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I think the problem with a lot of "alternative" pets is that it seems you can just do less with them. You can't really play with them like a dog or cat or rabbit. But still, they're cool. I liked to have the stick insects sit on my hand for example, even though they barely moved. And they're just fun to observe (same with fish).


I think I'd like a snake or lizard though, the non-dangerous types, heh. Tropical sea fish are cool too (we've only ever had the normal water fish), but I know they can be hard to take care for. Plus I've had lots of nightmares of having fish die on me (actual nightmares), so maybe it's a sign. X3


You know what I really want? A butterfly-ery/moth-ery! Like...a cage of something where I can have caterpillars from little like, eating stuffs, then one day turning into lots of butterflies/moths! I love them both, they're just so pretty! I wouldn't know where to start with it all though, plus I imagine it's probably a little bit pricey to be getting Lepidoptera larvae and stuff in, or if there's laws and that as well. How awesome would it be though! I wanna go to one of them zoo things, I've seen people go inside like this big enclosure full of the things, looks so awesome!

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My pet history;


-Sarah and Jamie, my two pet goldfish. Both died within 4 weeks of getting them. :(

-Unknown Hamster. This was actually lent to us by a family friend was going away for a few months.

- Boo, our cat. Not exactly pedigree (child of incest), and was given to us by family friends for a a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine. She was always odd and anti-social.


Sadly, she was run over a few days after we went to Florida in 2007.

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awww, a dog would be awesome!! You can get one from the un-stinky variety sometimes but if you parents say no it's a bit naff, yeah get one when you leave :D I've always wanted a dog, my parents just wouldn't have been in enough to look after them while I was at home and I'm just too busy now, maybe in years to come. I best wait until I'm more responsible too!


One of my cats had an accident on the road and it was one of the most upsetting things I've experienced, all my family loved him so much, he was a white farm cat and the most fun ever!

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I used to have quite a lot pets but not so many now. At the moment, I have 6 cats (don't ask. My mother seems to come home from every cat show she attends with another one), 3 of which are from Russia (named Kirov, Altai and Timosha) and 1 from Siberia (named Louis) and the other 2 are just common british tabbies (called Heidi and Eljah), and I also have a chincilla (called Gizmo and yes he is named after the gremlin :heh:). I'll post pics later when I can get them or can get the cats to sit still.

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You know what I really want? A butterfly-ery/moth-ery! Like...a cage of something where I can have caterpillars from little like, eating stuffs, then one day turning into lots of butterflies/moths! I love them both, they're just so pretty! I wouldn't know where to start with it all though, plus I imagine it's probably a little bit pricey to be getting Lepidoptera larvae and stuff in, or if there's laws and that as well. How awesome would it be though! I wanna go to one of them zoo things, I've seen people go inside like this big enclosure full of the things, looks so awesome!


A few months back nami and I tried to keep a caterpillar long enough for it to chrysalise, but we had no idea how long we were supposed to wait... So it got chucked out the window. Ho hum.

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A few months back nami and I tried to keep a caterpillar long enough for it to chrysalise, but we had no idea how long we were supposed to wait... So it got chucked out the window. Ho hum.

One once came in our house and climbed above the door and made one.

It took aaaages to cover its self, and then ages to get back out.

I think i was about 14... Cool though =]


awww, a dog would be awesome!! You can get one from the un-stinky variety sometimes but if you parents say no it's a bit naff, yeah get one when you leave :D I've always wanted a dog, my parents just wouldn't have been in enough to look after them while I was at home and I'm just too busy now, maybe in years to come. I best wait until I'm more responsible too!


One of my cats had an accident on the road and it was one of the most upsetting things I've experienced, all my family loved him so much, he was a white farm cat and the most fun ever!

Its weird though, they both want a dog. Neither of them will admit it to the other =/

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I think the problem with a lot of "alternative" pets is that it seems you can just do less with them. You can't really play with them like a dog or cat or rabbit. But still, they're cool. I liked to have the stick insects sit on my hand for example, even though they barely moved. And they're just fun to observe (same with fish).


I think I'd like a snake or lizard though, the non-dangerous types, heh. Tropical sea fish are cool too (we've only ever had the normal water fish), but I know they can be hard to take care for. Plus I've had lots of nightmares of having fish die on me (actual nightmares), so maybe it's a sign. X3


I dont look at my scorpion as a pet really, even though i made this thread and called it pets, i dont really see it as a pet, more as living art, especially when its glowing green, i just have it to look at. But i spose i do have to care for it aswell, though feeding it once a month cant really count as care :/


Theyre easy pets to keeep, which is what i like, we have 2 dogs but i find them more annoyin than anythin :/

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I dont look at my scorpion as a pet really, even though i made this thread and called it pets, i dont really see it as a pet, more as living art, especially when its glowing green, i just have it to look at. But i spose i do have to care for it aswell, though feeding it once a month cant really count as care :/


Theyre easy pets to keeep, which is what i like, we have 2 dogs but i find them more annoyin than anythin :/


Yeah that's what I mean with these type of "pets", they're more to look at and observe than anything else. It's why I had my stick insects, to look at. Same with the fish.

