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The Wire on BBC Two


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A good series but I couldn't imagine giving up 4-5 hours a week for it, it's a slow show that should be taken at a leisure, not forced down your throat at the rate of one a day.


(Bring on jayseven to argue the other side of the coin, who does the opposite and watches entire series in a day)

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I would watch this, but with it being every night, I can't guarantee that.


Hmm. I really want to watch this but it is on every night at 11:20. I forsee very little chance of me watching this. :(



Record this shit right here!


This is the sort of thing that would, I I hadn't already seen it all, keep me alive every day for absolutely ages. I will be trying very hard to force people to watch this show. Just imagining a s05 finale with like 8 mates sitting around, seeing their faces... GAWD



A good series but I couldn't imagine giving up 4-5 hours a week for it, it's a slow show that should be taken at a leisure, not forced down your throat at the rate of one a day.


(Bring on jayseven to argue the other side of the coin, who does the opposite and watches entire series in a day)


When I was watching it, I was hitting 2-3 a day. Not at a particular time,, mind, but 1 a day isn't that much.


course, jayseven is a muppet and an entire season in a day is madness.


Lawl :P One ep a day is fairly leisurely, but your life will just be The Wire for the eternity it will take to see the whole show.


Very surprised they're doing one-a-day as most people surely won't be able to see every single episode each week. Perhaps a sunday-catch-up type thing is in order. Or maybe bbc three will air previous week's episode an hour before? Ho hum.


Nobody has an excuse. Watch the first three episodes. Give it that much of a chance.

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Having seen season 1 (and I'll be seeing the following seasons as soon as possible), I recommend everyone watch this, for their own personal benefit. It's actually amazing. Sadly, I doubt I'll have the time in term to rewatch each episode on iplayer, and I don't have a TV so recording isn't really possible.

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I watched the first episode, just not feeling it tbh :/ I can see why people like it but after watching it and only being half-interested in what was going on I just don't see any point in continuing to watch it. ::shrug:

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I watched the first episode, just not feeling it tbh :/ I can see why people like it but after watching it and only being half-interested in what was going on I just don't see any point in continuing to watch it. ::shrug:


You can't enjoy it as much as people who have seen the whole thing because there's mountains of characterisation and awesome writing later on. I didn't really get it for the first 5 or so episodes and then all of a sudden I was hooked. The show gets better as it goes along too (or at least I thought so) but to be honest I don't think anything I've ever watched has made my sympathise/hate(I'm looking at you, Marlo) characters so much and I watch a LOT of TV.

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I think there's a strong danger with this show; people's expectations are built up massively by those who have seen it.

And who's fault is that bitches?! :blank:


I have been meaning to get around to it. Even Charlie Brooker recommends it in his older book Screen Burn. Is it anything like The Shield?

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