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The British Media


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I just don't read newspapers anymore, if I do it's mainly local ones, which is usually covered with stories to do with gyspies wanting more land in such a tiny town. Which annoys me to no end as it is.


Take tv on this morning, what do they cover? hep C and a woman who contracted a flesh eating disease, now I'm sorry but telling the masses at 11oclock that 500k of people have hep c and it's life threatening is not a good idea. Doctors have enough mess as it is without hundreds of people wanting an appointment ''just incase''.


Its the same with the news, over-done and just there to scare. Same with tv news also. I'm just so sick of things being over-done, just tell me like it is please rather than this constant stream of bullshit floating my way.



Plus it's not like I'm going to be looking at page 3 is it, if I wanted to see over-sized boobs, I'd go get myself a boob-job.

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Funnily enough, me and nami were sitting here at 8:20am talking about how ridiculous morning TV is. I really find it hard to watch itv news without shouting at the TV. The independant is a student paper. All papers are biased and aimed at one group of people. Nobody knows the truth. Trust no one. The truth isn't even out there!

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The Sun is pathetic. It reports on non-essential, low stories on its front cover, then, a few pages back, decides to say 'Oh, and by the way, over a thousand people have died in Gaza, but that's no-where near as important as our D-list celebrity special...'


The Independent is the best, although papers are literally yesterdays news.

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Now, many of you are probably familiar with the Jonathan Ross situation at the moment, and the recent "scandal" he's found himself in. Well, walking past a shop on the way to get my haircut, and so many front-pages are dedicated to this. Is this really news-worthy?

I caught The Sun today whilst at work. And was checking out the front page that the son of some OAP thought Ross should be sacked. I only scanned it, so I don't know if the son was famous or this OAP was famous [doubtful].

=O I didn't know you were evil. :(

He wishes.

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And it's not just politcal bullshit. What the fuck at Alexandre Song only getting a 5 for his performance yesterday, the bloke deserved a 7.


Though I was comitting the crime of reading The Sun (I didn't pay for it, no, I didn't steal it either).

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As Flinky said, it really is a bunch of scaremongering. The papers all big up the Credit Crunch as if it were an alien invasion or something. It just causes people to start panicking.


I prefer to read from a variety of web sources about a particular story. It's interesting how many discrepancies you can pick up on.


Keep it varied and it makes it fairer I think.

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I think about it in the same way, and read all 3 (+The Times), albeit in a different order - Indie is most like my views, Torygraph against, and Grauniad is kind of pro-me, and The Times is generally a good read.


Private Eye is, however, the best paper - it's the fairest by far, as it's equally biased against everyone. :awesome:


Torys good as long as you don't read the editorials, nah, i do like it, the three you mentioned (save the lameian) are the best, but honestly, its opinion everywhere these days, i thought papers were to tell you of the news, not what you should or shouldn't think.

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I only buy The Sun for Jeremy Clarkson's column (so why I buy it on every day is still a mystery.). The Daily Mirror annoys me but I like their football coverage and some of the sport columns (Oliver Holt knows his stuff.). And I would never get the Daily Mail but my dad likes its Weekend magazine (but I only get that on Saturday.). :blank:

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The Sunday Express (Or more specifically the Scottish Sunday Express) has officially won the race to the bottom by having a reporter befriend survivors of the Dunblane massacre on Facebook so that as soon as they hit 18 it could run a front page story about how they were shaming the memory of the tragedy by daring to be normal teenagers



For instance, Stewart Weir— who was hit by a single bullet and watched in horror as his classmates died — makes rude gestures in pictures he posted on his Bebo site, and boasts of drunken nights out.


More on the article (which has now strangely vanished from the Express site) http://www.thepickards.co.uk/index.php/200903/sunday-express-lashes-out-at-dunblane-survivors/


On the plus side the Express is now being investigated by the IPCC for the story



And someone's given the stupid bitch who wrote the article some of her own medicine


Edited by BlueStar
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I thought this was utterly shameful. She's not even dead, and they release this issue basically to cash in on her death, before it actually happens. But hey, if it means they get an exclusive! *massive amounts of sarcasm*


I've not been following this whole Jade thing, because she's just a woman dying of cancer (That comes across as harsh, but you know what I mean). It happens, it's very sad, but it's hardly like I know her personally. But OK! have crossed the line, doing that.

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It's just a bit rude to other people (including the famous) who don't get treated like a bloody saint on their beathbed.


I'm more annoyed at the media than her though. In her position, I'd cash in on it if I could.

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Guest Captain Falcon


It says on sale now, but the date on the cover reads the 24th of March. Am I missing something?

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It says on sale now, but the date on the cover reads the 24th of March. Am I missing something?


Magazines (more) often (than not) put the date of the day when they are to be taken off the shelves and replaced with the next issue on the cover.

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The Sun is pathetic. It reports on non-essential, low stories on its front cover, then, a few pages back, decides to say 'Oh, and by the way, over a thousand people have died in Gaza, but that's no-where near as important as our D-list celebrity special...'


The Independent is the best, although papers are literally yesterdays news.


But it has Boobies :(




I love how they've put Official in the title, like people are going to be wary of buying the unofficial version. God forbid that.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Coincidence? I think not. Is what I would be saying were that too happen.


Well if she survives much longer past that point, OK have gone and shot themselves in the foot and left all the other rags not worthy of being toilet paper to cash in some more.


OK surely can't do another magazine about her after that one unless it's the how she survived Jade Miracle Edition - "I made a bloody fortune out of you lot and got away with it".

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