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I have a terrapin, he's a lot of hard work looking after! We got him 9 years ago when his owners no longer wanted him and he's 18 now and in his 4th aquarium now since Ive owned him (a rio 400 and I can only find 2 tanks that are bigger and they are expensive! His tank is big and I need to empty most of the water every week. He has just overcome a nasty infection and was in the phase of shedding all his skin in that pic.:heh: That was the only time he has ever been sick. He is better now after I cleaned his tank every single day for 2 weeks non stop. I dont think terrapins should be kept as pets, but I do my best for him. His previous owners kept him with a female, but the tank was too small for the 2 of them so he ate her. He is called Terry. I named him after pterosaurs. I used to have 2 gerbils when I was a kid and called them Brachi and Rex.




I also have a 33g fish tank with 1x peppered cory, 4x banit corys, 7 pencil fish and 2 cherry barbs

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I had a stick insect once. It was freaking awesome. Sadly though, I once put it on my little brother's had, because he wanted to hold it. It sort of attatched its feet to him (like they do) and he freaked out and threw it!

It flew across the room in an epic manner, and landed on our cactus. It wasn't impaled by a spike, but I think it got shocked into death.




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I have a chipmunk called Flip (because he flips around a lot and I have the imagination of an unimaginative thing) and a Golden Labrador called Max and being at Uni I don't get to see them very often anymore:(


Anyway pics:





Oh and my sisters have 2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs and an evil pony.

Just look at the bastard he's pure fucking evil:


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Squeal! Cube, your cats are übercute!


Oli, your hamster looks like it's posing in every picture. It reminds me somewhat of Rémy from Ratatouille.


Thanks, Echo. Though my curiosity is killing me, I know I do NOT want to look.


Dante, your cat is LOLcat material! :p


Yeah he is! :(

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Pets as spiders can be pretty cool. I found this hilarious video on YT featuring a cave spider. Apparently cave spiders like to hide themselves, but his particular one seems to be having some trouble with that. I love the ending, really cute.


I'm semi arachno, best not to do what I did and watch that whilst lying stationary in bed where I'm gonna be for the next 10 hours or so. *scared face*

Though I'll admit, whilst slowly shitting myself and growing mildly anxious during the video, I found the end somewhat amusing. Still doesn't justify the fuckers' existence enough, though.


A few months back nami and I tried to keep a caterpillar long enough for it to chrysalise, but we had no idea how long we were supposed to wait... So it got chucked out the window. Ho hum.


Haha, I used to sometimes keep caterpillars I found! On my birthday once I forget when but I think it was in primary school I found one of those green with orange hair hairy ones at the top of my road(people always said they were poisonous and touching the hairs'd give you a rash, cos you'd find absolutely tons of them one the trees at primary school, I can confirm in my case that was bullshit!) and I took him/her/it home and popped it in a jar along with some twigs, cherry tree leaves, and popped some cloth with rubber band over the top. Eventually turned into one of those little yellow(or gray?) silk cacoons, came out as one of those kind of medium fat moths. Like 1-2cm across brown ones, never knew what species it's called. Twas pretty.


Also once found some on this plan I don't know the name of, like...lots. About 8 at least! They were tiny little things, upto a centimetre long, I spread them across two jars and fed them the leaves of the aforementioned plant. They were kind of green, not hairy, and sometimes they're spew these little green liquid balls at their mouth and try to attack me/whatever was touching them with it! Quite amusing to see. These ones eventually formed a whitish sort of chrysalis, it was in year 6 I remember, cos I took them in for show and tell/two minute talk. I remember they'd flinch if I ever touched the pupa. They turned into those white butterflies you tend to see fluttering by in summertime! All of the little fellas made it, all at relatively the same times :D


This year, by which I mean last year, I was vacuuming my new carpetted stairs(I call it new, the carpet IS new, but my ever so adventurous mother seems to have gone for the exact same colour) I found a little plainish brown caterpillar! I naturally decided to stick him/her/it in a jar, with a variety of leaves/grass(seen them before in grass) and wait and see what happens. It ended up in this tiny tiny brown pupa(think metapod meets kakuna). I think it died or shrivelled in there or something, cos it was like it for fucking aaages. Sometimes I coulda sworn it reflexed when I touched the pupa though, so I'd left it in the jar due to forgettings, and one day I came to find it was one of those really tiny moths you see flying about! Like...length twice or more their width sort of thing, brown but on the lighter side kinda. Amazing, considering the relatively large size of the caterpillar!



And those my friends, are my caterpillar chronicles.

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I want a dog =[

Im not allowed a dog =[

Apparently they smell.. Ive been told of a few times for saying thats why they have nosees =[

I really want a dog, but ill have to wait till i move out.


Meh. When wet they do smell, but no worse than how white people smell when they're wet.


(spot the reference!)


Me and my dad's dog Rosie;




She's a daft thing (once walked into a tree) but I love her.

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Meh. When wet they do smell, but no worse than how white people smell when they're wet.


(spot the reference!)


Me and my dad's dog Rosie;




She's a daft thing (once walked into a tree) but I love her.

They mentioned something about hair everywhere too, but theres types which dont malt. So i won that argument.


Thats what makes them so lovable.

Also the fact they dont care what youve done, what you look like, or how you feel. They will always bound upt you for a stroke and a lick.

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