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The 3rd DIY Mafia


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The only reason I'm believing it, is that usually when you have a confused cop they get a result like "this person is evil" or something equally as definite. This time it is a target, and more than that it is a target died. I'm just thinking that's too specific to be confused info... But maybe I'm wrong. I'm still convinced by my info from yesterday.

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I targeted Vicar the first night and found out he can't target people at night



A majority has been reached


When people went back to their homes, one player was disappointed with this turn of events, while another one found something unusual in his/her house.


I bring ye all news from last night! It's not thrilling, but Tellyn's house was filled with strange liquid. Pretty unhelpful, I know, but does it fit with anything anyone else has heard?


Sounds to me like Vicar leaves things in peoples houses during the day, then they return to their homes.


I'd like to know what Tellyn did last night. I have no idea what a 'strange liquid' could be, but surely it would alter Tellyn's night, be it misdirection, total control, protection or whatever.


With Ell and R_A; R_A played a protector, and targeted the first person. The second person killed her. Ellmeister could either be that second person with the knife, or the first person, just coincidentally tagetting R_A at the same time.


If Ell is neutral, then I just have a gut feeling that his persona does not match a rusty butcher's knife.


However! That he targeted two people who both died by the same method, but we are under the impression that Ellmeister gives people packages, are we not?


Also, in the first night, chairdriver's character said "Oh my, another visitor? It must be my lucky night!" which determines that two people targetted Big C that night, also.


It could be a coincidence.


Back to the first night; Cube's thought is worth bearing in mind for later.


Reading it again...it sounds like Ryu (or whoever) didn't kill him (it says Skunky was about to die before he was punched).


Ell's win condition is


I win when I find someone and then when the goodies have a majority. I need to find someone to give them a certain gift even though I don't know what it is.
I have not watched goodfellas in a while, so I can't say who this person he is looking for could be. Strictly speaking, it may not be anyone from the movie at all, but would surely make more sense if it was a mobster of some sort.


However (again!) R_A appeared to be targetted by moogle, and then by the rusty butcher-knife killer. No mention, again, of Ell's role. Another however (so many I can't remember which side of the argument this is for) is that Dannyboy said "I've found out that Ellmeister is hard to kill." Which would tie in with a Jason theory, in regards to the knife!


Ell says he targeted Dyson, but Beggilax (a known misdirector) didn't target ell and Cube saw Ell target R_A...


I really don't know what to think at all. Been reading into this too much. It's hard to keep an objective mind! I recommend we have someone watch ellmeister tonight, and we'll see if it happens again.


Another thing that was in the write-up "someone ended the day dissapointed" (paraphrased, can't be arsed to find it now). I have this inkling that it might be nintendohnut, but that's not a basis for accusation.

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I didn't get any notification last night at all, so unfortunately I can't verify if Ell is telling the truth or not.


However, can't remember who it was that said about Ellmeister being spotted on two death scenes but that sounds like more than enough evidence to lynch him.


Vote: Ellmeister

Edited by Dyson
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I'm still against lynching Ell, especially when he's not around to provide more intel.


I'd like to know what Tellyn did last night. I have no idea what a 'strange liquid' could be, but surely it would alter Tellyn's night, be it misdirection, total control, protection or whatever.


I was protected last night, and presumably roleblocked at the same time since I didn't receive notification from Jonnas on the results of my power-usage. If someone was trying to kill me or commit other nefarious deeds, I'm sure the liquid's bound to turn up again.

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Guest Maase

He's hard to kill at Night and he's been in 2 different locations of murder.

He seems suspect and I don't believe he's someone from Goodfellas.


Vote Lynch: Ellmeister

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Well my head swings for, and then against this vote. Primarly because I'm concerned about the juxtaposition between those voting for Ell, and those who have been quite vocal in the game so far but are keeping schtum.


If ell is good then it will be reasonable to suggest that there are mafiosos voting for him. If he is Bad then it is reasonable to assume that those who are keeping quiet when they have been rather active are likely to be on his side.


If he is neutral? Win/win for townies and mafia. One less 'threat' (and I put that lightly) to the town, and one less vote against the mafia.


Vote: Ellmeister - Because I think his death can tell us more than if we wait another night.

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Cinsidering that he has been seen twice with a person who died by the same person I´m willing to take a shot at this.

Vote: Ellmeister


I targeted Mundi last night and found out that I can't misdirect him at all, due to some strange power of his


btw, not a investigator but a redirector


Or that I have a passive power that is not redirectable ya mook.

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After spending a little too long reading this thread and not being outside in the sun, I've come to the conclusion that I should...


Vote: Ellmeister


As jay has said, if Ell is actually good, then we know where to sling off the yardarm next. If not, then go us.

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Current Standings:


Ellmeister (12): Cube, Nintendohnut, Dyson, Lazyboy, Gizmo, not_so_tiny, Maase, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Vicar, jayseven, Mundi, The fish


And thus, majority was reached.




People circled Ellmeister, demanding answers.


Ellmeister was getting desperate. The amount of evidence they had was staggering.


Seeing as he had nothing else to lose, Ell picked up his beloved chainsaw, and lunged at the townsfolk to take'em all down with him.


However, even that was hopeless. Someone yanked it off his hand, and soon he found himself helpless as the townsfolk jumped on him, and gave it all they got.


They punched, kicked, shot, stabbed, poisoned, etc. But Ellmeister just wouldn't die. They just decided to push him off a cliff and get rid of him for good.


Ellmeister is dead. He was Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th). He was Neutral, and would win when everyone else was dead.




Day 3 is now over


There are 19 people remaining in the game.



Coolness Bears
















The fish



Night 4 will start now. Send your PMs!

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A man was waiting for others to arrive. He knew his time was up.


In fact, they didn't take too long to appear. Two people came into his house, as he expected.


"Why, home alone? All by yourself? With no witnesses at all? What's stopping us two from entering your house and do whatever we...Why are you laughing?"


"Oh, nothing. It's just a bit weird, hearing dialogue I wrote myself, that's all... Don't worry, there're no traps or anything around here. Your job will be easy."


"Huh? You're a strange fellow. Anyway, we'll make this quick. Any last words?"


"Yeah. Thank you for playing. I hope the rest of the game goes well."

Nintendohnut is dead. He was Jonnas, who could change people's targets at will. He was Good.




There was another newspaper this morning.


In Memory of Nintendohnut


Truth be told, yours truly was going to write an article about the rumours of Nintendohnut being a nerdy immigrant from Brazil. Unfortunately, Nintendohnut passed away this morning, and badmouthing the deceased is a ticket to unemployment.


Today's edition is dedicated to his memory. Our thoughts are with his family, and that friend of his that he kept mentioning when I spoke to him last night.




Night 3 is now over


There are 18 people remaining in the game.



Coolness Bears















The fish



10 is the majority

Day 4 will now start


In the discussion room, there were a few mysterious documents lying on the table.

The first player to PM me will get them.

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