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Ok, this will be a short rant, and maybe it is me being a cynical old bastard at the age of 22, but I think many others will understand what I mean.


So, here is the setting. For once, this didn't take place after an MSN conversation with Viper/Joe. Instead, I was traveling with Miss_LiNk from the London Road Brighton station to the Main Station, which took all of about 30 seconds, but still cost us £2. What a scandal!


We leave our train, and prepare to walk up to the ticket barriers. Now, I'm not sure what the lady had brought down to Brighton, but it felt like I was physically moving Belgium in a suitcase. So, we walk up to the barriers, and I realise that we're not going to fit through the regular ones. Instead, we have to go through the one which allows for people carrying luggage, dogs, big bags, etc.


Now, this was a Saturday early afternoon, so you might expect that there are a few people there. We line up quietly, and it turns out that another train had just pulled into the station, too. Only, this one wasn't filled with regular commuters. It is filled with pram-people!


Yes, pram-people. I don't refer to them as humans, because to be human you need a certain sense of humanity. These lack humanity. Instead of joining the back of the line like everyone else, or showing some decency and respect for others who had been waiting longer than them, they go right to the front and trying to push through the barrier all at once. For one thing, I just think that it is just plain fucking rude to do that. I can't stand people who push to the front of the queue. And, I can't stand people who can't understand the concept of the queue. If only one person can go through at a time, you line up in single file and go through patiently.


This isn't the only instance where pram-people piss me off. Picture this: You're walking through town, and get shunted in the leg by one of these prams, and you don't get a second thought or even a sorry. Instead, it is your fault for getting in their way. This applies when you even move out of their way. No.


On getting my placement train to school every morning, there would always be this routine where the train would stop, and this female would get onto the train with 3 of her screaming kids, avec pram, whilst the others were getting off. What the fuck?! You wait until others get off the train first, and then you can get on. She always kept banging into my leg, and the legs of other children who were going to the same school I was at. What the hell is the matter with people?!


One message to anyone of these pram-people: Being the owner of one of these items does not give you authority over others.

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On a similar note, don't you love it when in town people think it's their god-given right to walk in a continuous straight line like a fucking Goomba? I usually find myself Matrix-dodging people who end up walking at me without showing any signs of changing course.

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You got the train from london road to brighton main station? Then you should already be on the other side of these barriers you mention, thus aviouding the influx of Southwick/Fishersgate Young Mums. Why do you have the suitcase with you if you were going back into brighton main? What sort of behemoth suitcase are we talking here?! Unless it is the size of a car, I still think these prammers have right of way, to be honest.


But as for them on the streets themselves - my dad has one of those blind sticks, and women pushing prams are the most ignorant, self-righteous breed of pedestrian. This man is BLIND and CANNOT SEE, and yet they shunt their prams at him expecting him to give way. Madness.

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You got the train from london road to brighton main station? Then you should already be on the other side of these barriers you mention, thus aviouding the influx of Southwick/Fishersgate Young Mums. Why do you have the suitcase with you if you were going back into brighton main? What sort of behemoth suitcase are we talking here?! Unless it is the size of a car, I still think these prammers have right of way, to be honest.


But as for them on the streets themselves - my dad has one of those blind sticks, and women pushing prams are the most ignorant, self-righteous breed of pedestrian. This man is BLIND and CANNOT SEE, and yet they shunt their prams at him expecting him to give way. Madness.


I'm confused by what you mean when you say "other side of the barriers."


So, I'll illustrate what I'm trying to say, using this keyboard.


1-8 = platformes. 7 is our platform.



Brighton Station - shops, etc.



.......... [ ]()()()()()()()[ ]





So, the () indicates the machines you put your ticket in so that you can walk through to the other side. The [ ] indicate the slightly larger barriers with the guard where you show the ticket and walk through.


Red means the side you walk through to go from the train to the station, and the blue means the side you walk through to get the train from the main station.

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lol.. that illustration confuses me :P


At first in my post I was presuming you were going from london road via brighton to get to london, or something -- as you had the suitcase I was presuming you were getting Ine straight home, rather than hitting the b'ton shops.

