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T-Minus 3 months to the end of singledom :p


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Hehe, already told the N-E staff this, so wanted to let ye in on it too.


As usual will be taking my annual holiday to the Philippines this April to be with the girlfriend.... whats different this year is we are finally sorting out the wedding which has been in the planning for what seems like forever at this stage. So April 15th we have a civil wedding and April 16th the Church Wedding... we have to do the two cuz the Irish government will only recognise a civil marriage, and unlike here in Ireland (don't know what it's like in other places), where you sign civil papers in the Church they don't do that in the Philppines so we have to do the two.... the civil wedding is just for formalities, the big day will of course be the 16th.


Pretty much everything is sorted, dresses, flowers, photographer, invitations, reception... only thing needs sorting now is my papers, ie: Letters of Freedom to Marry, already got the Church one, just waiting on the government one from the Department of Foreign Affairs, for some reason it's gonna take 2 - 3 weeks to get it they say, no idea why it would take so long.


So yeah, come May when I get back from me holiday/wedding I'll be off the market and hopefully have a few pics/videos to show ye : peace:


Oh and if your wondering, in the face of the credit crunch does this effect the costs much... nope, what I'm spending on this over there with a reception planned for 300 people (my mothers got a huge family over there, and her side is pretty big also) is like 10 - 15% of what it might cost here for a reception of 100 people, haha, how's that for recession beating costs :indeed:



If you've not seen pictures of me and Joy before, you can find a number of videos on my Youtube channel


The sappiest of which would be here


and here



haha :heh:

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Oh and if your wondering, in the face of the credit crunch does this effect the costs much... nope, what I'm spending on this over there with a reception planned for 300 people (my mothers got a huge family over there, and her side is pretty big also) is like 10 - 15% of what it might cost here for a reception of 100 people, haha, how's that for recession beating costs :indeed:


How romantic.


Nah I'm joking. Congratulations mokong. How long have you been with her?

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How romantic.


Nah I'm joking. Congratulations mokong. How long have you been with her?


Well in their money over there it's a shit more money than normal you have to remember ;)


I still need to take a out a small loan though for it... though getting from me mother haha, so no interest, mwahahahaha


I've been with Joy 6 years now... 5 years engaged, something like that, seems like forever, haha

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I promise, on the day in question (if I remember) I shall throw a small party here in this flat in your honour. I shall bedazzle and perplex my amigos with generous toasts TO FRANKLIN, and they shall submit to the peer pressure and join in the gregarious salutations. I've always wanted to say gregarious.

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Just a question, I'm guessing by the videos you live apart currently. What are the plan post wedding, are you moving there?


Plan is she moves her, long story short she still requires a visa to enter Ireland even if she's married to me so that's gonna be about 2 more months to get that from the looks of it (similar thing happened to a friend of my sister, it took his wife 7 weeks to get a visa), but yeah, eventually she'll be here



Oh and dude, there's gonna be a bachelor party right? RIGHT?!


That would be my bestmans responsibility, timing and location could be difficult for him weather he want to do it here or over there, but hopefully he'll surprise me :awesome:

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