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Jade Goody Dead


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What would you do if she hadn't actually died, and it had all been a publicity stunt so Jade could live a quiet life alone?


Most people i guess would be pissed off if they found out she "faked" it all. Because there are many people out there suffering from Cancer and they wouldn't find it funny or entertaining one little bit.


You may find some would want to kill her.

Edited by Jimbob
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What would you do if she hadn't actually died, and it had all been a publicity stunt so Jade could live a quiet life alone?


I'd probably be well chuffed that she faked a bunch of idiots who were loving the shit out of her death story. But the fact is, if she had faked it, she'd have to return to reveal it, thus making the fake completely unworthwhile.

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First of all, I think any awareness for cervical cancer is a good thing. So, for what it's worth, I think there will be people out there grateful for that.


Secondly, it's never nice to hear about the death of anyone, "famous" or not. Put yourself into their shoes. If someone told me I were to die before the age of 30, I'd be horrified. And, there will be jokes (there have been some already) and it's got nothing to do with Jade herself. There were jokes about the Pope when he died, about Christopher Reeve, so many, many more. Why do people do this? To make light of a situation, I think. Death itself is a terrifying thing. What is more terrifying than "the end"? Maybe what comes after Death, I find that scary.


Thirdly: I've got my own personal viewpoint about Jade Goody. As I mentioned in another thread, since being diagnosed with Cancer, she has done very little different to what she did before. She has sold countless, countless stories, had numerous television appearances and had even released her own autobiography. The way she found "fame" itself...Big Brother...was a mere popularity contest. The whole argument for Big Brother itself is something we could talk about for hours, but for a while it seemed to be the breeding ground for the next generation of "celebrities", or people to place on the front of Hello or OK! magazine.


Why was she given so much attention in the first place? She was loved by many, but also hated by many. Hated is such a strong word, but so is Love. How can one person cause us to feel all this? I think the public love having someone to cry about, or moan about, or complain about. She was absolutely lynched for her lack of general knowledge on Big Brother, but why were so many articles created about her? Why exactly should we have been so interested in her life in the first place?


That's my view on it. She isn't the first celebrity we moan or cry over as part of this "culture", and she definitely won't be the last.

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my view on the turn around is that a normal clebirty is fair game to mock, demonise, even humiliate for fun, but when some one is either in dead, dying, ill, injured or in a wheel chair, they become untouchable.


think about it, when was the last time you heard some one describe a guy in a wheel chair a cunt? if one in three people get cancer, odds are sum utter knob heads are aflicted, but as people, we have a taboo about insulting people in a bad situation that could potential happen to us.


i guess its a sort of dont kick em while there down thing.


way i see it, i didnt like jade, but the amount she offended me in her life wouldent make me wish that end on her.




and the reason we all harp on about dead celebrities is simple, every one can relate to it. we are all sharing in a loss, no matter how small, which just dosent happen in normal berivment.

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Humans die every second everyday, cancer patients die frequently and no-one feels sorry or care for them. But as soon as a sellout who doesn't deserve to have the status she has is diagnosed with caner, I should feel sorry for her?



I dont care if this was said on page 1 and we're now on page 4

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First of all, I think any awareness for cervical cancer is a good thing. So, for what it's worth, I think there will be people out there grateful for that.


Secondly, it's never nice to hear about the death of anyone, "famous" or not. Put yourself into their shoes. If someone told me I were to die before the age of 30, I'd be horrified. And, there will be jokes (there have been some already) and it's got nothing to do with Jade herself. There were jokes about the Pope when he died, about Christopher Reeve, so many, many more. Why do people do this? To make light of a situation, I think. Death itself is a terrifying thing. What is more terrifying than "the end"? Maybe what comes after Death, I find that scary.


Thirdly: I've got my own personal viewpoint about Jade Goody. As I mentioned in another thread, since being diagnosed with Cancer, she has done very little different to what she did before. She has sold countless, countless stories, had numerous television appearances and had even released her own autobiography. The way she found "fame" itself...Big Brother...was a mere popularity contest. The whole argument for Big Brother itself is something we could talk about for hours, but for a while it seemed to be the breeding ground for the next generation of "celebrities", or people to place on the front of Hello or OK! magazine.


Why was she given so much attention in the first place? She was loved by many, but also hated by many. Hated is such a strong word, but so is Love. How can one person cause us to feel all this? I think the public love having someone to cry about, or moan about, or complain about. She was absolutely lynched for her lack of general knowledge on Big Brother, but why were so many articles created about her? Why exactly should we have been so interested in her life in the first place?


That's my view on it. She isn't the first celebrity we moan or cry over as part of this "culture", and she definitely won't be the last.


You raise some good points, but then so does Shadow.


People die every day, it's a sad truth. It's awful that she's died so young and in such circumstances, but in the middle of a recession, several wars and among various other major international events that are going on at the moment, the last thing I want to hear Gordon Brown talk about or see on the front of national newspapers, is this woman.

