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How's Your 1st Quarter Looking?


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After a somewhat quiet Winter period the Wii is about to get alot of games in the first quarter of this year. A few of the incoming titles are....


House of the Dead: Overkill

Blast Works


Dead Rising

Sonic and the Black Knight

Mushroom Men

Little Kings Story

Deadly Creatures

Castlevania Judgement

Family Ski and Snowboard

Cooking Mama 2


Which ones are you looking forward to and why? Will you be buying any on release day? Are you still playing catch up with other games to care about the new ones?


Post away!

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Got a few games on 360 i'm still playing through & on Wii i've recently picked up Disaster (looks good) & No More Heroes (Class!!)

Of the 1st quarter releases i think only MadWorld & Resi 5 (360) will be first day purchases, i like to take my time with games i enjoy & prefer quality over quantity.

Of the other Wii releases i will probably pick up eventually, not on day 1, Monster Hunter 3, the conduit, Pro Evo 09 & HOTD Overkill. Don't know about Dead Rising as i have it on 360 & will see what Moto GP Wii is like if it ever comes out.

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Playing catch up here! I bought some Wii titles in the Game sale which has put my backlog into oblivion cos things were bad enough as it was, lol. Of the list you posted Mushroom Men, Little Kings Story, Family Ski and Snowboard and maybe Blast Works are the ones that stand out to me. I might give them a miss at first and keep plodding away with Animal Crossing and whatever else I can squeeze in around it!


I'll definitely be getting Pro Evo 09 on day one but that might be a Q2 game. :heh: I'm looking to get Chrono Trigger and DQ 5 on DS upon release because they are unmissable, imo, and because my DS needs a games injection.

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Are they all definitely coming out in the first 3 months?

Like most I have an insane backlog, but I'll probably buy House of the dead, mad world, LKS and Family Ski pretty much straight away.


I'm pretty sure Deadly Creatures got pushed back. If that gets good reviews I'll probably pick that up too

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Madworld and House of the dead:Overkill for the Wii.

Killzone 2 for the PS3.

Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, Battle Fantasia, Street Fighter IV and a couple of others for the 360.


Expensive first quarter.

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Of those I'm most interested in...


House of the Dead: Overkill

Sonic and the Black Knight

Little Kings Story

Family Ski and Snowboard


Tough depending on the final outcomes/reviews, I'm not sure how many of those I'll actually get.


- Currently working my way through the secret chests on Zack & Wiki which I'd love to be able to complete 100% which I think is gonna take alot of time!

- Then I've got Boom Blox to carry on with as I've not done much of that yet.

- Gotta get De Blob sometime soon aswell!

- Oh and I'll also have Shaun White on its way to me once play.com get it back in stock!


Also, has there been any news on Endless Ocean 2's release date?

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Intrested in :-


House of the Dead Overkill - may wait for a price drop on this however!

Dead Rising - day one purchase. Don't care about the graphics, it looks like a lot of fun!

Mad World - Somewhat intrested, just need to read some feedback before buying. This year's No More Heroes?


I might also buy a 360 for Resi 5 if there's a good bundle in the shop's around that time.


Playing catchup with -

Animal Crossing, Wii Fit, Call of Duty's online mode, and Guitar Hero World Tour - I've found time for almost all of them every single day over the past 4 to 5 weeks or so.

Manhunt 2 - got it off Play.com before Christmas, but haven't played it yet. Should entertain me through a rainy weekend I hope.

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Thats a really healthy lineup actually. Damned good after a rather thin Christmas. For me, i'm interested in


House of the Dead: Overkill


Little Kings Story

Deadly Creatures



I've a few other games i need to get hold of from '08- Da Blob, for example- so its a busy couple of months- especially when you factor a daily 30 mins of WiiFit and 10mins Brain Training too.

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Certaintys for me are Little King's Story, Chrono Trigger, MadWorld and HotD: Overkill. Then there will obviously be a number of others that I'll get, and reviews pending, it looks like I'll be looking at Deadly Creatures and Sonic and the Black Knight. I'm really not sure when the Play on Wii titles are out, but I'll be buying Pikmin 2 at least, then probably Chibi Robo and perhaps Jungle Beat.