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lol.. that illustration confuses me :P


At first in my post I was presuming you were going from london road via brighton to get to london, or something -- as you had the suitcase I was presuming you were getting Ine straight home, rather than hitting the b'ton shops.


Now you've confused me. This thread is about pram-people, not confusion! Stop being confused! Stop confusing me! How many times have I mentioned confusion in the last 30 seconds?!


So, we're entering Brighton Station after getting the train from London Road (in Brighton) which stops off at platform 7. So, then, we need to get through the barriers to get tickets to London, before going back through the barrier to get back onto the platform.


Anyway....fuck the pram-people!

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They made us miss the direct train to St. Pancras by one minute (also because another man blocked our way when we tried to get through the barriers again). Meaning we had to take another train to London Victoria and then get the underground, which was soooooo busy. D:


And in response to jayseven, this suitcase is pretty huge. It's so big I had trouble lifting it on the security belt at the Eurostar check-in (I needed help with it) and it needed its own seat on the normal trains.

And some man wished me "good luck with that suitcase".

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Ah! SO you had time to spare between arriving at brighton and departing to St. Pancras, so you figured you'd head to town to chill out. GOTCHA! :P


Tis only confusion because while I picture the station I am also picturing all the rape and sodomy that has occured there in my proximity. By rape I mean "getting on trains", and by sodomy I mean "getting off trains."

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Ah! SO you had time to spare between arriving at brighton and departing to St. Pancras, so you figured you'd head to town to chill out. GOTCHA! :P


Tis only confusion because while I picture the station I am also picturing all the rape and sodomy that has occured there in my proximity. By rape I mean "getting on trains", and by sodomy I mean "getting off trains."


I could really kick you in the shins, sometimes.


Anyway, first post, pram-people.


A pram is not a weapon. It certainly isn't a weapon of peace. Tell that to the pram-people!

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this also goes for most old people.. god I fucking hate those old people.


Absolutely. Well, not old people, but old people in mobility scooters. They zoom up and down pavements running over feet and taking out the shins of anyone in their way. They should introduce a licence with a test attached before letting any half-blind 80 year old loose on pavements with these things.


I can't stand slow walking tourists who block up the entire pavement. We're not all here to sightsee, and I'm being delayed while you leisurely stroll along! It actually amazes me how slowly most people on the street walk.


Again absolutely.Spend any time in Oxford in the summer and you will get mightily pissed off with the large gangs of tourists standing around taking up the entire pavement forcing anyone who wants to get past to walk into the road. Plus they have a habit of randomly walking backwards into the middle of the street, usually when you're just cycling past, to get a wider shot of whatever building/post box/bench/bin/wall they happen to be photographing.

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On a similar note, don't you love it when in town people think it's their god-given right to walk in a continuous straight line like a fucking Goomba? I usually find myself Matrix-dodging people who end up walking at me without showing any signs of changing course.

You're probably giving off some subconscious signs that you are going to give in, it's like chicken in a car, except you're already swerving. Man up and march on!

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On a similar note, don't you love it when in town people think it's their god-given right to walk in a continuous straight line like a fucking Goomba? I usually find myself Matrix-dodging people who end up walking at me without showing any signs of changing course.


My walking speed is generally a lot faster than other people's so I find myself dodging people I'm passing and the people walking towards me.


I especially hate it when people (which includes Pram-People with their other half) take up the whole path. Although generally they make a gap if you're walking towards them. It's still a pain if they're walking in the same direction in front of you.

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Hmm, pretty sure it wasn't, unless Flinky has a long lost twin brother living in Belgium who actually looks nothing like him.

My sweet child... in case you weren't being cheeky... I was referring to the heavy and bothersome baggage you were lugging around the locomotive system.

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My sweet child... in case you weren't being cheeky... I was referring to the heavy and bothersome baggage you were lugging around the locomotive system.


Oh... I didn't get that. >.>;

But it couldn't be him anyway, as this happened on the way to the UK. And on the way back I'm pretty sure I left him behind at St. Pancras; I opened my suitcase Saturday night and sadly there was no Flinky in there. =(

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