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However, can we really blame Jade Goody for all this coverage? I mean, at the end of the day, it's the media we should blame. They were the ones that kept on covering the events leading towards her death, when they blatantly didn't need to. So it's kind of unfair to solely blame her for all this.

They may have kept covering it, but it was ultimately down to Jade whether or not she wanted to cheapen her wedding etc, she can hide behind her kid excuse as much as she liked, it was always bullshit.


Now the bullshit passes onto the children sadly, I have no doubt we'll have follow-ups of their lives. It doesn't help that their father is a complete tool.

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What would you do if she hadn't actually died, and it had all been a publicity stunt so Jade could live a quiet life alone?


I'd think she was smarter than I thought she was


Secondly, it's never nice to hear about the death of anyone, "famous" or not.


All that reminds me of instantly is:



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All that reminds me of instantly is:




His death isn't "nice", as Flink said. It would have been more of a relief, rather than taking direct joy from it.


But then he is an extreme case, and I'd be pretty happy back in those days.

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Hmm, that is a very extreme choice of person, though. I agree with Paj, it would have been more of a relief, as in he wouldn't cause any more suffering.


There's a totally different gulf of emotions involved between the deaths of Jade Goody and Adolf Hitler, though. They're famous, or infamous for almost opposite reasons.

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What gets me is that she was spending the last days of her life doing interviews and shit for magazines when she could have been telling them to fuck off so she could spend more time with her family. It's like even in the face of death she just won't stop! She'll be selling her soul on Most Haunted next!

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she probably should have done a barrel roll.


^^ That's actually a ruddy good point. Unless she was heavily raising awareness of the condition she should have been doing more meaningful things.


Sorry, I just found the timing to be pretty hilarious. :heh:

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Yes, it is sad her children have no mother now.


Yes, she raised awareness to cancer.


But really would any of you care about her if she hadn't got cancer and was just selling stories? What has she really done apart from appear on BB and be racist?

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Serious point: Anyone wonder if there is celebration in India? They were burning effigies after all.


Anyone see some sort of bizzarre cruel karma in the whole thing? Jade offends Indian people pretty bad, she goes on Indian TV, get diagnosed with cancer live on Indian TV, dies.



Also a prize 180 by Mr Brown. During the big brother racism "scandal":

"Gordon Brown, then British Chancellor of the Exchequer, who was visiting India at the time, condemned the programme on the grounds that he is against anything which might damage the perception that Britain is a country of tolerance."


Then when she dies:

"Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was "deeply saddened" by the news and described Goody as "a courageous woman both in life and death". "


Granted, he couldn't exactly turn around and say "That Jade is still a prize pecker", but he could have just stayed out of it and got on with, oh I don't know, running the whole chuffing country.




Oh and my oppinion on Jade? I didn't particularly like her before the whole cancer, surely it would be almost insulting for me to suddenly like her? Meh, I could care less, but I'd have to be asleep.

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Serious point: Anyone wonder if there is celebration in India? They were burning effigies after all.


Actually it turns out they were just barbecuing some pigs. Oh yes, Frankie.


In all seriousness; it's sad to see someone die, so long as they aren't an evil murderer or rapist. I didn't like her much as a person but that is by no means a reason to moan about plenty of other people dying and not getting any sympathy. If we knew who all these people were, they'd have our sympathy too. It's also somewhat cause and effect - by seeing Jade's agony in our face via newspapers and TV it evokes natural responses such as showing compassion. If anyone is to blame, therefore, it's the media for focusing heavily on her.

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Not particularly bothered really, I didn't know her and didn't particularly like her in her "celebrity" role. She seemed like a bit of bully sometimes, but did have something likeable about her.


What I don't like is the massive media exploitation of her death and transformation into a saint, which is just sick. Yes, I know she encouraged them, but that doesn't excuse editors breaking out the champagne at her cancer seeing it as an opportuntity to sell their shite. I guess that's just the British Media. Also, yes, she raised awareness of cancer, but then so did Wendy Richards who died a month ago to a brief flicker of "oh that's sad". But before she died she made a film for the BBC documenting her last few months inorder to raise awareness of cancer, and she didn't do it in exchange for millions of pounds. Yet she wasn't heralded by the Prime Minister as an "inspiration".


Meh, it's sad news, but blown way out of proportion. ::shrug:


Edit: Wow, just wow. Just found this on The Sun website-

Get The Latest Updates on Jade's Health w/the Free Celebrity Toolbar
Edited by weeyellowbloke
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Serious point: Anyone wonder if there is celebration in India? They were burning effigies after all.


Anyone see some sort of bizzarre cruel karma in the whole thing? Jade offends Indian people pretty bad, she goes on Indian TV, get diagnosed with cancer live on Indian TV, dies.

she got diagnosed live on indian tv??!

i heard nothing about that o____O

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