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Sega Dreamcast 2?


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I doubt this is true somehow, even if these rumours did come true in September then i doubt anyone would buy it except the fanbase. If Sega released the Dreamcast originally at the beginning of last gen with the GC and PS2, then i think we would be looking at a DC2 by now.

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Look down at your crotch.


There is more chance of you growing a second penis than Sega releasing a new games console. The chances are that slim.

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Because this is exactly the right economic time to pour millions into R&D, marketing, production and development in an ultra-high-risk product.


Edit: Fuck you, Tapedeck, and your one minute faster post.


Double Edit: Btw, I will shave my head bald, clip all my nails, sneeze up as much snot as possible, stick it all in a blender, drink it, film it, and post it on YouTube if this is true.

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Nothing would warm my heart more than to see a new SEGA console but it just will not happen - there's more chance of a Mario game being a launch title for the Xbox 720 or whatever it will be called.


And even if SEGA did ever release another console I don't think I could take seeing it butchered and abandoned like my precious little Dreamcast was:(

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If SEGA did release another console, they certainly wouldn't name it dreamcast 2. Unless SEGA competed directly against Nintendo, it would mean loosing money on hardware which im sure their not in a position to do. And they need to improve their software before even considering releasing some hardware.


I wouldn't be surprised if SEGA are constantly analysing the market to see if releasing a console would be viable. But, it's very rare it will happen in the next 5/10 years

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I'd say not...Sega are not the company they once were, I doubt they have the infrastructure in place to do it and now and feel they would be better placed in doing what they are doing now. They should continue to widen the portfolio of titles they have out in the market.

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Sega ruined their hardware business. That was through bad business tactics.

Sega ruined their name with their 3rd party games. That was through bad business tactics.


It would be bad business sense for a company to release a console in this ecnomic climate and with the market place already crowded.


Therefore, it may happen. ;)

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