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Seems to be a lot more cinematic in the story telling which is pretty good as i'm expecting the multi-player to be exactly the same as the one in COD4.


The trailer looks great. They've obviously captured the cinematic feel there perfectly, but they were always going to do that given that it's a trailer. Going off of CoD4 I'd say they should be able to match that trailer for it's cinematic preferences in game which should make things interesting. I'm not entirely convinced over the snowmobile driving part. Yes, it's another dimension to Infinity Wards ever changing visage of Call of Duty in the modern setting but is it entirely necessary for a game which prides itself on setting up spectacular shoot outs and confrontations.


And for some reason, I've seen a whole load of people moaning that the game looks dated in the trailer (the commenters on Kotaku really are idiotic) but that's clearly unfounded because if anything, it looks like a considerable step up from CoD4 and even World at War graphically. I'm eagerly awaiting more info. While many will focus on the online, I think with this particular title and the fact that Infinity Ward are developing it that the single player will probably be one of the stand out moments of the game and so I'm personally interested to see and hear more on that front because I think we all know that the online will be spot on if the last titles are anything to go by.

Posted (edited)
Its no technical marvel thats for sure(600p is SD with afew lines). Engine is based on the old Quake 3 engine.


Eh? CoD4 is 720p in native resolution upscaled to 1080p if the TV can support it by the PS3.


Also, it runs at a rock solid 60fps, which is a technical marvel in itself.



I don't know where you get your information from, I would love to see a link.

Edited by MATtheHAT
I don't know where you get your information from, I would love to see a link.

He's not lying. Although personally I don't think it matters as, much like MGS4, if you weren't told it wasn't native 720p you'd never question it. Who cares what resolution a game runs at so long as it looks consistently good?

He's not lying. Although personally I don't think it matters as, much like MGS4, if you weren't told it wasn't native 720p you'd never question it. Who cares what resolution a game runs at so long as it looks consistently good?


Who would have thunk it?


Still an incredible looking game, kudos to IW, and if MW2 looks just as good I will be happy.


The characters in the trailer are a little unusual looking for a CoD game, one with a death mask, one with a Mohican. Some kind of character-customisation option in there somewhere possibly?

I can not wait for this game, still playing COD 4 everyday. Would be good if we had a N-E match some time.


Give me 6 days and a chance to get my XBL back up and running, and you're on. Due to excessive playing of this game last summer, I alone can cause entire teams of cocky 15 year old Yanks to run away whimpering, so I can't wait to see what team N-E does to them... :awesome:


Haha, you're on guys. Havn't jumped in to this for ages but would love to play it again with some N-E'ers.


MW2 is looking to be the dog's bollocks at this rate!


I cannot wait for this game. I love COD4, and have been playing online for a looong time.


I'm now 7th prestige, 55k kills, and a nice 24 killstreak.

I cannot wait for this game. I love COD4, and have been playing online for a looong time.


I'm now 7th prestige, 55k kills, and a nice 24 killstreak.


Do you play on the 360 or PS3?


New info from a dutch magazine



- To handle the pressure, Infinity Ward put up a selective filter on community feedback, and at some point simply decided: "this is how the game is going to be."

- Both bullets and grenades now have realistic physics. Bullets will ricochet off walls and grenades will realistically fall down stairs.

- It is now possible to hold a handgun in one hand and a knife in the other, comparable to how Solid Snake holds them together in MGS3 and 4.

- There will most probably be an underwater level, since a heavily armed Navy Seal diver was shown off (as in the trailer).

- One of the levels is called 'International Cyber Space Lab'. Will CoD go into space, or is this some derelict Russian missile base?

- Bullettime is featured in the game, but will only be triggered at key points. It's not some super power which you can activate with a press of a button.

- More innocent bystanders and civilians will be present in the warzones, and though it isn't your mission, you wont be punished if you shoot them down.

- Every time you finish a level, a Challenge will be unlocked. These challenges are comparable to Horde Mode from Gears 2, only with a time element added to it. The faster you kill everyone, the higher your rank will become.

- You can play the Challenges in split screen and they will most probably be playable online as well.

- New weapons will be introduced (while some others will be dropped), and since you're part of Task Force 121, you will have access to the most advanced weaponry available.

- One example of such an advanced weapon is a gun equipped with a heartbeat sensor, which you will use in the 'snow level' to detect enemies from dozens of feet away.

- Existing weapons are completely remodelded and as such are much more detailed this time around. For example, a scope can get smudged while a red dot sight will dissappear when you aren't targeting anything.

- You can destroy much more of your environment. For example, you can shoot at a firefighters pump which will cause a huge geiser to errupt, blocking part of your sight.

- Another example: you can shoot at a gas station, which not only causes an explosion, but the gasline will then flail around like crazy while flames erupt from it.



- A couple new multiplayer modes will be introduced, but they wont be revealed until after E3. All modes are completely new and have never been featured in any other game.

- New perks will be introduced.

- The riot shield will be a perk. It will be possible to carry the shield with two people, while a third shoots from behind it's cover.


The first three levels details

- The 'snow level' takes place somewhere in Kazakhstan and is called 'Cliffhanger'.

- The level starts off with climbing a ridge which, from their description, sounds mostly scripted, though you do the climbing yourself by pressing the triggers.

- General MacTavish makes a return and is featured in this first level.

- Once you've climbed up the ridge, you will make a trek through the snow, while your sight is slightly blocked due to falling snow, so you'll have to make use of your weapons' heartbeat sensor.

- This level is described as an infiltration mission, where you have to use stealth to advance, comparable to Ghillies in the Mist from the first game.

- After a couple of stealth kills and the placement of several explosives, you get caught and are forced to trigger the explosions early. Now shit hits the fan and all hell breaks loose in true Call of Duty fare.

- During the huge firefight, with soldiers, helicopters and jets all over the place, you make your escape on the well known snowmobile, racing downhill while fighting off pursuers.


- The 'Brazil level' takes place in Favela, a shanty town in Rio de Janeiro.

- Level starts out with you sitting in a car when suddenly you get fired upon.

- You are forced to leave the vehicle, as your driver got shot and bullets are still flying all over the place.

- Your mission here is to chase down some guy while not killing him, so it's a capture mission.

- Loads of stuff happening in this level too: civilians screaming and running away, exploding cars, dead bodies everywhere, it's utter chaos.

- After shooting the target in the leg, the demo ends, which is because they haven't finished the level yet.

- Infinity Ward now uses texture streaming, which enables them to construct much bigger levels. They show this off by zooming out of the Favela level.

- The lighting is greatly improved, with much more subtle details everywhere.

- The entire level is described as having loads of detail, with lots of shacks everywhere and alleys going in every direction, as well as newspapers blowing in the wind.

- The developer hints to Favela being a multiplayer map as well.


- A third level takes place in the desert.

- You drive off to a cliff, which you will rapel down from.

- After this, you will enter a cave and fight underground.

- The scene in the cave strongly resembles the scene from the Iron Man movie where Tony Stark constructed his first suit, which is something the developer was shooting for intentionally.

- The cave consists of a seemingly endless amount of corridors, and numerous large rooms.


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