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I'm at uni so chances are it'll be mid February by the time I'm done with Bioshock, but anyway, the Q1 games I intend to buy eventually.


Resident Evil 5

Bionic Commando

Street Fighter IV

Killzone 2

Skate 2 review-pending

Chrono Trigger DS

and Mad World if it's Q1?


I do have a stupidly long backlog though so chances are I'll just end up waiting for these to all go cheap lol. Little King Story I'll get once it's cheaper too.

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Madworld and House of the dead:Overkill for the Wii.

Killzone 2 for the PS3.

Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars, Battle Fantasia, Street Fighter IV and a couple of others for the 360.


Expensive first quarter.


Made a real list:


Feb Games


Battle Fantasia - 360



F.E.A.R 2 - Project Origin - PC

House of the Dead: Overkill - Wii



Street Fighter IV + New Controller - 360



Halo Wars (Limited Edition) - 360

Killzone 2 - PS3


Total: £204.94


March Games


Resident Evil 5 - 360



MadWorld - Wii


Total: £61.98

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House of the Dead Overkill

Mad World

Deadly Creatures

Sonic and the Black Knight


and perhaps Blast Works and Mushroom Men, finance permitting. Along witht those, there'll be some obligatory purchases on other systems as well. Chrono Trigger, Castlevania Order of Ecclesia and perhaps Disgaea DS for the DS, Killzone 2 for the PS3 and Resi Evil 5 for the 360. Don't know how I'll afford it all but I'll get most of them on release. Killzone 2 could probably wait seeing as I have enough PS3 games that need completing.

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Providing it improves on the great PES 2008, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 is likely to be purchased the day it comes out (I would like to see a lot more of it though.. it's all too quiet on that front! Speaking of which, thinking about the game prompted me to watch the short video for it again and I know the Classic Controller is supported.. but to what degree? In the video I only see it controlling a single player (obviously in Co-op) but there was no indication of being able to switch between players.. or even if it is possible to use it on your own! I know the Wii controller is the way to play really.. but not everyone likes to play it that way, and many refuse :heh: ..it would be nice to have the option to play entirely with classic controls so everyone could join in!)


Apart from that I have a list of games to get through that is almost too much to cope with.. so any other game can wait and hopefully I'll pick some up later in the year or next year for a fraction of the price when I am ready for them!

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Day 1:

Deadly creatures

Little King´s Story


Kororinpa 2


Maybe (more likely):

House of the Dead: Overkill

Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars


Maybe (less likely):

Tenchu Shadow Assassins

Castlevania Judgment

PES 2009



Day 1:

Rune Factory


March is probably the month I'll buy a PS3, because of RE 5.


For PC FEAR 2 and ehh, is Empire: total war coming Q1?

And of course I'm not taking into account my backlog for all systems.

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After a somewhat quiet Winter period the Wii is about to get alot of games in the first quarter of this year. A few of the incoming titles are....


House of the Dead: Overkill

Blast Works


Dead Rising

Sonic and the Black Knight

Mushroom Men

Little Kings Story

Deadly Creatures

Castlevania Judgement

Family Ski and Snowboard

Cooking Mama 2



The bold ones are the ones I will get on day 1.

Not sure about the rest. It's still my time of catch up for me.

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Sonic and the Black Knight

Little Kings Story




Dragon Quest V

Pokemon Platinum (US)


All pre-ordered, except for Little Kings Story which I'm undecided to buy on launch or not.


Still got a backlog of games though, most of them are RPG's as that's going to take quite a while to finish them off.

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Possibly Dragon Quest 5 (Depends how much I enjoy 4)


Do you like RPGs? If you find you don't totally love DQ 4 you should still read up on DQ 5 because its the game that inspired Pokémon, so seeing as you like the 'mon you might still like DQ 5. Its also regarded by a lot of people as the best DQ game to date, so yeah, don't rule it out too soon. :)

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