff, as always… soon."



Lots of awesome news in there.

Edited by Dan_Dare
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Man there is so much shit in multiplayer I don't even know what it all is.


Had Marcamillian over yesterday and we had a good few hours of dicking about in multi, we're not really any good, but was quite fun. We even did some of the multi-team stuff lol, which is pretty crazy to keep up with!


I think personally though, I've been enjoying alot of Firefight(although it's getting really hard now :(), takes a while though, and people keep dropping out so I never get through to the end :(


Haven't touched alot of the campaign, though. I probably should...

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